S labutěma stačí potkávat merfolky a obecně creature-based decky. A asi bude docela sranda to hrát :)
0 hlasů
1. Magic Online Championship 2016 (Draft & Standard)
Do sídla wizardů dostalo pozvánku šestnáct hráčů, kteří se na tento turnaj kvalifikovali prostřednictvím několika speciálních turnajů, nebo díky dobrému online ratingu. Výjimkou byl pouze Brian Braun-Duin, který dostal pozvánku coby uřadující mistr světa (dobrý marketingový tah). Mezi dalšími účastníky byli například Owen Turtenwald, Jacob Wilson, Marcio Carvalho, Josh-Utter Leyton a samozřejmě i Lukáš Blohon.
Turnaj byl rozdělen do třech dnů - první dva dny se začínalo draftem a poté byly čtyři kola standardu. Do finálového dne postoupili čtyři nejlepší hráči, kteří hráli standard v poměrně zajímavém formátu. Hrálo se na dva vítězné matche, přičemž jeden matchpoint znamenalo vítězství v klasické partii na dvě vítězné hry.
Z pohledu Flash News bohužel turnaj příliš zajímavý nebyl. Decklisty z draftu příliš zajímavé nejsou a standard metagame se skládala s osmi Mardu Vehiclů, pěti 4C Saheeli, dvou BG a jednoho RUG Marvelu, který hrál Anssi Alkio.
Anssi Alkio
MTGO Championship
1 Disallow |
3 Negate |
1 Torrential Gearhulk |
1 Whirler Virtuoso |
1 Chandra, Torch of Defiance |
2 Confiscation Coup |
1 Dispel |
2 Dynavolt Tower |
2 Natural Obsolescence |
1 Release the Gremlins
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Counter target noncreature spell.
Look at the top three cards of your library. Put one of them into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
({T}: Add {U}.)
({T}: Add {R}.)
({T}: Add {G}.)
Do top4 se dostali Lukáš Blohon (4C Saheeli), Josh Utter-Leyton (Mardu), Ryosuke Urase (nejméně zkušený hráč na turnaji - 4C Saheeli) a Marcio Carvalho (Mardu).
A ačkoli měla finálová top4 skvělou coverage, o kterou se netradičně starali ostřílení hráči jako Reid Duke, Patrick Sullivan, nebo Patrick Chapin (obdobný model jako u Vintage Super League), tak mě osobně přišlo velmi ubíjející sledovat ten stejný matchup stále dokola...
Skvělého úspěchu dosáhl Lukáš Blohon, který až ve finále podlehl Joshovi Utter-Leytonovi, který je aktuálně ve skvlělé formě, když k vyhranému GP přidal i titul online šampiona, což mimo jiné znamená prémii 25 000$ a kvalifikaci na letošní mistrovství světa. Lukáš Blohon si přišel na 17 000$.
Josh Utter-Leyton
MTGO Championship
1 Anguished Unmaking |
1 Archangel Avacyn |
2 Fumigate |
1 Nahiri, the Harbinger |
1 Oath of Chandra |
3 Oath of Liliana |
1 Ob Nixilis Reignited |
2 Painful Truths |
3 Release the Gremlins
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({T}: Add {W}.)
({T}: Add {B}.)
Za zmínku také stojí beznadějné poslední místo loňského šampiona, kterým byl Niels Noorlander. Za devět let existence MOCS se nikdy nepodařilo obhájci titulu postoupit mezi čtyři nejlepší.
2. TCGplayer Modern States
Tečku za modernovou sezónou udělal TCGplayer se svými "spring states", což je štědře dotovaný turnaj, který se koná v každém americkém státě (alespoň si to myslím, protože decklisty byly zveřejněny pouze ze 46 států).
Celkem to dohromady dalo 386 deckistů, mezi kterými se našlo 88 různých decků. Nejúspěšnějším deckem byla Affinita, která nasbírala celkově nejvíce umístění v top8 a i nejvíce samotných výher.
Souhrn všech decků ve všech top8 vypadá takhle:
Co se týče samotných vítězů, tak tam se Affinitě se třemi výhrami vyrovnali ještě Bant Eldrazi, Death's Shadow a Gr Tron. Pokud bychom brali samotné archetypy, tak by vůbec neúspěšnější byl Tron se čtyřmi výhrami.
Mezi vítěznými decky se našlo i spousta zajímvých brew. Hned ve svou státech triumfoval UB Tezzerator s Thopter Sword kombem a playsetem Whir of Invention. Výhru ukořistili například i Bant Spiriti, Esper Control, Gr Devotion, Naya Allies, Cheerios, Br Moon, nebo Esper Mill.
Úplně největší chuťovka byl ale 42-land deck s kombem Seismic Assault a Swans of Bryn Agroll. Opravdu nevím, jak se dotyčnému podařilo s tímhle deckem zvítězit...
Asi nemusím zdůrazňovat, že tak ohromné množství decklistů obsahovalo i celou řadu zajímavých brew, či vychytávky v jinak ustálených decích. Vybral jsem zhruba pětadvacet decků, které mne nejvíce zaujaly. Aby byl článek přehlednější, tak si je můžete prohlédnout v extra okně.
3. RPTQs Amonkhet
První březnový víkend se konaly RPTQ spojené s Amonkhetem. Celkem se konalo dvaatřicet kvalifikací, přičemž nejsnazší to měli hráči ve Stockholmu, kam přišlo úsměvných 25 hráčů. Největší konkurence byla naopak v italské Bologne, kde se sešlo 110 hráčů. V žádné destinaci se tak ani tentokrát nesešlo 128 hráčů, což je hranice pro osm kvalifikačních slotů.
Navíc se ale hrálo ještě na onlinu, kde byly dva turnaje (jeden byl sice až o týden později, ale přijde mi zbytečné o něm psát zvlášť v dalším vydání), které hranici 128 překročily (na onlinu se ale stejně automaticky kvalifikuje celá top8).
Na turnajích pokračovala dominance Mardu Vehiclů a 4C Saheeli, za kterými jsou s menším odstupem BG decky a sem tam se objeví nějaký kontrol s Dynavolt Towerem, nebo jedna z variant Aetherworks Marvelů.
