1. PT Ixalan (Draft + Standard)
V americkém Albuquerque se počátkem listopadu konal PT Ixalan. Na tomto PT byl neobvyklý velký odstup mezi releasem Ixalanu a samotným PT, což bylo samozřejmě způsobeno konáním MS jednotlivců. V praxi to znamenalo především to, že měli hráči opravdu hodně času na testování a zejména standard se zdál jako vyřešená záležitost, kde je jednoznačně nejlepším deckem RUG/4C Energy.
Turnaje se zúčastnilo 453 hráčů, mezi kterými byla malá česká výprava, která po hodně dlouhé době čítala pouze pět jmen, která jsou za poslední rok a půl stálicemi na PT scéně. Byli to Martin Jůza, Lukáš Blohon, Petr Sochůrek, Ondřej Stráský a Martin Hyrcej.
První den nepřinesl žádné velká překvapení - dle očekávání byly dva nejhranější archetypy RUG/4C Energy a Ramunap Red, jejichž dominance byla naprosto zdrcující - hned 285 hráčů (63% herního pole) hrálo jeden z těchto decků!
Zde je přehled decků, které hrálo alespoň deset hráčů:
- RUG Energy - 107 hráčů (23,6%)
- Ramunap Red - 89 hráčů (19,6%)
- 4C Energy - 89 hráčů (19,6%)
- BUG Energy - 23 hráčů (5,1%)
- Mardu Vehicles - 20 hráčů (4,4%)
- BR Aggro - 20 hráčů (4,4%)
- UB Control - 16 hráčů (3,5%)
- Esper Gift - 12 hráčů (2,6%)
- Monoblack Aggro - 10 hráčů (2,2%)
- UW Approach - 10 hráčů (2,2%)
Po prvním dni jsme měli dvojici neporažených hráčů Piotr Glogowski (jenž je spíše známý jako MTGO grinder s přezdívkou Kanister) s vlastní verzí 4C Energy, kde hrál maindeck Skysovereigny, a Wing Chun Yam, který zůstal věrný Ramunap Redu (a tentokráte nepřecházel do kombatu s Hazoret na stole a dvěma kartami v ruce).
Z našich hráčů měli turnaj velmi dobře rozehraný Ondřej Stráský a Martin Jůza, kteří měli skóre 6:2. Zbylá trojice prošla do druhého dne se skóre 4:4.
Ve druhém dni se nám metagame příliš nezměnila, ze tří předních decků měl nejlepší conversion rate do druhého dne Ramunap Red, se kterým postoupilo 70% jeho pilotů.
Na opačném konci se náchazelo Monoblack Aggro (50%), Mardu Vehicly (45%) a UB Control (44%).
Jako dobrá strategie na Energy decky se ukázaly superagresivní creature decky, z nichž jsme na předních stolech během coverage z druhého dne mohli vidět zajímavé Monowhite Vampýry s Oketra's Monumentem a GW (Cat) Aggro s Appeal//Authority. Oba decky měly 100% konverzi do druhého dne, což je ale trochu zavádějící, vzhledem k tomu, jak málo hráčů je hrálo (pět vampýry a dva GW).
Suma sumárum to ve druhém dni vypadalo takhle:
- RUG Energy - 66 hráčů (23,0%)
- Ramunap Red - 63 hráčů (22,0%)
- 4C Energy - 57 hráčů (19,9%)
- BUG Energy - 17 hráčů (5,9%)
- BR Aggro - 13 hráčů (4,5%)
- Esper Gift - 9 hráčů (3,1%)
- Mardu Vehicles - 9 hráčů (3,1%)
- UW Approach - 8 hráčů (2,8%)
- UB Control - 7 hráčů (2,4%)
Navzdory tomu, jak dominantní byly dva nejpopulárnjější archetypy, tak souboje v posledních kolech vyzněly dobře pro hráče pilotující méně populární archetypy. V top8 jsme nakonec měli sedm různých decků, což je docela zajímavé, jelikož jinak šlo o jednu z nejméně rozmanitých metagame za posledních několik PT.
Do top8 postoupili:
- Mike Sigrist (Dark Temur)
- Christian Hauck (RUG Energy)
- Pascal Maynard (UW Gift)
- Seth Manfield (BUG Energy)
- Guillaume Matignon (UWR Approach)
- Piotr Glogowski (Dark Temur)
- John Rolf (Ramunap Red)
- Samuel Ihlenfeld (Mardu Vehicles)
Za pozornost stojí, že Pascal Maynard byl jediný hráč, který s UW Giftem postoupil do druhého dne, a že Guillaume Matignon se do top8 dostal hlavně díky 6:0 na limited. Zároveň šlo o jeho první PT po takřka třech letech a o první velký výsledek od jeho zisku titulu mistra světa v roce 2010.
V top8 se nejlépe vedlo Pascalu Maynardovi a Sethu Manfieldovi, kteří ve finále sehráli pět dramatických partií. Z titulu se nakonec radoval Seth Manfield. Jak moc pro něj tahle výhra znamenala dobře dokumentuje okamžik, kdy v rozhodující hře hraje lethal Blossoming Defense.
Našim hráčům se bohužel příliš nedařilo. Dobrý druhý den měl Martin Hrycej, ale v kombinaci se 4:4 z prvního dne mu to nestačilo na lepší, než na 101. místo, přičemž prize money bylo pro prvních čtyřiašedesát hráčů.
Zbylí čeští hráči skončili ještě hlouběji ve stratovním poli...
I v letošní sezóně pokračuje týmová soutež, do které se v první PT sezóny přihlásilo sedmatřicet týmů.
Tahle soutěž se zatím vyvíjí velmi dobře pro naše hráče. První je totiž Team Genesis, jehož součástí je stejně jako v loňské sezóně Lukáš Blohon. A na druhém místě je ChannelFireball, jehož členem je Martin Jůza. Na třetím místě je tým Ultra PRO, jehož členem je pro změnu Ivan Floch. Všechny tři týmy v celkovém pořadí prozatím dělí pouze dva body.
Pomalu se dostáváme k tomu nejzajímavějšímu z hlediska Flash News, což jsou ty nejúspěšnější decky. Sto devatenáct hráčů dosáhlo v constructed části na skóre 6:4 a lépe. A tyhle archetypy mezi nimi byly nejúspěšnější:
- 29× 4C Energy
- 26× RUG Energy
- 22× Ramunap Red
- 10× BUG Energy
- 7× UBx Control
- 5× UWx Approach
- 4× God-Pharaoh's Gift
- 3× BWx Tokens
- 3× Mardu Vehicles
- 3× BR Aggro
- 2× Monowhite Vampires
- 2× UGx Pummeler
- Esper Cycling
- Monoblack Aggro
- GW Aggro
Podrobněji to vypadalo takhle:
- 26× RUG Energy
- 22× Ramunap Red
- 22× Dark Temur
- 10× BUG Energy
- 6× Sultai Red
- 6× UB Control
- 4× UW Approach
- 3× Mardu Vehicles
- 3× BR Aggro
- 2× Monowhite Vampires
- 2× UB Gift
- 2× Abzan Tokens
- Esper Cycling
- UW Gift
- UGb Pummeler
- Monoblack Aggro
- Grixis Control
- GW Aggro
- UWR Approach
- WB Tokens
- RUG Pummeler
- Temur White
- Esper Gift
Závěrem se podíváme na deset nejhranějších karet z Ixalanu a samozřejmě na nejzajímavější decklisty.
Mezi nejúspěšnějšími decky se našlo třiačtyřicet karet z Ixalanu, což je na velkou sadu docela malé číslo, ale je to dáno hlavně tím, že nejsilnějí mechanika na formátu je jednoznačně energie, která je zároveň velmi specifická a s novými kartami se příliš nedoplňuje.
10. Spell Pierce (0 + 32)
Ideální sidovka proti kontrolům pro agresivněji orientované decky jako RUG/4C Energy.
9. Hostage Taker (35 + 0)
Černá má málo dobrého removalu, ale vynahrazuje jí to Hostage Taker, který se hrál zejména v BUG Energy, ale také v decích s God-Pharaoh's Giftem.
8. Search for Azcanta (40 + 4)
Absence dobrého removalu a karty jako Longtusk Cub, či Rogue Refiner nevytvářejí dobrou metagame pro kontrol, ale pokud se prokoušete přes soupeřův počáteční nápor, tak máte skvělý payoff v podobě Search for Azcanta. Takhle dobrá karetní výhoda a selekce v jednom už tu hodně dlouho nebyla.
7. Drowned Catacomb (46 + 0)
Rérové země si vždy na constructed najdou cestu do většiny decků v daných barvách (ačkoli zrovna v BUG Energy se Catacomba nehrála).
6. Vraska, Relic Seeker (40 + 14)
Parádní "mirror breaker" pro energy decky, díky čemuž ho dokonce někteří hráči hráli v mainu v Dark Temuru. Neztratí se samozřejmě ani v grindy matchupech coby value karta a jako odpověď na Cast Out, či Gift.
5. Vraska's Contempt (30 + 34)
Jedna z mála dobrých odpovědí na Hazoret a díky lifegainu jde o parádní kartu pro kontrol, zejména v kombinaci s Gearhulkem.
4. Deathgorge Scavenger (2 + 63)
Jedna z nejnenápadnějších karet v edici, která je pro svou všestrannost výbornou sidovkou - lifegain uplatníte proti Ramunap Redu, exile bytostí proti Giftu a extra agresivní bytost proti kontrolu.
3. Lightning Strike (96 + 0)
Autoinclude pro všechny agresivní decky s červenou.
2. Rampaging Ferocidon (46 + 56)
Nejdůležitjší karta v matchupu mezi Ramunap Redem a RUG Energy.
1. Rootbound Crag (151 + 0)
Jediná z nových karet, která se hodila do nejhranějšího decku...
Na úspěšné decklisty se můžete podívat ve zvláštním okně, v rámci udržení lepší přehlednosti článku.
2. MKM Series Barcelona (Modern, Legacy, Vintage & Standard)
V Barceloně se konala poslední zastávka letošního ročníku MKM Series. V sobotu byl na programu modern a vintage.
Modernu se zúčastnilo 167 hráčů, mezi kterými byly nejpopulárnější decky Death's Shadow (v různých barevných kombinacích), BGx Midrange, Eldrazi and Taxes a různé verze Tronu. Všechny tyto decky hrálo shodně třináct hráčů. Osobně mě překvapilo ještě sedm hráčů s RG Ponzou, což z ní dělalo osmý nejhranější deck.
V top8 bylo k vidění tak trochu od všeho něco - dva RG Scapeshifty, Eldrazi and Taxes, RG Ponza (midrange verze s playsetem Trackerů), 5C Death's Shadow, Abzan Collected Company s Vizier komby, Infect s několika nestandardními kartami v mainu (dvakrát Viridian Corrupter, Rancor, Apostle's Blessing a playset Goyfů v sidu) a zajímavý Blue Moon, kde byla jako hlavní winkomdice kombo Kiki-Jiki + Deciever Exarch.
Z výhry se nakonec radoval Dennis Zens s Death's Shadow, když ve finále porazil Blue Moon Daniela Ballestina.
Turnaje se účastnil i Tomáš Már, jenž usiloval o umístění v top8 v celoročním bodování, což by mu přineslo bonusy v dalším ročníku. Obsadil tu čtrnácté místo, což mu v tomhle pořadí dost polepšilo.