Největší inovace jsou právě v decích s Towerem a Aetherworky, kde se často vyskytují různé splashe, například bílá pro Fumigate, nebo černá na Unlicensed Disintergration.
K vidění byla také zajímavá metagame verze 4C Saheeli s maindeck Walking Ballisty a Skysovereigny. Chuťovka na mirror je také Dampening Pulse.
Online RPTQ Amonkhet
1 Verdurous Gearhulk |
1 Walking Ballista |
1 Oath of Chandra |
2 Chandra, Torch of Defiance |
3 Dampening Pulse |
2 Negate |
3 Release the Gremlins |
2 Tireless Tracker
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({T}: Add {W}.)
({T}: Add {U}.)
({T}: Add {R}.)
({T}: Add {G}.)
4. MTGO Standard Champs Finals
Champs series je štědře dotovaná online série, kde se ve finálovém turnaji mimo jiné hraje o playsety každé karty z Aether Revoltu, včetně dvou foilových setů edice.
Do finálového turnaje je potřeba se kvalifikovat, čehož lze dosáhnout když v pětikolové kvalifikaci uhrajete výsledek 4:1 a lépe.
Tentokráte se finále účastnilo 198 hráčů, kteří změřili síly v osmi kolech základní části, po čemž nálsedovala finálová top8.
27 hráčů dosáhlo v základní části na skóre 6:2 a lépe, přičemž hned devět z nich hrálo Mardu Vehicly. Druhý nejhranější archetyp bylo překvapivě BG a až na třetím místě bylo 4C Saheeli kombo. Úplný přehled vypadá následovně:
Jak vidíte, tak se mezi úspěšnými decky nacházejí dvě brew - první je UB Colossus, se kterým se dokonce "Mad-Ramon" dostal do top8. Colossus decky v minimálním množství vídáme už od releasu Kaladeshe, ale tohle je poprvé, co vidím verzi, která hraje černou jako jednu z hlavních barev. Fatal Push rozhodně pomůže proti Vehiclům, ale nejsem si moc jistý, jestli deck obstojí proti Saheeli kombu...
Druhý deck je 4C Marvel s některými velmi zajímavými kartami. Jádro decku je klasická RUG verze s Ulamogy, ale zároveň i s value bytostmi jako Whirler Virtuoso a Rogue Refiner. Poté tu jsou ale podle mě zcela náhodné one-ofy jako Gitrog Monster a Dark Imitations (a Arlinn místo Chandry). Docela by mě zajímalo, jak se k nim autor decku dopracoval. Jediná černá karta, která mi tu dává smysl, je To the Slaughter v sidu, což je docela dobrá karta proti Saheeli i Vehiclům.
MTGO Standard Champs Finals
1 Walking Ballista |
2 Battle at the Bridge |
3 Filigree Familiar |
1 Implement of Combustion |
4 Metallic Rebuke |
2 Negate |
2 Yahenni's Expertise
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({T}: Add {U}.)
({T}: Add {B}.)
MTGO Standard Champs Finals
1 Baral's Expertise |
2 Aether Meltdown |
2 Brutal Expulsion |
1 Greenwarden of Murasa |
1 Natural Obsolescence |
2 Negate |
2 Overwhelming Denial |
2 Root Out |
2 To the Slaughter
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{T}, Sacrifice Evolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.
({T}: Add {U}.)
({T}: Add {B}.)
({T}: Add {R}.)
({T}: Add {G}.)
Finále turnaje už ale patřilo pouze 4C Saheeli a Mardu Vehiclům, jenž obsadili první čtyři místa. Vítězem se stal "moothecow" se stock verzí 4C Saheeli.
5. Legacy střípky
Během prvního březnového týdne se ve světě konalo několik zajímavých legacy turnajů, z nichž mě nejvíce zaujaly tři.
První byla legačka pořádaná americkým shopem TJs Collectives Titanium, které se zúčastnilo 63 hráčů. Zvítězil v ní John Hogan s BUG Delverem, který evidentně ještě nezjistil, že vyšel Fatal Push, jelikož hrál verzi s Disfigure...
To hlavní ale je, že v top8 byly dva celkem zajímavé decky. První byl 4C Control pilotovaný Noahem Walkerem. Různé varianty 4C Controlu se objevují už od doby, co Tomáš Már s dekem vyhrál vloni Ovinogeddon, ale tohle je docela odlišná verze. Jednak je mnohem kontrolnější s kartami jako Counterspell a Jace s Lilianou, ale taky tu je zajímavá chuťovka v podobě Night's Whisper.
A super grindy package také podporuje playset Snapcasterů a dva Kolaghan's commandy.
Druhý originální deck je Grixis Tezzerator s Grindstone kombem. To nejčastěji vídáme jako Monored, nebo UR verzi, ale tady je černá splash na Tezzereta, Agenta of Bolas, který jednak umí hledat kombo, ale také slouží jako pěkná alternativní winkondice.
Za zmínku ještě stojí, že v top8 byli hned dva Dark Mavericky. Skoro bych řekl, že Mavericku hodně pomohl Renegade Rallier, což co super cíl pro Zenith, ale v jedné z verzí vůbec nebyl, takže těžko říci, co stojí za vzrůstající popularitou Mavericku v poslední době...
Noah Walker
TJs Titanium Legacy Challenge
1 Abrupt Decay
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2 Diabolic Edict
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1 Fatal Push
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1 Flusterstorm |
1 Invasive Surgery
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2 Pyroblast
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2 Surgical Extraction
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1 Engineered Explosives
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1 Leovold, Emissary of Trest |
2 Thoughtseize
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1 Vendilion Clique |
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
Choose two — • Return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand. • Target player discards a card. • Destroy target artifact. • Kolaghan's Command deals 2 damage to target creature or player.
Counter target spell if it is blue or destroy target permanent if it is blue.
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
+1: Each player discards a card. -2: Target player sacrifices a creature. -6: Separate all permanents target player controls into two piles. That player sacrifices all permanents in the pile of his or her choice.
You draw two cards and you lose 2 life.
Counter target spell with converted mana cost 2.
Sunburst (This enters the battlefield with a charge counter on it for each color of mana spent to cast it.) {2}, Sacrifice Engineered Explosives: Destroy each nonland permanent with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Engineered Explosives.