Decklisty Modern
5C Deaths Shadow
Denis Zens
MKM Series Barcelona
Mishra's Bauble
{T}, Sacrifice Mishra's Bauble: Look at the top card of target player's library. Draw a card at the beginning of the next turn's upkeep.
Temur Battle Rage
Target creature gains double strike until end of turn. (It deals both first-strike and regular combat damage.) Ferocious — That creature also gains trample until end of turn if you control a creature with power 4 or greater.
Liliana of the Veil
+1: Each player discards a card. -2: Target player sacrifices a creature. -6: Separate all permanents target player controls into two piles. That player sacrifices all permanents in the pile of his or her choice.
Disdainful Stroke
Counter target spell with converted mana cost 4 or greater.
Stubborn Denial
Counter target noncreature spell unless its controller pays {1}. Ferocious — If you control a creature with power 4 or greater, counter that spell instead.
Street Wraith
Swampwalk Cycling—Pay 2 life. (Pay 2 life, Discard this card: Draw a card.)
Tarmogoyf's power is equal to the number of card types among cards in all graveyards and its toughness is equal to that number plus 1.
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Target creature gets -5/-5 until end of turn.
Abrupt Decay
Abrupt Decay can't be countered by spells or abilities. Destroy target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 3 or less.
Izzet Staticaster
Flash (You may cast this spell any time you could cast an instant.) Haste {T}: Izzet Staticaster deals 1 damage to target creature and each other creature with the same name as that creature.
Inquisition of Kozilek
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it with converted mana cost 3 or less. That player discards that card.
Nihil Spellbomb
{T}, Sacrifice Nihil Spellbomb: Exile all cards from target player's graveyard. When Nihil Spellbomb is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may pay {B}. If you do, draw a card.
Ranger of Eos
When Ranger of Eos comes into play, you may search your library for up to two creature cards with converted mana cost 1 or less, reveal them, and put them into your hand. If you do, shuffle your library.
Lingering Souls
Put two 1/1 white Spirit creature tokens with flying onto the battlefield. Flashback {1}{B} (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
Ancient Grudge
Destroy target artifact. Flashback {G} (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Death's Shadow
Death's Shadow gets -X/-X, where X is your life total.
Blood Crypt
({T}: Add {B} or {R}.)
As Blood Crypt enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Breeding Pool
({T}: Add {G} or {U}.)
As Breeding Pool enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Godless Shrine
({T}: Add {W} or {B}.)
As Godless Shrine enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Decklisty Modern
Kiki Moon
Daniel Ballestin
MKM Series Barcelona
Desolate Lighthouse
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {1}{U}{R}, {T}: Draw a card, then discard a card.
Roast deals 5 damage to target creature without flying.
Snapcaster Mage
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Sulfur Falls
Sulfur Falls enters the battlefield tapped unless you control an Island or a Mountain. {T}: Add {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Keranos, God of Storms
Indestructible As long as your devotion to blue and red is less than seven, Keranos isn't a creature. Reveal the first card you draw on each of your turns. Whenever you reveal a land card this way, draw a card. Whenever you reveal a nonland card this way, Keranos deals 3 damage to target creature or player.
Pia and Kiran Nalaar
When Pia and Kiran Nalaar enters the battlefield, put two 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature tokens with flying onto the battlefield. {2}{R}, Sacrifice an artifact: Pia and Kiran Nalaar deals 2 damage to target creature or player.
Flash Flying When Pestermite enters the battlefield, you may tap or untap target permanent.
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
Haste {T}: Put a token that's a copy of target nonlegendary creature you control onto the battlefield. That token has haste. Sacrifice it at the beginning of the next end step.
Deceiver Exarch
Flash (You may cast this spell any time you could cast an instant.) When Deceiver Exarch enters the battlefield, choose one — Untap target permanent you control; or tap target permanent an opponent controls.
Serum Visions
Draw a card. Scry 2 (Look at the top two cards of your library. Put any number of them on the bottom of your library and the rest on top of it in any order.)
Electrolyze deals 2 damage divided as you choose among any number of target creatures and/or players. Draw a card.
Counter target spell. If you do, return that spell card to its owner's hand. Draw a card.
Izzet Staticaster
Flash (You may cast this spell any time you could cast an instant.) Haste {T}: Izzet Staticaster deals 1 damage to target creature and each other creature with the same name as that creature.
Jace, Architect of Thought
+1: Until your next turn, whenever a creature an opponent controls attacks, it gets -1/-0 until end of turn. -2: Reveal the top three cards of your library. An opponent separates those cards into two piles. Put one pile into your hand and the other on the bottom of your library in any order. -8: For each player, search that player's library for a nonland card and exile it, then that player shuffles his or her library. You may cast those cards without paying their mana costs.
Relic of Progenitus
{T}: Target player removes a card in his or her graveyard from the game. {1}, Remove Relic of Progenitus from the game: Remove all graveyards from the game. Draw a card.
Pyroclasm deals 2 damage to each creature.
Blood Moon
All non-basic lands are now basic mountains.
Anger of the Gods
Anger of the Gods deals 3 damage to each creature. If a creature dealt damage this way would die this turn, exile it instead.
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt does 3 damage to one target.
Counter target noncreature spell.
Scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom of your library.)
Draw a card.
Decklisty Modern
RG Ponza
Gabriel Compaposada
MKM Series Barcelona
Bonfire of the Damned
Bonfire of the Damned deals X damage to target player and each creature he or she controls. Miracle {X}{R} (You may cast this card for its miracle cost when you draw it if it's the first card you drew this turn.)
Utopia Sprawl
Enchant Forest As Utopia Sprawl comes into play, choose a color. Whenever enchanted Forest is tapped for mana, its controller adds one mana of the chosen color to his or her mana pool.
As long as Trinisphere is untapped, each spell that would cost less than three mana to cast costs three mana to cast. (Additional mana in the cost may be paid with any color of mana or colorless mana. For example, a spell that would cost {1}{B} to cast costs {2}{B} to cast instead.)
Kessig Wolf Run
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {X}{R}{G}, {T}: Target creature gets +X/+0 and gains trample until end of turn.
Primal Command
Choose two - Target player gains 7 life; or put target noncreature permanent on top of its owner's library; or target player shuffles his or her graveyard into his or her library; or search your library for a creature card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.
When Thragtusk enters the battlefield, you gain 5 life. When Thragtusk leaves the battlefield, put a 3/3 green Beast creature token onto the battlefield.
Pia and Kiran Nalaar
When Pia and Kiran Nalaar enters the battlefield, put two 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature tokens with flying onto the battlefield. {2}{R}, Sacrifice an artifact: Pia and Kiran Nalaar deals 2 damage to target creature or player.
Thrun, the Last Troll
Thrun, the Last Troll can't be countered. Thrun can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control. {1}{G}: Regenerate Thrun.
Beast Within
Destroy target permanent. Its controller puts a 3/3 green Beast creature token onto the battlefield.
Fracturing Gust
Destroy all artifacts and enchantments. You gain 2 life for each permanent destroyed this way.
Kitchen Finks
When Kitchen Finks comes into play, you gain 2 life. Persist (When this creature is put into a graveyard from play, if it had no -1/-1 counters on it, return it to play under its owner's control with a -1/-1 counter on it.)
Relic of Progenitus
{T}: Target player removes a card in his or her graveyard from the game. {1}, Remove Relic of Progenitus from the game: Remove all graveyards from the game. Draw a card.
Blood Moon
All non-basic lands are now basic mountains.
Anger of the Gods
Anger of the Gods deals 3 damage to each creature. If a creature dealt damage this way would die this turn, exile it instead.
Stormbreath Dragon
Flying, haste, protection from white {5}{R}{R}: Monstrosity 3. (If this creature isn't monstrous, put three +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes monstrous.) When Stormbreath Dragon becomes monstrous, it deals damage to each opponent equal to the number of cards in that player's hand.
Ancient Grudge
Destroy target artifact. Flashback {G} (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Mwonvuli Acid-Moss
Destroy target land. Search your library for a Forest card and put that card into play tapped. Then shuffle your library.
Stone Rain
Destroys any one land.
Birds of Paradise
Flying {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt.
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt does 3 damage to one target.
Arbor Elf
{T}: Untap target Forest.
Chandra, Torch of Defiance
Stomping Ground
({T}: Add {R} or {G}.)
As Stomping Ground enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Decklisty Modern
Manuel Gomez Portillo
MKM Series Barcelona
Dryad Arbor
(Dryad Arbor isn't a spell, it's affected by summoning sickness, and it has "{T}: Add {G} to your mana pool.") Dryad Arbor is green.
Become Immense
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) Target creature gets +6/+6 until end of turn.
Inkmoth Nexus
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {1}: Inkmoth Nexus becomes a 1/1 Blinkmoth artifact creature with flying and infect until end of turn. It's still a land. (It deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and to players in the form of poison counters.)
Viridian Corrupter
Infect (This creature deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and to players in the form of poison counters.) When Viridian Corrupter enters the battlefield, destroy target artifact.
Tarmogoyf's power is equal to the number of card types among cards in all graveyards and its toughness is equal to that number plus 1.
Apostle's Blessing
({W/P} can be paid with with either {W} or 2 life.) Target artifact or creature you control gains protection from artifacts or from the color of your choice until end of turn.
Blighted Agent
Infect (This creature deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and to players in the form of poison counters.) Blighted Agent is unblockable.
Mutagenic Growth
({G/P} can be paid with either {G} or 2 life.) Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn.
Glistener Elf
Infect (This creature deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and to players in the form of poison counters.)
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Target creature gets -5/-5 until end of turn.
Noble Hierarch
Exalted (Whenever a creature you control attacks alone, that creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.) {T}: Add {G}, {W}, or {U} to your mana pool.
Distortion Strike
Target creature gets +1/+0 until end of turn and is unblockable this turn. Rebound (If you cast this spell from your hand, exile it as it resolves. At the beginning of your next upkeep, you may cast this card from exile without paying its mana cost.)
Relic of Progenitus
{T}: Target player removes a card in his or her graveyard from the game. {1}, Remove Relic of Progenitus from the game: Remove all graveyards from the game. Draw a card.
Might of Old Krosa
Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn. If you played this spell during your main phase, that creature gets +4/+4 until end of turn instead.
{T}: Add {G} to your mana pool. {T}: Target 1/1 creature gets +1/+2 until end of turn.
Enchanted creature gains +2/+0 and trample. When Rancor is put into a graveyard from play, return Rancor to owner's hand.
Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn. Landfall — If you had a land enter the battlefield under your control this turn, that creature gets +4/+4 until end of turn instead.
Nature's Claim
Destroy target artifact or enchantment. Its controller gains 4 life.
Vines of Vastwood
Kicker {G} (You may pay an additional {G} as you cast this spell.) Target creature can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control this turn. If Vines of Vastwood was kicked, that creature gets +4/+4 until end of turn.
Breeding Pool
({T}: Add {G} or {U}.)
As Breeding Pool enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Grafdigger's Cage
Creature cards in graveyards and libraries can't enter the battlefield.
Players can't cast spells from graveyards or libraries.
Vintage je ve Španělsku relativně populární a sedmačtyřicet hráčů v main eventu znamenalo, že šlo o vůbec největší vintage event v letošním ročníku MKM Series. I navzrdory tomu ale vintage od příštího roku nebude patřit mezi main eventy...