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Choose target card in a graveyard other than a basic land card. Search its owner's graveyard, hand, and library for any number of cards with the same name as that card and exile them. Then that player shuffles his or her library.
Flying, deathtouch When Baleful Strix enters the battlefield, draw a card.
Flash Flying When Vendilion Clique enters the battlefield, look at target player's hand. You may choose a nonland card from it. If you do, that player reveals the chosen card, puts it on the bottom of his or her library, then draws a card.
Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {1}. Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each spell cast before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.)
Abrupt Decay can't be countered by spells or abilities. Destroy target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 3 or less.
{T}: Exile target land card from a graveyard. Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. {B}, {T}: Exile target instant or sorcery card from a graveyard. Each opponent loses 2 life. {G}, {T}: Exile target creature card from a graveyard. You gain 2 life.
Target player sacrifices a creature.
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
Counts as both islands and mountains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Counters target spell as it is being cast.
Counts as both mountains and swamp and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {R} or {B} to your mana pool.
Counts as both swamp and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {U} to your mana pool.
Counts as both forest and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {G} or {U} to your mana pool.
+2: Look at the top card of target player's library. You may put that card on the bottom of that player's library. 0: Draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of your library in any order. -1: Return target creature to its owner's hand. -12: Exile all cards from target player's library, then that player shuffles his or her hand into his or her library.
({T}: Add {U}.)
({T}: Add {B}.)
Lou Anthony
TJs Titanium Legacy Challenge
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
Search through your library for one artifact and immediately place it into play; also, choose any artifact in play that you control and place it in its owner's graveyard. If the new artifact has a casting cost greater than that of the discarded one, you must pay the difference or Transmute Artifact fails and both artifacts are discarded. Shuffle your library after playing this card.
+1: Target player draws two cards, then discards two cards. -2: Gain control of target artifact. -6: You get an emblem with "Whenever you cast a spell that targets one or more permanents, gain control of those permanents."
{1}: Look at the top three cards of your library, then put them back in any order. {T}: Draw a card, then put Sensei's Divining Top on top of its owner's library.
Counter target spell if it is blue or destroy target permanent if it is blue.
You may remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Misdirection's mana cost. Target spell with a single target targets another target instead.
Sacrifice Lion's Eye Diamond, Discard your hand: Add three mana of any one color to your mana pool. Play this ability as a mana source.
+1: Look at the top five cards of your library. You may reveal an artifact card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order. -1: Target artifact becomes a 5/5 artifact creature. -4: Target player loses X life and you gain X life, where X is twice the number of artifacts you control.
{U/P}: Change a target of target spell or ability to Spellskite. ({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.)
Creatures entering the battlefield don't cause abilities to trigger.
Flash (You may play this spell any time you could play an instant.) Split second (As long as this spell is on the stack, players can't play spells or activated abilities that aren't mana abilities.) White creatures get +1/-1.
(Great Furnace isn't a spell.) {T}: Add {R} to your mana pool.
(Seat of the Synod isn't a spell.) {T}: Add {U} to your mana pool.
Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {1}. Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each spell cast before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.)
Metalcraft — {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Activate this ability only if you control three or more artifacts.
{T}, Sacrifice Nihil Spellbomb: Exile all cards from target player's graveyard. When Nihil Spellbomb is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may pay {B}. If you do, draw a card.
As Painter's Servant comes into play, choose a color. All cards that aren't in play, spells, and permanents are the chosen color in addition to their other colors.
Each creature with power greater than the number of cards in your hand cannot attack.
{3}, {T}: Put the top 2 cards of target player's library into that player's graveyard. If both cards share at least one color, repeat this process.
As Pithing Needle comes into play, name a card. Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be played unless they're mana abilities.
{T}, Sacrifice Tormod's Crypt: Remove target player's graveyard from the game.
Counts as both islands and mountains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Counters a blue spell being cast or destroys a blue card in play.
Counts as both swamp and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {U} to your mana pool.
{T}: Choose a player. Exchange target artifact that player controls with target artifact in that player's graveyard.
Creature cards in graveyards and libraries can't enter the battlefield. Players can't cast spells from graveyards or libraries.
({T}: Add {U}.)
({T}: Add {R}.)
Druhý turnaj pořádal Nerg Rage Gaming a zúčastnilo se ho 95 hráčů. Vítězství zde ukořistil Peter Tragos se velmi zajímavou verzí White Eldrazi, ve které hrál Mox Diamondy a hlavně Smuggler's Coptery, což je podle mě skvělý způsob, jak v creature decích bez modré filtrovat draw. Jsem zvědavý, jestli se v budoucnu začne hrát více. V decku samozřejmě nechybělo ani hned sedm Thalií a osvědčené kombo Eldrazi Displacer + Containment Priest.
Další zajímavé decky v top8 byly GB Nic Fit s Perníky a Green Sun's Zenithem, Food Chain s Trinket Magem a Walking Ballistou, nebo Monored Grindstone s novými Chandrami.
Peter Tragos
Nerd Rage Gaming Championship Trial
1 Armageddon
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1 Containment Priest |
2 Disenchant
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4 Swords to Plowshares
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2 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
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3 Rest in Peace
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2 Thorn of Amethyst
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As Cavern of Souls enters the battlefield, choose a creature type. {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell of the chosen type, and that spell can't be countered.
Flash If a nontoken creature would enter the battlefield and it wasn't cast, exile it instead.
First strike Noncreature spells cost {1} more to cast.
If you play any land, sacrifice City of Traitors. {T}: Add two colorless mana to your mana pool.
Noncreature spells cost {1} more to play.
As Phyrexian Revoker enters the battlefield, name a nonland card. Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be activated.
Chalice of the Void enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it. Whenever a player casts a spell with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Chalice of the Void, counter that spell.
Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage, put two charge counters on Umezawa's Jitte. Remove a charge counter from Umezawa's Jitte: Choose one — Equipped creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn; or target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn; or you gain 2 life. Equip {2}
{T}: Add {W} to your mana pool. {T}: Return target legendary creature to its owner's hand.
When Rest in Peace enters the battlefield, exile all cards from all graveyards. If a card or token would be put into a graveyard from anywhere, exile it instead.
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add {2} to your mana pool. Spend this mana only to cast colorless Eldrazi spells or activate abilities of colorless Eldrazi.