Suverénně nejhranějším deckem byly Ballista Shopy, které si zvolilo jedenáct hráčů. Další populární decky byly URx Delver/Pyromancer decky, Dredge a Storm.
Navzdory velké popularitě se do top8 probojoval pouze jeden Workshop deck. Hráči byli po jeho nadvládě na Eternal Weekendu dobře připraveni...
Do top8 se dále dostal UWR Delver, Paradoxical Outcome s Mentorem a Vault/Key kmobem, dvakrát Grixis Thieves, Inferno Oath, Grixis Control s Gifts Ungiven a Burning Wishi a White Eldrazi.
Ve finále se utkali Jaime Cano s Grixis Gifty a Adria Romero Vilardell s UWR Delverem, kterému se podařilo zvítězit ve dvou rychlých hrách.
Decklisty Vintage
UWR Delver
Adria Romero Vilardell
MKM Series Barcelona
Force of Will
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
Containment Priest
Flash If a nontoken creature would enter the battlefield and it wasn't cast, exile it instead.
Dack Fayden
+1: Target player draws two cards, then discards two cards. -2: Gain control of target artifact. -6: You get an emblem with "Whenever you cast a spell that targets one or more permanents, gain control of those permanents."
Counter target spell if it is blue or destroy target permanent if it is blue.
Snapcaster Mage
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Treasure Cruise
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) Draw three cards.
Destroy target artifact.
Young Pyromancer
Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, put a 1/1 red Elemental creature token onto the battlefield.
You may return two islands you control to their owner's hand instead of paying Gush's mana cost. Draw two cards.
Mental Misstep
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Counter target spell with converted mana cost 1.
Gitaxian Probe
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Look at target player's hand. Draw a card.
Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {1}. Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each spell cast before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.)
Volcanic Island
Counts as both islands and mountains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Mox Sapphire
Add 1 blue mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Time Walk
Take an extra turn after this one.
Counts as both islands and plains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {W} to your mana pool.
Mox Ruby
Add 1 red mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Mox Pearl
Add 1 white mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Ancestral Recall
Draw 3 cards or force opponent to draw 3 cards.
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt does 3 damage to one target.
Swords to Plowshares
Target creature is removed from game entirely; return to owner's deck only when game is over. Creature's controller gains life points equal to creature's power.
Null Rod
Players cannot play any artifact abilities requiring an activation cost.
Destroy target artifact or enchantment.
Grafdigger's Cage
Creature cards in graveyards and libraries can't enter the battlefield.
Players can't cast spells from graveyards or libraries.
Decklisty Vintage
Burning Gifts
Jaime Cano
MKM Series Barcelona
Force of Will
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
Library of Alexandria
Tap to add 1 colorless mana to your mana pool or draw a card from your library; you may use the card-drawing ability only if you have exactly seven cards in your hand.
Merchant Scroll
Search your library for a blue instant or interrupt. Reveal that card to all players and put it into your hand. Reshuffle your library afterwards.
Snapcaster Mage
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Dig Through Time
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) Look at the top seven cards of your library. Put two of them into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
Treasure Cruise
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) Draw three cards.
Mana Drain
Counters target spell. At the beginning of your next main phase, add {X} to your mana pool, where X is the casting cost of target spell.
Blightsteel Colossus
Trample, infect Blightsteel Colossus is indestructible. If Blightsteel Colossus would be put into a graveyard from anywhere, reveal Blightsteel Colossus and shuffle it into its owner's library instead.
Gifts Ungiven
Search your library for up to four cards with different names and reveal them. Target opponent chooses two of those cards. Put the chosen cards into your graveyard and the rest into your hand. Then shuffle your library.
Reverent Silence
If you have a forest in play, you may choose to have each other player gain 6 life instead of paying Reverent Silence's mana cost. Destroy all enchantments.
Noxious Revival
({G/P} can be paid with either {G} or 2 life.) Put target card from a graveyard on top of its owner's library.
Thirst for Knowledge
Draw three cards. Then discard two cards unless you discard an artifact card.
Burning Wish
You may choose a sorcery card you own from outside the game, reveal that card, and put it into your hand. Remove Burning Wish from the game.
Mana Crypt
At the beginning of your upkeep, flip a coin. If you lose the flip, Mana Crypt deals 3 damage to you. {T}: Add {2} to your mana pool.
Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {1}. Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each spell cast before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.)
Nihil Spellbomb
{T}, Sacrifice Nihil Spellbomb: Exile all cards from target player's graveyard. When Nihil Spellbomb is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may pay {B}. If you do, draw a card.
Tendrils of Agony
Target player loses 2 life and you gain 2 life. Storm (When you play this spell, copy it for each spell played before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.)
Lotus Petal
Sacrifice Lotus Petal: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Play this ability as a mana source.
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
Ancient Grudge
Destroy target artifact. Flashback {G} (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Volcanic Island
Counts as both islands and mountains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Mana Vault
Tap to add 3 colorless mana to your mana pool. Mana Vault doesn't untap normally during untap phase; to untap it, you must pay 4 mana. If Mana Vault remains tapped during upkeep it does 1 damage to you. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Mox Emerald
Add 1 green mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Mox Sapphire
Add 1 blue mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Underground Sea
Counts as both swamp and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {U} to your mana pool.
Time Walk
Take an extra turn after this one.
Tropical Island
Counts as both forest and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {G} or {U} to your mana pool.
Mox Jet
Add 1 black mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Mox Ruby
Add 1 red mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Mox Pearl
Add 1 white mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Ancestral Recall
Draw 3 cards or force opponent to draw 3 cards.
Black Lotus
Adds 3 mana of any single color of your choice to your mana pool, then is discarded. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Demonic Tutor
You may search your library for one card and take it into your hand. Reshuffle your library afterwards.
At the time you play Tinker, sacrifice an artifact. Search your library for an artifact card and put that artifact into play. Shuffle your library afterward.
Return all artifacts to owners' hands. Cycling {2} (You may pay {2} and discard this card from your hand to draw a card. Play this ability as an instant.)
Yawgmoth's Will
Until end of turn, you may play cards in your graveyard as though they were in your hand. Cards put into your graveyard this turn are removed from the game instead.
Tolarian Academy
{T}: Add {U} to your mana pool for each artifact you control.
Mindbreak Trap
If an opponent cast three or more spells this turn, you may pay {0} rather than pay Mindbreak Trap's mana cost. Exile any number of target spells.
Ravenous Trap
If an opponent had three or more cards put into his or her graveyard from anywhere this turn, you may pay {0} rather than pay Ravenous Trap's mana cost. Exile all cards from target player's graveyard.
Baral, Chief of Compliance
Neděle patřila zejména legacy, které se zúčastnilo 157 hráčů, mezi kterými byly nejhranější decky 4C Control (19 hráčů), Grixis Delver (16 hráčů), Esper Deatblade (16 hráčů) Death and Taxes (13 hráčů) a Elfové (11 hráčů).
Na turnaji si skvěle vedl Tomáš Már, který se svým signature deckem, 4C Controlem postoupil do top8, kde ho až v top4 zastavil pozdější vítěz, Maximillian Lorenz s Grixis Delverem. Tenhle výsledek znamenal, že Tomáš Már v konečném účtování za rok 2017 obsadil na MKM Series třetí místo.
V top8 byly k vidění dva velmi neobvyklé decky. Prvním byly RIP Miracles, což je deck, který využívá soft lock v podobě Rest in Peace a Energy Fieldu a obvykle vyhrává díky kombu s Rest in Peace a Helm of Obedience. K sestavení komba mimo jiné používá Enlightened Tutor.
Druhý deck byla opravdová chuťovka - Soldier Stompy s playsety karet jako Daru Warchief, Enlistment Officer, či Palace Jailer. Vtip je v tom, že základ decku tvoří prison karty jako Chlice of the Void, Supression Field a Thalia, které deck díky Chrome Moxům a Ancient Tombám umí zahrát v prvním kole. A potom už je skoro jedno, které karty zvolíte k zabití soupeře...
Zbylé decky v top8 byly Sneak and Show (s maindeck Blood Moony), BUG Control, Elfové a RUG Delver.
Decklisty Legacy
Soldier Stompy
Rémi Hervé Lacombe
MKM Series Barcelona
Enlistment Officer
First strike When Enlistment Officer comes into play, reveal the top four cards of your library. Put all Soldier cards revealed this way into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library.
Cavern of Souls
As Cavern of Souls enters the battlefield, choose a creature type. {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell of the chosen type, and that spell can't be countered.
Brimaz, King of Oreskos
Vigilance Whenever Brimaz, King of Oreskos attacks, put a 1/1 white Cat Soldier creature token with vigilance onto the battlefield attacking. Whenever Brimaz blocks a creature, put a 1/1 white Cat Soldier creature token with vigilance onto the battlefield blocking that creature.
Containment Priest
Flash If a nontoken creature would enter the battlefield and it wasn't cast, exile it instead.
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
First strike Noncreature spells cost {1} more to cast.
Thorn of Amethyst
Noncreature spells cost {1} more to play.
Leonin Relic-Warder
When Leonin Relic-Warder enters the battlefield, you may exile target artifact or enchantment. When Leonin Relic-Warder leaves the battlefield, return the exiled card to the battlefield under its owner's control.
Chalice of the Void
Chalice of the Void enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it. Whenever a player casts a spell with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Chalice of the Void, counter that spell.
Preeminent Captain
First strike Whenever Preeminent Captain attacks, you may put a Soldier creature card from your hand into play tapped and attacking.
Chrome Mox
Imprint — When Chrome Mox enters the battlefield, you may exile a nonartifact, nonland card from your hand. {T}: Add one mana of any of the exiled card's colors to your mana pool.
{T}: Add {W} to your mana pool. {T}: Return target legendary creature to its owner's hand.
Suppression Field
Activated abilities cost {2} more to play unless they're mana abilities.
Rest in Peace
When Rest in Peace enters the battlefield, exile all cards from all graveyards. If a card or token would be put into a graveyard from anywhere, exile it instead.
Daru Warchief
Soldier spells you play cost {1} less to play. Soldiers you control get +1/+2.
Faerie Macabre
Flying Discard Faerie Macabre: Remove up to two target cards in graveyards from the game.
Ethersworn Canonist
Each player who has played a nonartifact spell this turn can't play additional nonartifact spells.
All lands in play are destroyed.
Damage that would reduce your life total to less than 1 instead reduces it to 1 if you control a creature.
Sorcerous Spyglass
As Sorcerous Spyglass enters the battlefield, look at an opponent's hand, then choose any card name.
Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be activated unless they're mana abilities.
Decklisty Legacy
BUG Control
Momme Grupp
MKM Series Barcelona
Force of Will
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
True-Name Nemesis
As True-Name Nemesis enters the battlefield, choose a player. True-Name Nemesis has protection from the chosen player. (This creature can't be blocked, targeted, dealt damage, or enchanted by anything controlled by that player.)
Hymn to Tourach
Target player discards two cards at random.
Counter target spell if it is red or destroy target permanent if it is red.
Snapcaster Mage
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Surgical Extraction
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Choose target card in a graveyard other than a basic land card. Search its owner's graveyard, hand, and library for any number of cards with the same name as that card and exile them. Then that player shuffles his or her library.
Baleful Strix
Flying, deathtouch When Baleful Strix enters the battlefield, draw a card.
Umezawa's Jitte
Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage, put two charge counters on Umezawa's Jitte. Remove a charge counter from Umezawa's Jitte: Choose one — Equipped creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn; or target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn; or you gain 2 life. Equip {2}
Maelstrom Pulse
Destroy target nonland permanent and all other permanents with the same name as that permanent.
At the beginning of your upkeep, you lose 1 life and put a 1/1 black Faerie Rogue creature token with flying onto the battlefield.
Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {1}. Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each spell cast before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.)
Abrupt Decay
Abrupt Decay can't be countered by spells or abilities. Destroy target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 3 or less.
Deathrite Shaman
{T}: Exile target land card from a graveyard. Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. {B}, {T}: Exile target instant or sorcery card from a graveyard. Each opponent loses 2 life. {G}, {T}: Exile target creature card from a graveyard. You gain 2 life.
Diabolic Edict
Target player sacrifices a creature.
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
Counters target spell as it is being cast.
Counts as both swamp and forest and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {G} to your mana pool.
Underground Sea
Counts as both swamp and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {U} to your mana pool.
Tropical Island
Counts as both forest and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {G} or {U} to your mana pool.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
+2: Look at the top card of target player's library. You may put that card on the bottom of that player's library. 0: Draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of your library in any order. -1: Return target creature to its owner's hand. -12: Exile all cards from target player's library, then that player shuffles his or her hand into his or her library.
Marsh Casualties
Kicker {3} (You may pay an additional {3} as you cast this spell.) Creatures target player controls get -1/-1 until end of turn. If Marsh Casualties was kicked, those creatures get -2/-2 until end of turn instead.
Decklisty Legacy
RIP Miracles
Miquel Alcoriza
MKM Series Barcelona
Force of Will
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
Helm of Obedience
{X}, {T}: Put the top card of target opponent's library into his or her graveyard. Continue doing this until you have put X cards or a creature card into that graveyard, whichever occurs first. If the last card put into the graveyard is a creature card, bury Helm of Obedience and put that creature into play under your control as though it were just cast. X cannot be equal to 0.
Entreat the Angels
Put X 4/4 white Angel creature tokens with flying onto the battlefield. Miracle {X}{W}{W} (You may cast this card for its miracle cost when you draw it if it's the first card you drew this turn.)
Containment Priest
Flash If a nontoken creature would enter the battlefield and it wasn't cast, exile it instead.
Put all creatures on the bottom of their owners' libraries. Miracle {W} (You may cast this card for its miracle cost when you draw it if it's the first card you drew this turn.)
Look at the top three cards of target player's library; then, either shuffle that library or put those three cards on top of the library in any order. Draw a card at the beginning of the next turn's upkeep.
Non-flying creatures cannot attack.
Engineered Explosives
Sunburst (This enters the battlefield with a charge counter on it for each color of mana spent to cast it.) {2}, Sacrifice Engineered Explosives: Destroy each nonland permanent with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Engineered Explosives.
Name a card, then put the top card of target player's library into his or her graveyard. If that card is the named card, you draw two cards. Otherwise, you draw a card.
Vendilion Clique
Flash Flying When Vendilion Clique enters the battlefield, look at target player's hand. You may choose a nonland card from it. If you do, that player reveals the chosen card, puts it on the bottom of his or her library, then draws a card.
Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {1}. Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each spell cast before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.)
Detention Sphere
When Detention Sphere enters the battlefield, you may exile target nonland permanent not named Detention Sphere and all other permanents with the same name as that permanent. When Detention Sphere leaves the battlefield, return the exiled cards to the battlefield under their owner's control.
Rest in Peace
When Rest in Peace enters the battlefield, exile all cards from all graveyards. If a card or token would be put into a graveyard from anywhere, exile it instead.
Ethersworn Canonist
Each player who has played a nonartifact spell this turn can't play additional nonartifact spells.
Enlightened Tutor
Search your library for an artifact or enchantment card and reveal that card. Shuffle your library, then put the card on top of it.
Counts as both islands and plains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {W} to your mana pool.
Swords to Plowshares
Target creature is removed from game entirely; return to owner's deck only when game is over. Creature's controller gains life points equal to creature's power.
Energy Field
Prevent all damage dealt to you from sources you do not control. When a card is put into your graveyard, sacrifice Energy Field.
Back to Basics
Nonbasic lands do not untap during their controllers' untap phases.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
+2: Look at the top card of target player's library. You may put that card on the bottom of that player's library. 0: Draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of your library in any order. -1: Return target creature to its owner's hand. -12: Exile all cards from target player's library, then that player shuffles his or her hand into his or her library.
Destroy target artifact or enchantment.
Leyline of Sanctity
If Leyline of Sanctity is in your opening hand, you may begin the game with it on the battlefield.
You have hexproof. (You can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)
Z diváckého hlediska byl nejméně zajímavým main eventem standard, kde hned 25 ze 49 hráčů hrálo RUG, či 4C Energy a nakonec i sedm hráčů v top8, kde je doplnil jeden Ramunap Red.
Z vítězství se radoval Sergio Garcia Gonzales s méně populární 4C verzí s BUG základem, která obsahuje pro "mirror" skvělé karty jako Gonti, Hostage Taker a Vraska.
Decklisty Standard
Sultai Red
Sergio Garcia Gonzales
MKM Series Barcelona
Counter target noncreature spell.
Target opponent reveals their hand. You choose a noncreature, nonland card from it. That player discards that card.
Essence Scatter
Counter target creature spell.
3. Online PTQ (Standard)
Na MTGO pokračovala populární série dvojkových PTQ, která tentokráte zlákala 272 hráčů, což znamenalo druhý největší turnaj týdne hned po PT.
Turnaj měl devět kol základní části, po kterých vykristalizovala top8, ve které byly troje Mardu Vehicly, UW Gift a čtyři Energy decky (2× RUG, Dark Temur a Sultai Red).
Samotná top8 byla krasojízdou Vehiclů, které obsadily celé stupně vítězů. Za nimi skončil UW Gift a až poté všechny čtyři Energy decky.
Nejzajímavější decky byly mezi devátým a šestnáctým místem. Desátý byl UW Midrange s embalm bytostmi a Anointed Procession a šestnáctý byl agresivní RG Pummeler. Kromě toho jsme na těchto příčkách mohli spatřit a dva UW Approache, UW Gift, Ramunap Red, Abzan Tokeny a Sultai Red.
Decklisty Standard
Mardu Vehicles
Online PTQ
1 Abrade
1 Aethersphere Harvester |
2 Cast Out |
2 Chandra, Torch of Defiance |
2 Chandra's Defeat |
2 Fragmentize |
2 Pia Nalaar |
3 Rampaging Ferocidon
Shock deals 2 damage to any target.
Decklisty Standard
UW Embalm
Online PTQ
Field of Ruin
{T}: Add {C}.
{2}, {T}, Sacrifice Field of Ruin: Destroy target nonbasic land an opponent controls. Each player searches their library for a basic land card, puts it onto the battlefield, then shuffles their library.
Decklisty Standard
RG Pummeler
Online PTQ
As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice a creature.
Fling deals damage equal to the sacrificed creature's power to any target.
4. MTGO Weekly Challenges (Modern, Legacy, Vintage, Duel Commander, Pauper)
Na modernu se radoval z vítězství "-Fish" s UW Controlem, když v top4 porazil dvakrát za sebou Bg Tron, což je s Ghost Quarterem a Spreading Seasem poměrně jednoduchá záležitost.
Na čtvrtém místě byl nejzajímavější deck z celé top16 - BR Aggro s Holow One, ve kterém už nově není Vengevine.
Dále byli v top8 Eldrazi and Taxes, Gifts Storm, UWR Tempo a Blue Tron, což je specialita hráče s nickem Shoktroopa.
Deváté místo obsadila zajímavá pětibarva založená na kombech s Kiki-Jikim. Obsahovala mimo jiné playsety Nahiri, Bring to Light a Restoration Angelů.
Ve zbytku top16 ještě byl další UW Control, 5C Humani, dvě UWR Tempa, Bg Tron, Lantern Control s Whir of Invention a Bant Company s Vizier kombem.
Kousek za top16 byla k vidění zajímavá verze Throught the Breache, ve které byly Blood Moony a Search for Azcanta (což není zrovna ukázková kombince karet).
Decklisty Modern
BR Hollow One
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Flamewake Phoenix
Flying, haste Flamewake Phoenix attacks each turn if able. Ferocious — At the beginning of combat on your turn, if you control a creature with power 4 or greater, you may pay {R}. If you do, return Flamewake Phoenix from your graveyard to the battlefield.
Gurmag Angler
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.)
Burning Inquiry
Each player draws three cards, then discards three cards at random.
Street Wraith
Swampwalk Cycling—Pay 2 life. (Pay 2 life, Discard this card: Draw a card.)
Blackcleave Cliffs
Blackcleave Cliffs enters the battlefield tapped unless you control two or fewer other lands. {T}: Add {B} or {R} to your mana pool.
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
Call to the Netherworld
Return target black creature card from your graveyard to your hand. Madness {0} (If you discard this card, you may play it for its madness cost instead of putting it into your graveyard.)
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt does 3 damage to one target.
Bloodghast can't block. Bloodghast has haste as long as an opponent has 10 or less life. Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you may return Bloodghast from your graveyard to the battlefield.
Blood Crypt
({T}: Add {B} or {R}.)
As Blood Crypt enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Stomping Ground
({T}: Add {R} or {G}.)
As Stomping Ground enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Cathartic Reunion
As an additional cost to cast this spell, discard two cards.
Draw three cards.
Decklisty Modern
Blue Tron
MTGO Weekly Challenge
1 Wurmcoil Engine
1 Chalice of the Void |
3 Dismember |
1 Engineered Explosives |
1 Field of Ruin |
1 Hurkyl's Recall |
2 Spatial Contortion |
1 Spell Pierce |
1 Spell Snare |
2 Spreading Seas |
1 Surgical Extraction
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
+2: Ugin, the Spirit Dragon deals 3 damage to target creature or player. -X: Exile each permanent with converted mana cost X or less that's one or more colors. -10: You gain 7 life, draw seven cards, then put up to seven permanent cards from your hand onto the battlefield.
Sundering Titan
When Sundering Titan enters the battlefield or leaves the battlefield, choose a land of each basic land type, then destroy those lands.
River of Tears
{T}: Add {U} to your mana pool. If you played a land this turn, add {B} to your mana pool instead.
Tolaria West
Tolaria West comes into play tapped. {T}: Add {U} to your mana pool. Transmute {1}{U}{U} ({1}{U}{U}, Discard this card: Search your library for a card with converted mana cost 0, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library. Play only as a sorcery.)
Snapcaster Mage
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Counter target spell unless its controller pays {X}. Scry 2 (To scry 2, look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them on the bottom of your library and the rest on top in any order.)
Oblivion Stone
{4}, {T}: Put a fate counter on target permanent. {5}, {T}, Sacrifice Oblivion Stone: Destroy each nonland permanent without a fate counter on it, then remove all fate counters from all permanents.
Chalice of the Void
Chalice of the Void enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it. Whenever a player casts a spell with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Chalice of the Void, counter that spell.
Engineered Explosives
Sunburst (This enters the battlefield with a charge counter on it for each color of mana spent to cast it.) {2}, Sacrifice Engineered Explosives: Destroy each nonland permanent with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Engineered Explosives.
Surgical Extraction
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Choose target card in a graveyard other than a basic land card. Search its owner's graveyard, hand, and library for any number of cards with the same name as that card and exile them. Then that player shuffles his or her library.