When Mox Diamond comes into play, choose and discard a land card or sacrifice Mox Diamond. {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Play this ability as a mana source.
All lands in play are destroyed.
Target creature is removed from game entirely; return to owner's deck only when game is over. Creature's controller gains life points equal to creature's power.
Destroy target artifact or enchantment.
({T}: Add {W}.)
Rob Marquardt
Nerd Rage Gaming Championship Trial
1 Golgari Charm
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2 Mindbreak Trap
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2 Nature's Claim
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1 Kitchen Finks
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1 Thragtusk
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4 Leyline of the Void
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1 Pithing Needle
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1 Umezawa's Jitte
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2 Thoughtseize
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When Titania, Protector of Argoth enters the battlefield, return target land card from your graveyard to the battlefield. Whenever a land you control is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, put a 5/3 green Elemental creature token onto the battlefield.
Target player discards two cards at random.
(Dryad Arbor isn't a spell, it's affected by summoning sickness, and it has "{T}: Add {G} to your mana pool.") Dryad Arbor is green.
+1: Each player discards a card. -2: Target player sacrifices a creature. -6: Separate all permanents target player controls into two piles. That player sacrifices all permanents in the pile of his or her choice.
Deathtouch Whenever Grave Titan enters the battlefield or attacks, put two 2/2 black Zombie creature tokens onto the battlefield.
When Thragtusk enters the battlefield, you gain 5 life. When Thragtusk leaves the battlefield, put a 3/3 green Beast creature token onto the battlefield.
{G}: Exile target card from a graveyard. If it was a creature card, put a +1/+1 counter on Scavenging Ooze and you gain 1 life.
When Reclamation Sage enters the battlefield, you may destroy target artifact or enchantment.
If you control a swamp, you may pay 4 life instead of paying Snuff Out's mana cost. Destroy target nonblack creature. It can't be regenerated.
Search your library for a green creature card with converted mana cost X or less, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library. Shuffle Green Sun's Zenith into its owner's library.
Thrun, the Last Troll can't be countered. Thrun can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control. {1}{G}: Regenerate Thrun.
Name a nonland card. Target player reveals his or her hand and discards all cards with that name. Flashback-Sacrifice a creature. (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
{X}, Sacrifice Pernicious Deed: Destroy each artifact, creature, and enchantment with converted mana cost X or less.
Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage, put two charge counters on Umezawa's Jitte. Remove a charge counter from Umezawa's Jitte: Choose one — Equipped creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn; or target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn; or you gain 2 life. Equip {2}
You may draw two extra cards during your draw phase. If you do so, put two of the cards drawn this turn back on top of your library (in any order) or pay 4 life per card not replaced. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life.
Abrupt Decay can't be countered by spells or abilities. Destroy target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 3 or less.
{T}: Exile target land card from a graveyard. Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. {B}, {T}: Exile target instant or sorcery card from a graveyard. Each opponent loses 2 life. {G}, {T}: Exile target creature card from a graveyard. You gain 2 life.
When Kitchen Finks comes into play, you gain 2 life. Persist (When this creature is put into a graveyard from play, if it had no -1/-1 counters on it, return it to play under its owner's control with a -1/-1 counter on it.)
As Pithing Needle comes into play, name a card. Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be played unless they're mana abilities.
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
Counts as both swamp and forest and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {G} to your mana pool.
{T}: Add one colorless mana to your mana pool. {T}, Sacrifice a creature: Add {B}{B} to your mana pool.
If Veteran Explorer is put into any graveyard from play, each player may search his or her library for up to two basic land cards and put those lands into play. Each player shuffles his or her library afterwards.
Destroy target artifact or enchantment. Its controller gains 4 life.
If an opponent cast three or more spells this turn, you may pay {0} rather than pay Mindbreak Trap's mana cost. Exile any number of target spells.
If Leyline of the Void is in your opening hand, you may begin the game with it on the battlefield. If a card would be put into an opponent's graveyard from anywhere, exile it instead.
({T}: Add {B}.)
({T}: Add {G}.)
Greg Smith
Nerd Rage Gaming Championship Trial
2 Fiery Confluence
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1 Koth of the Hammer
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1 Magus of the Moon
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1 Manic Vandal
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1 Phyrexian Revoker
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1 Ratchet Bomb
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4 Thorn of Amethyst
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3 Tormod's Crypt |
1 Red Elemental Blast
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If you play any land, sacrifice City of Traitors. {T}: Add two colorless mana to your mana pool.
{1}: Look at the top three cards of your library, then put them back in any order. {T}: Draw a card, then put Sensei's Divining Top on top of its owner's library.
Nonbasic lands are Mountains.
Counter target spell if it is blue or destroy target permanent if it is blue.
Noncreature spells cost {1} more to play.
When Manic Vandal enters the battlefield, destroy target artifact.
As Phyrexian Revoker enters the battlefield, name a nonland card. Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be activated.
{U/P}: Change a target of target spell or ability to Spellskite. ({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.)
Remove Simian Spirit Guide in your hand from the game: Add {R} to your mana pool.
When Imperial Recruiter enters the battlefield, search your library for a creature card with power 2 or less, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library.
{T}: Put a charge counter on Ratchet Bomb. {T}, Sacrifice Ratchet Bomb: Destroy each nonland permanent with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Ratchet Bomb.
As Painter's Servant comes into play, choose a color. All cards that aren't in play, spells, and permanents are the chosen color in addition to their other colors.
Each creature with power greater than the number of cards in your hand cannot attack.
{3}, {T}: Put the top 2 cards of target player's library into that player's graveyard. If both cards share at least one color, repeat this process.
All non-basic lands are now basic mountains.
{R}, {T}, Discard a card: Destroy target blue permanent. {1}{R}, {T}, Discard a card: Jaya Ballard, Task Mage deals 3 damage to target creature or player. A creature dealt damage this way can't be regenerated this turn. {5}{R}{R}, {T}, Discard a card: Jaya Ballard deals 6 damage to each creature and each player.
{T}, Sacrifice Tormod's Crypt: Remove target player's graveyard from the game.
Counters a blue spell being cast or destroys a blue card in play.
{T}: Choose a player. Exchange target artifact that player controls with target artifact in that player's graveyard.