Thirst for Knowledge
Draw three cards. Then discard two cards unless you discard an artifact card.
Treasure Mage
When Treasure Mage enters the battlefield, you may search your library for an artifact card with converted mana cost 6 or greater, reveal that card, and put it into your hand. If you do, shuffle your library.
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Target creature gets -5/-5 until end of turn.
Counter target spell. If you do, return that spell card to its owner's hand. Draw a card.
Urza's Mine
{T}: Add one colorless mana to your mana pool. If you control Urza's Mine, Urza's Tower, and Urza's Power Plant, add two colorless mana to your mana pool instead of one.
Urza's Power Plant
{T}: Add one colorless mana to your mana pool. If you control Urza's Mine, Urza's Tower, and Urza's Power Plant, add two colorless mana to your mana pool instead of one.
Urza's Tower
{T}: Add one colorless mana to your mana pool. If you control Urza's Mine, Urza's Tower, and Urza's Power Plant, add three colorless mana to your mana pool instead of one.
Cyclonic Rift
Return target nonland permanent you don't control to its owner's hand. Overload {6}{U} (You may cast this spell for its overload cost. If you do, change its text by replacing all instances of "target" with "each.")
Oboro, Palace in the Clouds
{T}: Add {U} to your mana pool. {1}: Return Oboro, Palace in the Clouds to its owner's hand.
{4}, {T}, Sacrifice Mindslaver: You control target player during that player's next turn. (You see all cards that player could see and make all decisions for the player.)
Trinket Mage
When Trinket Mage enters the battlefield, you may search your library for an artifact card with converted mana cost 1 or less, reveal that card, and put it into your hand. If you do, shuffle your library.
Wurmcoil Engine
Deathtouch, lifelink When Wurmcoil Engine is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, put a 3/3 colorless Wurm artifact creature token with deathtouch and a 3/3 colorless Wurm artifact creature token with lifelink onto the battlefield.
Platinum Angel
Flying (This creature can't be blocked except by creatures with flying or reach.) You can't lose the game and your opponents can't win the game.
Academy Ruins
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {1}{U}, {T}: Put target artifact card in your graveyard on top of your library.
Gemstone Caverns
If Gemstone Caverns is in your opening hand and you're not playing first, you may begin the game with Gemstone Caverns in play with a luck counter on it. If you do, remove a card in your hand from the game. {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. If Gemstone Caverns has a luck counter on it, instead add one mana of any color to your mana pool.
Expedition Map
{2}, {T}, Sacrifice Expedition Map: Search your library for a land card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library.
Decklisty Modern
5C Kiki Combo
MTGO Weekly Challenge
1 Abrupt Decay
1 Chameleon Colossus |
1 Crumble to Dust |
1 Fracturing Gust |
1 Izzet Staticaster |
1 Kolaghan's Command |
1 Madcap Experiment |
1 Maelstrom Pulse |
1 Obstinate Baloth |
1 Platinum Emperion |
1 Qasali Ambusher |
1 Scavenging Ooze |
1 Sin Collector |
1 Slaughter Games |
1 Wrath of God
Utopia Sprawl
Enchant Forest As Utopia Sprawl comes into play, choose a color. Whenever enchanted Forest is tapped for mana, its controller adds one mana of the chosen color to his or her mana pool.
Primal Command
Choose two - Target player gains 7 life; or put target noncreature permanent on top of its owner's library; or target player shuffles his or her graveyard into his or her library; or search your library for a creature card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
Haste {T}: Put a token that's a copy of target nonlegendary creature you control onto the battlefield. That token has haste. Sacrifice it at the beginning of the next end step.
Deceiver Exarch
Flash (You may cast this spell any time you could cast an instant.) When Deceiver Exarch enters the battlefield, choose one — Untap target permanent you control; or tap target permanent an opponent controls.
Restoration Angel
Flash Flying When Restoration Angel enters the battlefield, you may exile target non-Angel creature you control, then return that card to the battlefield under your control.
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn can't be countered. When you cast Emrakul, take an extra turn after this one. Flying, protection from colored spells, annihilator 6 When Emrakul is put into a graveyard from anywhere, its owner shuffles his or her graveyard into his or her library.
Wall of Omens
Defender When Wall of Omens enters the battlefield, draw a card.
Fiery Justice
Fiery Justice deals 5 damage divided as you choose among any number of target creatures and/or players. Target opponent gains 5 life.
Birds of Paradise
Flying {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt.
Wrath of God
All creatures in play are destroyed and cannot regenerate.
Fertile Ground
Whenever enchanted land is tapped for mana, it produces an additional one mana of any color.
Arbor Elf
{T}: Untap target Forest.
Kambal, Consul of Allocation
Breeding Pool
({T}: Add {G} or {U}.)
As Breeding Pool enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Stomping Ground
({T}: Add {R} or {G}.)
As Stomping Ground enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Decklisty Modern
Breach Moon
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Desolate Lighthouse
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {1}{U}{R}, {T}: Draw a card, then discard a card.
Through the Breach
Put a creature card from your hand into play. That creature has haste. Sacrifice that creature at end of turn. Splice onto Arcane {2}{R}{R} (As you play an Arcane spell, you may reveal this card from your hand and pay its splice cost. If you do, add this card's effects to that spell.)
Snapcaster Mage
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Sulfur Falls
Sulfur Falls enters the battlefield tapped unless you control an Island or a Mountain. {T}: Add {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Young Pyromancer
Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, put a 1/1 red Elemental creature token onto the battlefield.
Spell Snare
Counter target spell with converted mana cost 2.
Electrolyze deals 2 damage divided as you choose among any number of target creatures and/or players. Draw a card.
Vendilion Clique
Flash Flying When Vendilion Clique enters the battlefield, look at target player's hand. You may choose a nonland card from it. If you do, that player reveals the chosen card, puts it on the bottom of his or her library, then draws a card.
Counter target spell. If you do, return that spell card to its owner's hand. Draw a card.
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn can't be countered. When you cast Emrakul, take an extra turn after this one. Flying, protection from colored spells, annihilator 6 When Emrakul is put into a graveyard from anywhere, its owner shuffles his or her graveyard into his or her library.
Blood Moon
All non-basic lands are now basic mountains.
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt does 3 damage to one target.
Burst Lightning
Kicker {4} (You may pay an additional {4} as you cast this spell.) Burst Lightning deals 2 damage to target creature or player. If Burst Lightning was kicked, it deals 4 damage to that creature or player instead.
Scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom of your library.)
Draw a card.
V legacy challengi se nejvíce dařilo Grixis Delverovi, který měl čtyři hráče v top16, včetně celkového vítěze, jímž se stal "lampalot".
Zajímavé ale je, že už podruhé za sebou jsme na předních příčkách mohli vidět dvoje Tin Fins, se kterými tentokrát skončil dokonce na druhém místě DNSolver. Opět hrál verzi, ve které bylo Necrotic Ooze kombo.
Kromě toho jsme v top16 mohli spatřit i 4C Control, Death and Taxes s maindeck Rest in Peace, BG Depths, UWr Miracly se Search for Azcanta, Burn, dva Stormy (jeden s Dark Petition a jeden s Burning Wishem), UR Delver s Bedlam Revelerem, 4C Stoneblade a BR Reanimator.
Decklisty Legacy
Grixis Delver
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Force of Will
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
True-Name Nemesis
As True-Name Nemesis enters the battlefield, choose a player. True-Name Nemesis has protection from the chosen player. (This creature can't be blocked, targeted, dealt damage, or enchanted by anything controlled by that player.)
Gurmag Angler
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.)
Young Pyromancer
Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, put a 1/1 red Elemental creature token onto the battlefield.
You may return an island you control to its owner's hand instead of paying Daze's mana cost. Counter target spell unless its controller pays {1}.
Surgical Extraction
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Choose target card in a graveyard other than a basic land card. Search its owner's graveyard, hand, and library for any number of cards with the same name as that card and exile them. Then that player shuffles his or her library.
Gitaxian Probe
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Look at target player's hand. Draw a card.
Deathrite Shaman
{T}: Exile target land card from a graveyard. Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. {B}, {T}: Exile target instant or sorcery card from a graveyard. Each opponent loses 2 life. {G}, {T}: Exile target creature card from a graveyard. You gain 2 life.
Forked Bolt
Forked Bolt deals 2 damage divided as you choose among one or two target creatures and/or players.
Counter target activated or triggered ability. (Mana abilities can't be countered.)
Volcanic Island
Counts as both islands and mountains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Underground Sea
Counts as both swamp and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {U} to your mana pool.
Tropical Island
Counts as both forest and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {G} or {U} to your mana pool.
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt does 3 damage to one target.
Decklisty Legacy
Tin Fins
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Phyrexian Devourer
If Phyrexian Devourer's power is 7 or greater, bury it. {0}: Remove the top card of your library from the game to put a +X/+X counter on Phyrexian Devourer, where X is equal to that card's casting cost.
Shallow Grave
Put the top creature card from your graveyard into play as though it were just played. That creature is unaffected by summoning sickness. Remove the creature from the game at end of any turn.
Cabal Therapy
Name a nonland card. Target player reveals his or her hand and discards all cards with that name. Flashback-Sacrifice a creature. (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Gitaxian Probe
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Look at target player's hand. Draw a card.
Search your library for a card and put that card into your graveyard. Then shuffle your library.
Flying, lifelink Pay 7 life: Draw seven cards.
When Triskelion comes into play, put three +1/+1 counters on it. {0}: Remove one of these counters from Triskelion to have Triskelion deal 1 damage to target creature or player.
Necrotic Ooze
As long as Necrotic Ooze is on the battlefield, it has all activated abilities of all creature cards in all graveyards.
Lotus Petal
Sacrifice Lotus Petal: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Play this ability as a mana source.
Put target creature card from any graveyard into play under your control. Lose life equal to that creature's total casting cost.
Underground Sea
Counts as both swamp and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {U} to your mana pool.
Counts as both islands and plains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {W} to your mana pool.
Swords to Plowshares
Target creature is removed from game entirely; return to owner's deck only when game is over. Creature's controller gains life points equal to creature's power.
Counts as both plains and swamp and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {W} or {B} to your mana pool.
Each player chooses a creature card in his or her graveyard and puts that creature into play.
Dark Ritual
Add {B}{B}{B} to your mana pool.
Velmi nečekané decky obsadily první čtyři místa na vintage challengi. Vítězem se stal Eruxus s Blue Dredgí, druhý skončil Matt Sperling s originálními Abzan Hatebeary, na třetím místě byl BUG Control a Gifts Stom s Baraly.
V top8 byl ještě klasický UWR Mentor a hned troje Oathy, jenž byly nejhojněji zastoupným deckem v top16 s pěti hráči a ve čtyřech různých verzích - s Inferno Titanem, Punishing Firy, Auriok Salvagery a Burning Wishi.
Top16 žádné další decky nepřinesla, viděli jsme v ní pouze další BUG Controly, UWR Mentory a Dredge.
Decklisty Vintage
Blue Dredge
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Force of Will
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
Bazaar of Baghdad
Tap to take two cards from your library, after which you must immediately discard three from your hand to your graveyard. If you don't have three or more cards in your hand, discard your whole hand. No spells may be cast between drawing and discarding cards.
Serum Powder
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. Any time you could mulligan and Serum Powder is in your hand, you may remove your hand from the game, then draw that many cards. (You can do this in addition to taking mulligans.)
Dragonlord Kolaghan
Flying, haste Other creatures you control have haste. Whenever an opponent casts a creature or planeswalker spell with the same name as a card in his or her graveyard, that player loses 10 life.
Flying When Narcomoeba is put into your graveyard from your library, you may put it onto the battlefield.
Bridge from Below
Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below is in your graveyard, put a 2/2 black Zombie creature token onto the battlefield. When a creature is put into an opponent's graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below is in your graveyard, exile Bridge from Below.
Dakmor Salvage
Dakmor Salvage enters the battlefield tapped. {T}: Add {B} to your mana pool. Dredge 2 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly two cards from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.)
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
Vigilance Other creatures you control get +2/+2. Creatures your opponents control get -2/-2.
Mental Misstep
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Counter target spell with converted mana cost 1.
Cabal Therapy
Name a nonland card. Target player reveals his or her hand and discards all cards with that name. Flashback-Sacrifice a creature. (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Golgari Thug
When Golgari Thug is put into a graveyard from play, put target creature card in your graveyard on top of your library. Dredge 4 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly 4 cards from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.)
Golgari Grave-Troll
Golgari Grave-Troll comes into play with a +1/+1 counter on it for each creature card in your graveyard. {1}, Remove a +1/+1 counter from Golgari Grave-Troll: Regenerate Golgari Grave-Troll. Dredge 6
Stinkweed Imp
Flying Whenever Stinkweed Imp deals combat damage to a creature, destroy that creature. Dredge 5 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly five cards from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.)
City of Brass
Whenever City of Brass becomes tapped, it deals 1 damage to you. {T}: Add one mana of a color of your choice to your mana pool.
Dread Return
Return target creature card from your graveyard to play. Flashback—Sacrifice three creatures. (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Haste At end of turn, sacrifice Ichorid. At the beginning of your upkeep, if Ichorid is in your graveyard, you may remove a black creature card in your graveyard other than Ichorid from the game. If you do, return Ichorid to play.
During your upkeep, bury all artifacts and enchantments.
Bloodghast can't block. Bloodghast has haste as long as an opponent has 10 or less life. Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you may return Bloodghast from your graveyard to the battlefield.
Decklisty Vintage
Abzan Hatebears
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Spirit of the Labyrinth
Each player can't draw more than one card each turn.
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
First strike Noncreature spells cost {1} more to cast.
Stony Silence
Activated abilities of artifacts can't be activated.
Gaddock Teeg
Noncreature spells with converted mana cost 4 or greater can't be played. Noncreature spells with {X} in their mana costs can't be played.
Thorn of Amethyst
Noncreature spells cost {1} more to play.
Green Sun's Zenith
Search your library for a green creature card with converted mana cost X or less, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library. Shuffle Green Sun's Zenith into its owner's library.
Chalice of the Void
Chalice of the Void enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it. Whenever a player casts a spell with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Chalice of the Void, counter that spell.
Tarmogoyf's power is equal to the number of card types among cards in all graveyards and its toughness is equal to that number plus 1.
Dark Confidant
At the beginning of your upkeep, reveal the top card of your library and put that card into your hand. You lose life equal to its converted mana cost.
Abrupt Decay
Abrupt Decay can't be countered by spells or abilities. Destroy target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 3 or less.
Deathrite Shaman
{T}: Exile target land card from a graveyard. Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. {B}, {T}: Exile target instant or sorcery card from a graveyard. Each opponent loses 2 life. {G}, {T}: Exile target creature card from a graveyard. You gain 2 life.
Zealous Persecution
Until end of turn, creatures you control get +1/+1 and creatures your opponents control get -1/-1.
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
Mox Emerald
Add 1 green mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Counts as both swamp and forest and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {G} to your mana pool.
Mox Jet
Add 1 black mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Counts as both plains and forest and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {W} or {G} to your mana pool.
Mox Pearl
Add 1 white mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Swords to Plowshares
Target creature is removed from game entirely; return to owner's deck only when game is over. Creature's controller gains life points equal to creature's power.
Black Lotus
Adds 3 mana of any single color of your choice to your mana pool, then is discarded. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Counts as both plains and swamp and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {W} or {B} to your mana pool.
Decklisty Vintage
BUG Control
MTGO Weekly Challenge
1 Toxic Deluge
1 Energy Flux |
1 Garruk Relentless |
1 Grafdigger's Cage |
1 Hurkyl's Recall |
4 Leyline of the Void |
1 Maelstrom Pulse |
3 Nature's Claim |
1 Null Rod |
1 Thrun, the Last Troll
Force of Will
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
Toxic Deluge
As an additional cost to cast Toxic Deluge, pay X life. All creatures get -X/-X until end of turn.
Thrun, the Last Troll
Thrun, the Last Troll can't be countered. Thrun can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control. {1}{G}: Regenerate Thrun.
Spell Snare
Counter target spell with converted mana cost 2.
Mental Misstep
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Counter target spell with converted mana cost 1.
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Target creature gets -5/-5 until end of turn.
Dark Confidant
At the beginning of your upkeep, reveal the top card of your library and put that card into your hand. You lose life equal to its converted mana cost.
Abrupt Decay
Abrupt Decay can't be countered by spells or abilities. Destroy target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 3 or less.
Deathrite Shaman
{T}: Exile target land card from a graveyard. Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. {B}, {T}: Exile target instant or sorcery card from a graveyard. Each opponent loses 2 life. {G}, {T}: Exile target creature card from a graveyard. You gain 2 life.
Mox Emerald
Add 1 green mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Mox Sapphire
Add 1 blue mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Counts as both swamp and forest and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {G} to your mana pool.
Underground Sea
Counts as both swamp and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {U} to your mana pool.
Time Walk
Take an extra turn after this one.
Tropical Island
Counts as both forest and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {G} or {U} to your mana pool.
Mox Jet
Add 1 black mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Ancestral Recall
Draw 3 cards or force opponent to draw 3 cards.
Black Lotus
Adds 3 mana of any single color of your choice to your mana pool, then is discarded. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Demonic Tutor
You may search your library for one card and take it into your hand. Reshuffle your library afterwards.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
+2: Look at the top card of target player's library. You may put that card on the bottom of that player's library. 0: Draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of your library in any order. -1: Return target creature to its owner's hand. -12: Exile all cards from target player's library, then that player shuffles his or her hand into his or her library.
Decklisty Vintage
Gifts Storm
MTGO Weekly Challenge
1 Tropical Island
1 Ancient Grudge |
1 Hurkyl's Recall |
1 By Force |
1 Chain of Vapor |
1 Nature's Claim |
1 Pyroblast |
4 Ravenous Trap |
1 Red Elemental Blast |
1 Subterranean Tremors |
1 Toxic Deluge |
1 Yixlid Jailer
Force of Will
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
Library of Alexandria
Tap to add 1 colorless mana to your mana pool or draw a card from your library; you may use the card-drawing ability only if you have exactly seven cards in your hand.
Snow-Covered Island
{T}: Add {U} to your mana pool.
Snapcaster Mage
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Dig Through Time
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) Look at the top seven cards of your library. Put two of them into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
Mana Drain
Counters target spell. At the beginning of your next main phase, add {X} to your mana pool, where X is the casting cost of target spell.
Blightsteel Colossus
Trample, infect Blightsteel Colossus is indestructible. If Blightsteel Colossus would be put into a graveyard from anywhere, reveal Blightsteel Colossus and shuffle it into its owner's library instead.
Gifts Ungiven
Search your library for up to four cards with different names and reveal them. Target opponent chooses two of those cards. Put the chosen cards into your graveyard and the rest into your hand. Then shuffle your library.
Mental Misstep
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Counter target spell with converted mana cost 1.
Yixlid Jailer
Gitaxian Probe
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Look at target player's hand. Draw a card.
Mana Crypt
At the beginning of your upkeep, flip a coin. If you lose the flip, Mana Crypt deals 3 damage to you. {T}: Add {2} to your mana pool.
Tendrils of Agony
Target player loses 2 life and you gain 2 life. Storm (When you play this spell, copy it for each spell played before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.)
Mystical Tutor
Search your library for an instant or sorcery card and reveal that card. Shuffle your library, then put the card on top of it.
Lotus Petal
Sacrifice Lotus Petal: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Play this ability as a mana source.
Hurkyl's Recall
Return all artifacts target player owns to his or her hand.
Ancient Grudge
Destroy target artifact. Flashback {G} (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Volcanic Island
Counts as both islands and mountains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Mana Vault
Tap to add 3 colorless mana to your mana pool. Mana Vault doesn't untap normally during untap phase; to untap it, you must pay 4 mana. If Mana Vault remains tapped during upkeep it does 1 damage to you. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Mox Emerald
Add 1 green mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Mox Sapphire
Add 1 blue mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Underground Sea
Counts as both swamp and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {U} to your mana pool.
Time Walk
Take an extra turn after this one.
Tropical Island
Counts as both forest and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {G} or {U} to your mana pool.
Mox Jet
Add 1 black mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Mox Ruby
Add 1 red mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Mox Pearl
Add 1 white mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Ancestral Recall
Draw 3 cards or force opponent to draw 3 cards.
Black Lotus
Adds 3 mana of any single color of your choice to your mana pool, then is discarded. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Demonic Tutor
You may search your library for one card and take it into your hand. Reshuffle your library afterwards.
Return any card from your graveyard to your hand.
At the time you play Tinker, sacrifice an artifact. Search your library for an artifact card and put that artifact into play. Shuffle your library afterward.
Yawgmoth's Will
Until end of turn, you may play cards in your graveyard as though they were in your hand. Cards put into your graveyard this turn are removed from the game instead.
Tolarian Academy
{T}: Add {U} to your mana pool for each artifact you control.
Vampiric Tutor
Pay 2 life: Search your library for any one card. Shuffle your library, then put that card on top of your library.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
+2: Look at the top card of target player's library. You may put that card on the bottom of that player's library. 0: Draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of your library in any order. -1: Return target creature to its owner's hand. -12: Exile all cards from target player's library, then that player shuffles his or her hand into his or her library.
Mindbreak Trap
If an opponent cast three or more spells this turn, you may pay {0} rather than pay Mindbreak Trap's mana cost. Exile any number of target spells.
Baral, Chief of Compliance
Commander měl jako obvykle trochu menší účast, než ostatní challenge, což mimo jiné znamenalo, že pouze třináct hráčů v něm uhrála pozitivní skóre.
Suverénně nejúspěšnější deck bylo čtyřbarevné tempo s Tymnou a Kraumem, které obsadilo pět míst v top8. První místo mu ale vyfoukl jiný čtyřbarevný goodstuff a to s Thrasiosem a Tymnou.
Další decky na předních příčkách byly The Gitrog Monster, dvě Breyi, kombo Sidisi, Narset, Leovold a Zurgo Bellstriker.
Decklisty Commander
Thrasios + Tymna
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Force of Will
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
Cavern of Souls
As Cavern of Souls enters the battlefield, choose a creature type. {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell of the chosen type, and that spell can't be countered.
Council's Judgment
Will of the council — Starting with you, each player votes for a nonland permanent you don't control. Exile each permanent with the most votes or tied for most votes.
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
First strike Noncreature spells cost {1} more to cast.
Dromoka's Command
Choose two — • Prevent all damage target instant or sorcery spell would deal this turn. • Target player sacrifices an enchantment. • Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature. • Target creature you control fights target creature you don't control.