+1: Untap target Mountain. It becomes a 4/4 red Elemental creature until end of turn. It's still a land. -2: Add {R} to your mana pool for each Mountain you control. -5: You get an emblem with "Mountains you control have '{T}: This land deals 1 damage to target creature or player.'"
Poslední dnešní legačka je z japonské KMC série, kam tentokráte přišlo 59 hráčů.
Zvítězil tu Dredge před klasickou komboverzí Food Chainu, třetí skončil Maverick s bezbarvou splashí na Thought-Knot Seera a Eldrazi Displacera, ke kterému tu byl hned playset Renegade Rallierů!
Pátý byl 12-Post s maindeck Planar Bridgem a o příčku za ním skončil Smallpox s chuťovkami jako Chains of Mephistopheles, Nether Void, nebo Nevinyrral's Disk (zajímalo by mne, o kolik by se deck zlepšil, kdyby byl v rovnou mainu místo těchto karet playset Blossomů).
Shunsuke Yao
KMC Legacy #73
2 Containment Priest |
2 Ethersworn Canonist
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2 Council's Judgment |
1 Dismember
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2 Surgical Extraction
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2 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
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2 Pithing Needle
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1 Sanctum Prelate |
1 Seal of Cleansing
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Flash If a nontoken creature would enter the battlefield and it wasn't cast, exile it instead.
Will of the council — Starting with you, each player votes for a nonland permanent you don't control. Exile each permanent with the most votes or tied for most votes.
First strike Noncreature spells cost {1} more to cast.
Noncreature spells with converted mana cost 4 or greater can't be played. Noncreature spells with {X} in their mana costs can't be played.
{G}: Exile target card from a graveyard. If it was a creature card, put a +1/+1 counter on Scavenging Ooze and you gain 1 life.
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Choose target card in a graveyard other than a basic land card. Search its owner's graveyard, hand, and library for any number of cards with the same name as that card and exile them. Then that player shuffles his or her library.
Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage, put two charge counters on Umezawa's Jitte. Remove a charge counter from Umezawa's Jitte: Choose one — Equipped creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn; or target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn; or you gain 2 life. Equip {2}
Exalted (Whenever a creature you control attacks alone, that creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.) {1}, Sacrifice Qasali Pridemage: Destroy target artifact or enchantment.
Equipped creature gets +2/+2 and has protection from red and from blue. Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, Sword of Fire and Ice deals 2 damage to target creature or player and you draw a card.
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Target creature gets -5/-5 until end of turn.
Exalted (Whenever a creature you control attacks alone, that creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.) {T}: Add {G}, {W}, or {U} to your mana pool.
{T}: Add {W} to your mana pool. {T}: Return target legendary creature to its owner's hand.
Living weapon (When this Equipment enters the battlefield, put a 0/0 black Germ creature token onto the battlefield, then attach this to it.) Equipped creature gets +4/+4 and has vigilance and lifelink. {3}: Return Batterskull to its owner's hand. Equip {5}
You may draw two extra cards during your draw phase. If you do so, put two of the cards drawn this turn back on top of your library (in any order) or pay 4 life per card not replaced. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life.
Each player who has played a nonartifact spell this turn can't play additional nonartifact spells.
As Pithing Needle comes into play, name a card. Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be played unless they're mana abilities.
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add {G} or {W} to your mana pool. Brushland deals 1 damage to you.
Counts as both plains and forest and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {W} or {G} to your mana pool.
Target creature is removed from game entirely; return to owner's deck only when game is over. Creature's controller gains life points equal to creature's power.
{T}: Target creature you control gains protection from a color of your choice until end of turn.
When Stoneforge Mystic enters the battlefield, you may search your library for an Equipment card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library. {1}{W}, {T}: You may put an Equipment card from your hand onto the battlefield.
({T}: Add {W}.)
({T}: Add {G}.)
Hiroto Kamei
KMC Legacy #73
1 Containment Priest |
1 Dawnstrider
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2 Faerie Macabre
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1 Gaddock Teeg
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1 Reclamation Sage
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1 Golgari Charm
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2 Krosan Grip
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2 Swords to Plowshares
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3 Leyline of Sanctity
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1 Rule of Law
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As Cavern of Souls enters the battlefield, choose a creature type. {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell of the chosen type, and that spell can't be countered.
Dark Depths comes into play with ten ice counters on it. {3}: Remove an ice counter from Dark Depths. When Dark Depths has no ice counters on it, sacrifice it. If you do, put an indestructible legendary 20/20 black Avatar creature token with flying named Marit Lage into play.
Flash If a nontoken creature would enter the battlefield and it wasn't cast, exile it instead.
+2: Ugin, the Spirit Dragon deals 3 damage to target creature or player. -X: Exile each permanent with converted mana cost X or less that's one or more colors. -10: You gain 7 life, draw seven cards, then put up to seven permanent cards from your hand onto the battlefield.
{1}: Look at the top three cards of your library, then put them back in any order. {T}: Draw a card, then put Sensei's Divining Top on top of its owner's library.
As long as Trinisphere is untapped, each spell that would cost less than three mana to cast costs three mana to cast. (Additional mana in the cost may be paid with any color of mana or colorless mana. For example, a spell that would cost {1}{B} to cast costs {2}{B} to cast instead.)
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {2}, {T}: Thespian's Stage becomes a copy of target land and gains this ability.
All creatures now require an upkeep cost of {1} in addition to any other upkeep costs they may have. If the upkeep cost for a creature is not paid, the creature is destroyed.
Noncreature spells with converted mana cost 4 or greater can't be played. Noncreature spells with {X} in their mana costs can't be played.
When Reclamation Sage enters the battlefield, you may destroy target artifact or enchantment.
{G}, {T}, Discard a card from your hand: Prevent all combat damage that would be dealt this turn.
Search your library for a green creature card with converted mana cost X or less, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library. Shuffle Green Sun's Zenith into its owner's library.
Cloudpost enters the battlefield tapped. {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool for each Locus on the battlefield.
Trample Whenever Primeval Titan enters the battlefield or attacks, you may search your library for up to two land cards, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.
{T}: Add {W} to your mana pool. {T}: Return target legendary creature to its owner's hand.
Each player sacrifices all colored permanents he or she controls.