Bloom Tender
{T}: For each color among permanents you control, add one mana of that color to your mana pool.
Fyndhorn Elves
{T}: Add {G} to your mana pool. Play this ability as an interrupt.
Snapcaster Mage
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Murderous Cut
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) Destroy target creature.
Phantasmal Image
You may have Phantasmal Image enter the battlefield as a copy of any creature on the battlefield, except it's an Illusion in addition to its other types and it gains "When this creature becomes the target of a spell or ability, sacrifice it."
Target creature gets -3/-3 until end of turn. You lose 3 life.
Snuff Out
If you control a swamp, you may pay 4 life instead of paying Snuff Out's mana cost. Destroy target nonblack creature. It can't be regenerated.
Sword of Feast and Famine
Equipped creature gets +2/+2 and has protection from black and from green. Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, that player discards a card and you untap all lands you control. Equip {2}
Logic Knot
Delve (You may exile any number of cards from your graveyard as you cast this spell. It costs {1} less to cast for each card exiled this way.) Counter target spell unless its controller pays {X}.
Spell Snare
Counter target spell with converted mana cost 2.
You may return an island you control to its owner's hand instead of paying Daze's mana cost. Counter target spell unless its controller pays {1}.
Mental Misstep
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Counter target spell with converted mana cost 1.
Evasive Action
Domain — Counter target spell unless its controller pays {1} for each basic land type among lands you control.
Baleful Strix
Flying, deathtouch When Baleful Strix enters the battlefield, draw a card.
Meddling Mage
As Meddling Mage comes into play, name a nonland card. The named card can't be played.
Umezawa's Jitte
Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage, put two charge counters on Umezawa's Jitte. Remove a charge counter from Umezawa's Jitte: Choose one — Equipped creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn; or target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn; or you gain 2 life. Equip {2}
Chrome Mox
Imprint — When Chrome Mox enters the battlefield, you may exile a nonartifact, nonland card from your hand. {T}: Add one mana of any of the exiled card's colors to your mana pool.
At the beginning of your upkeep, you lose 1 life and put a 1/1 black Faerie Rogue creature token with flying onto the battlefield.
Sword of Fire and Ice
Equipped creature gets +2/+2 and has protection from red and from blue. Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, Sword of Fire and Ice deals 2 damage to target creature or player and you draw a card.
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Target creature gets -5/-5 until end of turn.
Avacyn's Pilgrim
{T}: Add {W} to your mana pool.
Gitaxian Probe
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Look at target player's hand. Draw a card.
Noble Hierarch
Exalted (Whenever a creature you control attacks alone, that creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.) {T}: Add {G}, {W}, or {U} to your mana pool.
Destroy target permanent.
Elvish Mystic
{T}: Add {G} to your mana pool.
Counter target spell. If you do, return that spell card to its owner's hand. Draw a card.
Dark Confidant
At the beginning of your upkeep, reveal the top card of your library and put that card into your hand. You lose life equal to its converted mana cost.
Sylvan Library
You may draw two extra cards during your draw phase. If you do so, put two of the cards drawn this turn back on top of your library (in any order) or pay 4 life per card not replaced. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life.
Abrupt Decay
Abrupt Decay can't be countered by spells or abilities. Destroy target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 3 or less.
Deathrite Shaman
{T}: Exile target land card from a graveyard. Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. {B}, {T}: Exile target instant or sorcery card from a graveyard. Each opponent loses 2 life. {G}, {T}: Exile target creature card from a graveyard. You gain 2 life.
Put target creature into its owner's library second from the top. Its controller gains 3 life.
Inquisition of Kozilek
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it with converted mana cost 3 or less. That player discards that card.
Darkslick Shores
Darkslick Shores enters the battlefield tapped unless you control two or fewer other lands. {T}: Add {U} or {B} to your mana pool.
Razorverge Thicket
Razorverge Thicket enters the battlefield tapped unless you control two or fewer other lands. {T}: Add {G} or {W} to your mana pool.
Force Spike
Counter target spell unless its caster pays an additional {1}.
Tidehollow Sculler
When Tidehollow Sculler comes into play, target opponent reveals his or her hand and you choose a nonland card from it. Remove that card from the game. When Tidehollow Sculler leaves play, return the removed card to its owner's hand.
City of Brass
Whenever City of Brass becomes tapped, it deals 1 damage to you. {T}: Add one mana of a color of your choice to your mana pool.
Memory Lapse
Counter target spell. Put it on top of its owner's library instead of into that player's graveyard.
Mox Diamond
When Mox Diamond comes into play, choose and discard a land card or sacrifice Mox Diamond. {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Play this ability as a mana source.
Mana Leak
Counter target spell unless its caster pays an additional {3}.
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add {G} or {W} to your mana pool. Brushland deals 1 damage to you.
Caves of Koilos
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add {W} or {B} to your mana pool. Caves of Koilos deals 1 damage to you.
Llanowar Wastes
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add {B} or {G} to your mana pool. Llanowar Wastes deals 1 damage to you.
Yavimaya Coast
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add {G} or {U} to your mana pool. Yavimaya Coast deals 1 damage to you.
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
Counters target spell as it is being cast.
Counts as both swamp and forest and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {G} to your mana pool.
Underground Sea
Counts as both swamp and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {U} to your mana pool.
Tropical Island
Counts as both forest and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {G} or {U} to your mana pool.
Counts as both plains and forest and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {W} or {G} to your mana pool.
Birds of Paradise
Flying {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt.
Counts as both islands and plains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {W} to your mana pool.
Llanowar Elves
Tap to add green mana to your mana pool. This tap can be played as an interrupt.
Swords to Plowshares
Target creature is removed from game entirely; return to owner's deck only when game is over. Creature's controller gains life points equal to creature's power.
Counts as both plains and swamp and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {W} or {B} to your mana pool.
Counter target spell unless its caster pays an additional {2}. Cycling {2} (You may pay {2} and discard this card from your hand to draw a card. Play this ability as an instant.)
Mother of Runes
{T}: Target creature you control gains protection from a color of your choice until end of turn.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
+2: Look at the top card of target player's library. You may put that card on the bottom of that player's library. 0: Draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of your library in any order. -1: Return target creature to its owner's hand. -12: Exile all cards from target player's library, then that player shuffles his or her hand into his or her library.
Nature's Claim
Destroy target artifact or enchantment. Its controller gains 4 life.
Stoneforge Mystic
When Stoneforge Mystic enters the battlefield, you may search your library for an Equipment card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library. {1}{W}, {T}: You may put an Equipment card from your hand onto the battlefield.
Lotus Cobra
Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you may add one mana of any color to your mana pool.
Breeding Pool
({T}: Add {G} or {U}.)
As Breeding Pool enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Godless Shrine
({T}: Add {W} or {B}.)
As Godless Shrine enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Hallowed Fountain
({T}: Add {W} or {U}.)
As Hallowed Fountain enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Target opponent reveals their hand. You choose a noncreature, nonland card from it. That player discards that card.
Command Tower
{T}: Add one mana of any color in your commander's color identity.
Přehled challengí zakončíme jako obvykle pauperem, kde se nejvíce dařilo WR Metalcraftu (ten celý turnaj ovládl) a Monogreen Aggru. Oba decky byly ve dvou v top8, přičemž Monogreen měl ještě další dva zástupce v top16.
Na předních příčkách byly také dva UB Controly, dva 4C Trony, Tireless Tribe Combo, Gu Elfové s Distant Melody, dvě Atog Affinity, UR Delver, a alespoň malou trochu inovace představovali GW Sliveři.
Decklisty Vše
GW Slivers
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Standard Bearer
If an opponent plays a spell or ability that could target a Flagbearer in play, that player chooses at least one Flagbearer as a target.
Epic Confrontation
Target creature you control gets +1/+2 until end of turn. It fights target creature you don't control. (Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)
Plated Sliver
All Slivers get +0/+1.
Sentinel Sliver
Sliver creatures you control have vigilance. (Attacking doesn't cause them to tap.)
Predatory Sliver
Sliver creatures you control get +1/+1.
Mutagenic Growth
({G/P} can be paid with either {G} or 2 life.) Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn.
Sinew Sliver
All Slivers get +1/+1.
Virulent Sliver
All Sliver creatures have poisonous 1. (Whenever a Sliver deals combat damage to a player, that player gets a poison counter. A player with ten or more poison counters loses the game.)
Selesnya Sanctuary
Selesnya Sanctuary comes into play tapped. When Selesnya Sanctuary comes into play, return a land you control to its owner's hand. {T}: Add {G}{W} to your mana pool.
Horned Sliver
All Slivers gain trample.
Muscle Sliver
All Slivers get +1/+1.
Talon Sliver
All slivers gain first strike.
Commune with Nature
Look at the top five cards of your library. You may reveal a creature card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
Sidewinder Sliver
All Slivers have flanking. (Whenever a creature without flanking blocks a Sliver, the blocking creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn.)
Spinneret Sliver
All Slivers have "This creature can block as though it had flying."
Vines of Vastwood
Kicker {G} (You may pay an additional {G} as you cast this spell.) Target creature can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control this turn. If Vines of Vastwood was kicked, that creature gets +4/+4 until end of turn.
Blossoming Sands
Blossoming Sands enters the battlefield tapped.
When Blossoming Sands enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.
{T}: Add {G} or {W}.
5. SCG Regional Championships (Modern)
V jedenácti destinacích se konaly modernové regional championships pořadané StarcityGames. Výsledky byly velmi rozmanité, když jednotliví vítězové hráli devět různých decků - 2× Gifts Storm, 2× Abzan Company, Affinita, Grixis Death's Shadow, UWR Tempo, Boros Burn, 5C Humani, Abzan Midrange a 5C Death's Shadow.
Úplně nejúspěšnějším archetypem bylo Collected Company, jehož různé verze ve všech top8 zabraly dohromady třináct míst. Nejzajímavější mi přišla vítězná verze Matthew Tickala, která představuje pěkný mix value a kombo karet. Speciálně se mi zamlouvá hrát kombo karty jako Vizier a Viscera Seer pouze jako one-ofy.
Níže se můžete podívat na úplný přehled všech decků ze všech top8 a také na několik zajímavých decklistů. Za zmínku také stojí, že jedno z vítězství ukořistil Alex Bertoncini s Affinitou, který se vrátil ke hraní na competitive úrovni i po dvou banech, přičemž ten druhý byl téměř na čtyři roky...
- 8× Affinity
- 8× UWR Tempo
- 6× Grixis Death's Shadow
- 6× Bant Company
- 5× Gifts Storm
- 5× Abzan Company
- 4× Eldrazi Tron
- 4× Boros Burn
- 4× 5C Humans
- 4× UW Control
- 3× Abzan Midrange
- 2× UG Merfolk
- 2× 4C/5C Death's Shadow
- 2× Vizier Elves
- 2× Infect
- 2× Jund Midrange
- 2× GW Company
- 2× RG Scapeshift
- 1× Bant Eldrazi
- 1× Monowhite Death and Taxes
- 1× Grixis Control
- 1× Ad Nauseam
- 1× Grixis Delver
- 1× GW Hexproof
- 1× RG HollowVine
- 1× Living End
- 1× Green Tron
- 1× Skred Red
- 1× Eldrazi and Taxes
- 1× 4C Control
- 1× Gr Tron
- 1× RG Ponza
- 1× GW Death and Taxes
- 1× Gb Tron
- 1× GB Elves
Decklisty Modern
Abzan Midrange
Robert Rivera
SCG Regional Championship
Stony Silence
Activated abilities of artifacts can't be activated.