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn can't be countered. When you cast Emrakul, take an extra turn after this one. Flying, protection from colored spells, annihilator 6 When Emrakul is put into a graveyard from anywhere, its owner shuffles his or her graveyard into his or her library.
When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield. {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool.
Flying Discard Faerie Macabre: Remove up to two target cards in graveyards from the game.
{T}: Target player removes a card in his or her graveyard from the game. {1}, Remove Relic of Progenitus from the game: Remove all graveyards from the game. Draw a card.
As Pithing Needle comes into play, name a card. Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be played unless they're mana abilities.
{T}: Target attacking creature becomes untapped. This creature neither deals nor receives damage as a result of combat.
As Vesuva comes into play, you may choose a land in play. If you do, Vesuva comes into play tapped as a copy of the chosen land.
Counts as both plains and forest and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {W} or {G} to your mana pool.
Target creature is removed from game entirely; return to owner's deck only when game is over. Creature's controller gains life points equal to creature's power.
At the time you play Crop Rotation, sacrifice a land. Search your library for a land card and put that land into play. Shuffle your library afterwards.
Bojuka Bog enters the battlefield tapped. When Bojuka Bog enters the battlefield, exile all cards from target player's graveyard. {T}: Add {B} to your mana pool.
You may play an additional land on each of your turns. Play with the top card of your library revealed. You may play the top card of your library if it's a land card.
{2}, {T}, Sacrifice Expedition Map: Search your library for a land card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library.
If Leyline of Sanctity is in your opening hand, you may begin the game with it on the battlefield. You have hexproof. (You can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)
Each player can't cast more than one spell each turn.
({T}: Add {G}.)
Ryosuke Adachi
KMC Legacy #73
4 Bitterblossom |
1 Chains of Mephistopheles
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1 Ensnaring Bridge
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2 Pithing Needle
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1 Lost Legacy
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1 Necropolis Fiend
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1 Phyrexian Obliterator
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4 Surgical Extraction
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Target player discards two cards at random.
+1: Each player discards a card. -2: Target player sacrifices a creature. -6: Separate all permanents target player controls into two piles. That player sacrifices all permanents in the pile of his or her choice.
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) Flying {X}, {T}, Exile X cards from your graveyard: Target creature gets -X/-X until end of turn.
Every time a player draws a card, that player must first discard a card from his or her hand. If there are no cards in player's hand, take top card from library and place it in the graveyard instead of drawing. This enchantment does not apply to the first card drawn by a player during the draw phase.
All creatures now require an upkeep cost of {1} in addition to any other upkeep costs they may have. If the upkeep cost for a creature is not paid, the creature is destroyed.
All spells cast are countered unless their casters pay an additional {3}.
Trample Whenever a source deals damage to Phyrexian Obliterator, that source's controller sacrifices that many permanents.
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Choose target card in a graveyard other than a basic land card. Search its owner's graveyard, hand, and library for any number of cards with the same name as that card and exile them. Then that player shuffles his or her library.
{T}: Add {B} to your mana pool. Cabal Pit deals 1 damage to you. Threshold - {B}, {T}, Sacrifice Cabal Pit: Target creature gets -2/-2 until end of turn. (Play this ability only if seven or more cards are in your graveyard.)
Each land is a Swamp in addition to its other land types.
Each player sacrifices a creature.
At the beginning of your upkeep, you lose 1 life and put a 1/1 black Faerie Rogue creature token with flying onto the battlefield.
{T}: Add one colorless mana to your mana pool. {1}: Mishra's Factory becomes an Assembly Worker, a 2/2 artifact creature, until end of turn. Assembly Worker still counts as a land but cannot be tapped for mana the turn it comes into play. {T}: Target Assembly Worker gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it with converted mana cost 3 or less. That player discards that card.
({2/B} can be paid with any two mana or with {B}. This card's converted mana cost is 6.) Search your library for a card with converted mana cost less than or equal to the number of lands you control, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library.
Each creature with power greater than the number of cards in your hand cannot attack.
{3}, {T}: Name a card, target opponent chooses a card at random from your hand. If he or she chooses the named card, Cursed Scroll deals 2 damage to target creature or player.
You may play land cards from your graveyard.
As Pithing Needle comes into play, name a card. Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be played unless they're mana abilities.
{T}: Target attacking creature becomes untapped. This creature neither deals nor receives damage as a result of combat.
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
{T}: Add {B} to your mana pool. {2}{B}: Phyrexian Totem becomes a 5/5 black Horror artifact creature with trample until end of turn. Whenever Phyrexian Totem is dealt damage, if it's a creature, sacrifice that many permanents.
Each player loses 1 life, discards a card, sacrifices a creature, then sacrifices a land.
{1}: Destroys all creatures, enchantments, and artifacts in play. Disk begins tapped but can be untapped as usual. Disk destroys itself when used.
Spawning Pool comes into play tapped. {T}: Add one black mana to your mana pool. {1}{B}: Spawning Pool becomes a 1/1 black creature with "{B}: Regenerate" until end of turn. This creature still counts as a land.
Add {B}{B}{B} to your mana pool.
Bojuka Bog enters the battlefield tapped. When Bojuka Bog enters the battlefield, exile all cards from target player's graveyard. {T}: Add {B} to your mana pool.
({T}: Add {B}.)
6. Bonusové decklisty (Modern & Commander)
Na úplný závěr tu pro vás mám dva zajímavé modernové decky a jeden z duel commanderu.
První modernový decklist je brew s Hardener Scales a Winding Constrictorem. S těmito kartami se hráči snaží dopracovat k úspěšnému decku prakticky hned od vydání "haďáka" (o decku psali mimo jiné Frank Lepore a Caleb Durward), ale tohle je poprvé, kdy vidím, že se s deckem někdo dostal do top8 na turnaji s 50+ hráči (konkrétně s dvaasedmdesáti).
Druhý deck je čtyřbarevný midrange s Unburial Rity, jenž místo obvyklých Giftů hraje červenou kvůli Faithless Lootingu. S deckem uhrál top8 Eric Pin na turnaji s 216 hráči.
Brian Greene
TJs Titanium Second Chance Modern
2 Abrupt Decay
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2 Surgical Extraction
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2 Anafenza, the Foremost
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1 Spellskite
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1 Choke
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3 Lingering Souls
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3 Thoughtseize
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1 Pithing Needle
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Choose two — • Prevent all damage target instant or sorcery spell would deal this turn. • Target player sacrifices an enchantment. • Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature. • Target creature you control fights target creature you don't control.
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {2}{G}{W}, {T}: Put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control.
Whenever Anafenza, the Foremost attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on another target tapped creature you control. If a creature card would be put into an opponent's graveyard from anywhere, exile it instead.
If one or more +1/+1 counters would be placed on a creature you control, that many plus one +1/+1 counters are placed on it instead.
{G}: Exile target card from a graveyard. If it was a creature card, put a +1/+1 counter on Scavenging Ooze and you gain 1 life.
Hangarback Walker enters the battlefield with X +1/+1 counters on it. When Hangarback Walker dies, put a 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature token with flying onto the battlefield for each +1/+1 counter on Hangarback Walker.{1}, {T}: Put a +1/+1 counter on Hangarback Walker.
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {2}{W}{B}, {T}: Creatures you control gain deathtouch and lifelink until end of turn.
Sacrifice an artifact: Put a +1/+1 counter on Arcbound Ravager. Modular 1 (This enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it. When it dies, you may put its +1/+1 counters on target artifact creature.)
Modular 1 (This enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it. When it dies, you may put its +1/+1 counters on target artifact creature.)
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Choose target card in a graveyard other than a basic land card. Search its owner's graveyard, hand, and library for any number of cards with the same name as that card and exile them. Then that player shuffles his or her library.
{U/P}: Change a target of target spell or ability to Spellskite. ({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.)
At the beginning of your upkeep, reveal the top card of your library and put that card into your hand. You lose life equal to its converted mana cost.
Abrupt Decay can't be countered by spells or abilities. Destroy target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 3 or less.
Put two 1/1 white Spirit creature tokens with flying onto the battlefield. Flashback {1}{B} (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Islands do not untap during their controllers' untap phases.
As Pithing Needle comes into play, name a card. Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be played unless they're mana abilities.
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
({T}: Add {W} or {B}.) As Godless Shrine enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
({T}: Add {B}.)
({T}: Add {G}.)
Eric Pin
TJs Titanium Winter Plus Modern
Flying, hexproof Spells and abilities your opponents control can't cause you to sacrifice permanents.
Vigilance, reach Ruric Thar, the Unbowed attacks each turn if able. Whenever a player casts a noncreature spell, Ruric Thar deals 6 damage to that player.
Return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield. Flashback {3}{W} (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Woodland Cemetery enters the battlefield tapped unless you control a Swamp or a Forest. {T}: Add {B} or {G} to your mana pool.
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) Destroy target creature.
Trample When Siege Rhino enters the battlefield, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life.
Deathtouch Whenever Grave Titan enters the battlefield or attacks, put two 2/2 black Zombie creature tokens onto the battlefield.
If you have less life than an opponent, you gain 6 life. If you control fewer creatures than an opponent, put three 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens onto the battlefield.
When Thragtusk enters the battlefield, you gain 5 life. When Thragtusk leaves the battlefield, put a 3/3 green Beast creature token onto the battlefield.
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {2}{W}{B}, {T}: Creatures you control gain deathtouch and lifelink until end of turn.
Tarmogoyf's power is equal to the number of card types among cards in all graveyards and its toughness is equal to that number plus 1.
Vigilance Other creatures you control get +2/+2. Creatures your opponents control get -2/-2.
Destroy target nonland permanent and all other permanents with the same name as that permanent.
Abrupt Decay can't be countered by spells or abilities. Destroy target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 3 or less.
Choose one — Exile all cards from target player's graveyard; or destroy target artifact; or each creature deals 1 damage to its controller.
Slaughter Games can't be countered by spells or abilities. Name a nonland card. Search target opponent's graveyard, hand, and library for any number of cards with that name and exile them. Then that player shuffles his or her library.
Deathtouch, lifelink When Wurmcoil Engine is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, put a 3/3 colorless Wurm artifact creature token with deathtouch and a 3/3 colorless Wurm artifact creature token with lifelink onto the battlefield.
When Kitchen Finks comes into play, you gain 2 life. Persist (When this creature is put into a graveyard from play, if it had no -1/-1 counters on it, return it to play under its owner's control with a -1/-1 counter on it.)
Choose one — Remove target player's graveyard from the game; or Jund Charm deals 2 damage to each creature; or put two +1/+1 counters on target creature.
Put two 1/1 white Spirit creature tokens with flying onto the battlefield. Flashback {1}{B} (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Anger of the Gods deals 3 damage to each creature. If a creature dealt damage this way would die this turn, exile it instead.
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
Destroy target artifact. Flashback {G} (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Exile target creature. Its controller may search his or her library for a basic land card, put that card onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle his or her library.
({T}: Add {B} or {R}.) As Blood Crypt enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
({T}: Add {W} or {B}.) As Godless Shrine enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
({T}: Add {R} or {G}.) As Stomping Ground enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
({T}: Add {W}.)
({T}: Add {B}.)
({T}: Add {R}.)
({T}: Add {G}.)
Poslední deck dnešních Flash News je Grand Arbiter Augustin IV na duel commander. S deckem obsadil osmé místo Victor Viguilla na turnaji ve Filipínách, kde se sešlo 40 hráčů (zvítězil tam Zurgo Burn).
Tenhle deck zmiňuji hlavně proto, že Augustýn je jeden z generálů, se kterým jsem si chtěl vždycky zajít na turnaj, ale zatím jsem se k tomu ještě nedostal. Čtyřmanový generál, který umře na takřka libovolný removal a neposkytne přitom žádnou value, to sice nezní moc fajn, nicméně taxing abilita pro soupeře je opravdu brutální se všemi broken kusy jako Balance, Cataclysma, nebo Armageddon. Jenom bych doporučoval se vyvarovat karet jako Azorius Cluestone, nebo Hedron Archive...
Victor Viguilla
Ka Saturnament: Magic for a Cause
{T}: Add to your mana pool one mana of any color in your commander's color identity. Sacrifice Commander's Sphere: Draw a card.
Counter target spell. If that spell is countered this way, put it on top of its owner's library instead of into that player's graveyard.
{1}, {T}: Add {W}{U} to your mana pool.
{T}: Add {W} or {U} to your mana pool. {W}{U}, {T}, Sacrifice Azorius Cluestone: Draw a card.
Flying Dragonlord Ojutai has hexproof as long as it's untapped. Whenever Dragonlord Ojutai deals combat damage to a player, look at the top three cards of your library. Put one of them into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
+1: Look at the top card of your library. If it's a noncreature, nonland card, you may reveal it and put it into your hand. -2: When you cast your next instant or sorcery spell from your hand this turn, it gains rebound. -9: You get an emblem with "Your opponents can't cast noncreature spells."
Choose two — • Return target creature card with converted mana cost 2 or less from your graveyard to the battlefield. • You gain 4 life. • Counter target creature spell. • Draw a card.
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
You may play Rout any time you could play an instant if you pay {2} more to play it. Destroy all creatures. They can't be regenerated.
Counter target spell unless its controller pays {X}. Scry 2 (To scry 2, look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them on the bottom of your library and the rest on top in any order.)
+2: Each player draws a card. -1: Target player draws a card. -10: Target player puts the top twenty cards of his or her library into his or her graveyard.
Flying Whenever an opponent draws a card, you may draw two cards.
Flying {U}, Sacrifice Glen Elendra Archmage: Counter target noncreature spell. Persist (When this creature dies, if it had no -1/-1 counters on it, return it to the battlefield under its owner's control with a -1/-1 counter on it.)
Indestructible (Effects that say "destroy" don't destroy this land.) {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool.
You may return an island you control to its owner's hand instead of paying Daze's mana cost. Counter target spell unless its controller pays {1}.
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Counter target spell with converted mana cost 1.
Play with the top card of your library revealed. You may play the top card of your library as though it were in your hand.
(Ancient Den isn't a spell.) {T}: Add {W} to your mana pool.
(Seat of the Synod isn't a spell.) {T}: Add {U} to your mana pool.
Draw a card. Scry 2 (Look at the top two cards of your library. Put any number of them on the bottom of your library and the rest on top of it in any order.)
Creatures can't attack you unless their controller pays {2} for each creature he or she controls that's attacking you. (This cost is paid as attackers are declared.)
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Look at target player's hand. Draw a card.
Search target opponent's library for a creature card and put that card onto the battlefield under your control. Then that player shuffles his or her library.
Whenever an opponent plays a spell, you may draw a card unless that player pays {1}.
Counter target spell. If you do, return that spell card to its owner's hand. Draw a card.
During your upkeep, if an opponent controls more land than you, you may search your library and remove up to three basic land cards and put them into your hand. Reshuffle your library afterwards.
Return target nonland permanent you don't control to its owner's hand. Overload {6}{U} (You may cast this spell for its overload cost. If you do, change its text by replacing all instances of "target" with "each.")
When Detention Sphere enters the battlefield, you may exile target nonland permanent not named Detention Sphere and all other permanents with the same name as that permanent. When Detention Sphere leaves the battlefield, return the exiled cards to the battlefield under their owner's control.
You gain X life and draw X cards.
Supreme Verdict can't be countered. Destroy all creatures.
Counter target spell unless its caster pays an additional {1}.
+1: Put a 1/1 white Soldier creature token into play. +1: Target creature gets +3/+3 and gains flying until end of turn. -8: For the rest of the game, artifacts, creatures, enchantments, and lands you control are indestructible.
Counter target spell. Put it on top of its owner's library instead of into that player's graveyard.
Counter target spell unless its caster pays an additional {3}.
Each turn, each creature cannot attack you unless its controller pays an additional {2} for that creature.
Flying (This creature can't be blocked except by creatures with flying or reach.) Sacrifice Spiketail Hatchling: Counter target spell unless its controller pays {1}.
You may play land cards from your graveyard.
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add {W} or {U} to your mana pool. Adarkar Wastes deals 1 damage to you.
+1: Put three 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens onto the battlefield. -3: Destroy all creatures with power 4 or greater. -7: You get an emblem with "Creatures you control get +2/+2 and have flying."
{T}: Add {W} to your mana pool. When Flagstones of Trokair is put into a graveyard from play, you may search your library for a Plains card and put it into play tapped. If you do, shuffle your library.
Counters target spell as it is being cast.
Counts as both islands and plains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {W} to your mana pool.
Whichever player has more lands in play must discard enough lands of his or her choice to equalize the number of lands both players have in play. Cards in hand and creatures in play must be equalized the same way. Creatures lost in this manner may not be regenerated.
All lands in play are destroyed.
All creatures in play are destroyed and cannot regenerate.
Target creature is removed from game entirely; return to owner's deck only when game is over. Creature's controller gains life points equal to creature's power.
Counter target spell unless its caster pays an additional {2}. Cycling {2} (You may pay {2} and discard this card from your hand to draw a card. Play this ability as an instant.)
During your upkeep, you may put a soot counter on Smokestack. During each player's upkeep, that player sacrifices a permanent for each soot counter on Smokestack.
Destroy all lands or all creatures. Creatures destroyed this way cannot regenerate this turn.
Exile target creature. Its controller may search his or her library for a basic land card, put that card onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle his or her library.
+2: Look at the top card of target player's library. You may put that card on the bottom of that player's library. 0: Draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of your library in any order. -1: Return target creature to its owner's hand. -12: Exile all cards from target player's library, then that player shuffles his or her hand into his or her library.
Destroy all creatures.
At the beginning of each opponent's end step, if you didn't lose life this turn, you may put a quest counter on Luminarch Ascension. (Damage causes loss of life.) {1}{W}: Put a 4/4 white Angel creature token with flying onto the battlefield. Activate this ability only if Luminarch Ascension has four or more quest counters on it.
Kicker {1}{U} (You may pay an additional {1}{U} as you cast this spell.) Return target nonland permanent to its owner's hand. If Into the Roil was kicked, draw a card.
({T}: Add {W} or {U}.) As Hallowed Fountain enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Destroy target artifact or enchantment.
{T}: Add one mana of any color in your commander's color identity.
Look at the top three cards of your library. Put one of them into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
({T}: Add {W}.)
A to je pro tentokrát vše, na viděnou u dalšího vydání.
28.03.2017 12:53 S labutěma stačí potkávat merfolky a obecně creature-based decky. A asi bude docela sranda to hrát :)
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