Gavony Township
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {2}{G}{W}, {T}: Put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control.
Liliana of the Veil
+1: Each player discards a card. -2: Target player sacrifices a creature. -6: Separate all permanents target player controls into two piles. That player sacrifices all permanents in the pile of his or her choice.
Abzan Charm
Choose one — • Exile target creature with power 3 or greater. • You draw two cards and you lose 2 life. • Distribute two +1/+1 counters among one or two target creatures.
Scavenging Ooze
{G}: Exile target card from a graveyard. If it was a creature card, put a +1/+1 counter on Scavenging Ooze and you gain 1 life.
Engineered Explosives
Sunburst (This enters the battlefield with a charge counter on it for each color of mana spent to cast it.) {2}, Sacrifice Engineered Explosives: Destroy each nonland permanent with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Engineered Explosives.
Tarmogoyf's power is equal to the number of card types among cards in all graveyards and its toughness is equal to that number plus 1.
Maelstrom Pulse
Destroy target nonland permanent and all other permanents with the same name as that permanent.
Abrupt Decay
Abrupt Decay can't be countered by spells or abilities. Destroy target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 3 or less.
Inquisition of Kozilek
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it with converted mana cost 3 or less. That player discards that card.
Nihil Spellbomb
{T}, Sacrifice Nihil Spellbomb: Exile all cards from target player's graveyard. When Nihil Spellbomb is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may pay {B}. If you do, draw a card.
Fulminator Mage
Sacrifice Fulminator Mage: Destroy target nonbasic land.
Kitchen Finks
When Kitchen Finks comes into play, you gain 2 life. Persist (When this creature is put into a graveyard from play, if it had no -1/-1 counters on it, return it to play under its owner's control with a -1/-1 counter on it.)
Lingering Souls
Put two 1/1 white Spirit creature tokens with flying onto the battlefield. Flashback {1}{B} (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Pithing Needle
As Pithing Needle comes into play, name a card. Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be played unless they're mana abilities.
Elspeth, Sun's Champion
+1: Put three 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens onto the battlefield. -3: Destroy all creatures with power 4 or greater. -7: You get an emblem with "Creatures you control get +2/+2 and have flying."
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
Path to Exile
Exile target creature. Its controller may search his or her library for a basic land card, put that card onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle his or her library.
Godless Shrine
({T}: Add {W} or {B}.)
As Godless Shrine enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Decklisty Modern
Abzan Company
Matthew Tickal
SCG Regional Championship
Courser of Kruphix
Play with the top card of your library revealed. You may play the top card of your library if it's a land card. Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 1 life.
Azusa, Lost but Seeking
You may play two additional lands on each of your turns.
Collected Company
Look at the top six cards of your library. Put up to two creature cards with converted mana cost 3 or less from among them onto the battlefield. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
Orzhov Pontiff
Haunt (When this card is put into a graveyard from play, remove it from the game haunting target creature.) When Orzhov Pontiff comes into play or the creature it haunts is put into a graveyard, choose one — creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn; or creatures you don't control get -1/-1 until end of turn.
Gavony Township
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {2}{G}{W}, {T}: Put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control.
Eidolon of Rhetoric
Each player can't cast more than one spell each turn.
Viscera Seer
Sacrifice a creature: Scry 1. (To scry 1, look at the top card of your library, then you may put that card on the bottom of your library.)
Scavenging Ooze
{G}: Exile target card from a graveyard. If it was a creature card, put a +1/+1 counter on Scavenging Ooze and you gain 1 life.
Reclamation Sage
When Reclamation Sage enters the battlefield, you may destroy target artifact or enchantment.
Knight of the Reliquary
Knight of the Reliquary gets +1/+1 for each land card in your graveyard. {T}, Sacrifice a Forest or Plains: Search your library for a land card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library.
Big Game Hunter
When Big Game Hunter comes into play, destroy target creature with power 4 or greater. It can't be regenerated. Madness {B} (If you discard this card, you may play it for its madness cost instead of putting it into your graveyard.)
Noble Hierarch
Exalted (Whenever a creature you control attacks alone, that creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.) {T}: Add {G}, {W}, or {U} to your mana pool.
Sin Collector
When Sin Collector enters the battlefield, target opponent reveals his or her hand. You choose an instant or sorcery card from it and exile that card.
Chord of Calling
Convoke (Each creature you tap while playing this spell reduces its cost by {1} or by one mana of that creature's color.) Search your library for a creature card with converted mana cost X or less and put it into play. Then shuffle your library.
Abrupt Decay
Abrupt Decay can't be countered by spells or abilities. Destroy target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 3 or less.
Kataki, War's Wage
All artifacts have "At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice this artifact unless you pay {1}."
Devoted Druid
{T}: Add {G} to your mana pool. Put a -1/-1 counter on Devoted Druid: Untap Devoted Druid.
Kitchen Finks
When Kitchen Finks comes into play, you gain 2 life. Persist (When this creature is put into a graveyard from play, if it had no -1/-1 counters on it, return it to play under its owner's control with a -1/-1 counter on it.)
Ethersworn Canonist
Each player who has played a nonartifact spell this turn can't play additional nonartifact spells.
Fleshbag Marauder
When Fleshbag Marauder enters the battlefield, each player sacrifices a creature.
Lone Missionary
When Lone Missionary enters the battlefield, you gain 4 life.
Birds of Paradise
Flying {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt.
Path to Exile
Exile target creature. Its controller may search his or her library for a basic land card, put that card onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle his or her library.
Godless Shrine
({T}: Add {W} or {B}.)
As Godless Shrine enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Decklisty Modern
Grixis Control
Ryan Overturf
SCG Regional Championship
Kolaghan's Command
Choose two — • Return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand. • Target player discards a card. • Destroy target artifact. • Kolaghan's Command deals 2 damage to target creature or player.
Counter target noncreature spell. Its controller loses 2 life.
Gurmag Angler
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.)
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) {2}{G/U}{G/U}: Put the top two cards of your library into your graveyard, then return a nonland card of an opponent's choice from your graveyard to your hand.
Snapcaster Mage
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Spell Snare
Counter target spell with converted mana cost 2.
Engineered Explosives
Sunburst (This enters the battlefield with a charge counter on it for each color of mana spent to cast it.) {2}, Sacrifice Engineered Explosives: Destroy each nonland permanent with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Engineered Explosives.
Serum Visions
Draw a card. Scry 2 (Look at the top two cards of your library. Put any number of them on the bottom of your library and the rest on top of it in any order.)
Electrolyze deals 2 damage divided as you choose among any number of target creatures and/or players. Draw a card.
Vendilion Clique
Flash Flying When Vendilion Clique enters the battlefield, look at target player's hand. You may choose a nonland card from it. If you do, that player reveals the chosen card, puts it on the bottom of his or her library, then draws a card.
Nihil Spellbomb
{T}, Sacrifice Nihil Spellbomb: Exile all cards from target player's graveyard. When Nihil Spellbomb is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may pay {B}. If you do, draw a card.
Destroy target creature. It can't be regenerated.
Mana Leak
Counter target spell unless its caster pays an additional {3}.
Anger of the Gods
Anger of the Gods deals 3 damage to each creature. If a creature dealt damage this way would die this turn, exile it instead.
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt does 3 damage to one target.
Blood Crypt
({T}: Add {B} or {R}.)
As Blood Crypt enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom of your library.)
Draw a card.
Decklisty Modern
4C Control
Travis Perlee
SCG Regional Championship
Kolaghan's Command
Choose two — • Return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand. • Target player discards a card. • Destroy target artifact. • Kolaghan's Command deals 2 damage to target creature or player.
Snapcaster Mage
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Sulfur Falls
Sulfur Falls enters the battlefield tapped unless you control an Island or a Mountain. {T}: Add {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Logic Knot
Delve (You may exile any number of cards from your graveyard as you cast this spell. It costs {1} less to cast for each card exiled this way.) Counter target spell unless its controller pays {X}.
Spell Snare
Counter target spell with converted mana cost 2.
Engineered Explosives
Sunburst (This enters the battlefield with a charge counter on it for each color of mana spent to cast it.) {2}, Sacrifice Engineered Explosives: Destroy each nonland permanent with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Engineered Explosives.
Electrolyze deals 2 damage divided as you choose among any number of target creatures and/or players. Draw a card.
Vendilion Clique
Flash Flying When Vendilion Clique enters the battlefield, look at target player's hand. You may choose a nonland card from it. If you do, that player reveals the chosen card, puts it on the bottom of his or her library, then draws a card.
Izzet Staticaster
Flash (You may cast this spell any time you could cast an instant.) Haste {T}: Izzet Staticaster deals 1 damage to target creature and each other creature with the same name as that creature.
Sphinx's Revelation
You gain X life and draw X cards.
Gideon Jura
+2: During target opponent's next turn, creatures that player controls attack Gideon Jura if able. -2: Destroy target tapped creature. 0: Until end of turn, Gideon Jura becomes a 6/6 Human Soldier creature that's still a planeswalker. Prevent all damage that would be dealt to him this turn.
Runed Halo
As Runed Halo comes into play, name a card. You have protection from the chosen name. (You can't be targeted, dealt damage, or enchanted by anything with that name.)
Ajani Vengeant
+1: Target permanent doesn't untap during its controller's next untap step. -2: Ajani Vengeant deals 3 damage to target creature or player and you gain 3 life. -7: Destroy all lands target player controls.
Lingering Souls
Put two 1/1 white Spirit creature tokens with flying onto the battlefield. Flashback {1}{B} (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Lightning Helix
Lightning Helix deals 3 damage to target creature or player and you gain 3 life.
Mana Leak
Counter target spell unless its caster pays an additional {3}.
Mystical Teachings
Search your library for an instant card or a card with flash, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library. Flashback {5}{B} (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Think Twice
Draw a card. Flashback {2}{U} (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt does 3 damage to one target.
Path to Exile
Exile target creature. Its controller may search his or her library for a basic land card, put that card onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle his or her library.
Celestial Colonnade
Celestial Colonnade enters the battlefield tapped. {T}: Add {W} or {U} to your mana pool. {3}{W}{U}: Until end of turn, Celestial Colonnade becomes a 4/4 white and blue Elemental creature with flying and vigilance. It's still a land.
Blood Crypt
({T}: Add {B} or {R}.)
As Blood Crypt enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Godless Shrine
({T}: Add {W} or {B}.)
As Godless Shrine enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Hallowed Fountain
({T}: Add {W} or {U}.)
As Hallowed Fountain enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Counter target noncreature spell.
6. Angelic Commander Valence #5 (Duel Commander)
Ve francouzském Valence se konal jeden z letošních největších turnajů ve french commanderu, kterého se zúčastnilo 82 hráčů.
Z vítězství se tu radoval Léo Carbonell s poněkud netradičním deckem v podobě Monoblue Controlu s Teferim, Temporal Archmage. Deck je poměrně unikátní v tom, že dky Teferimu můžete přejít do agresivního módu s kartami jako Winter Orb a Stasis.
Na druhém místě skončila zajímavá verze Grixis Controlu s Kess, jenž byla hybridem mezi kontrolem a stormem.
V top8 byly dále Death and Taxes s Karlovem, Monogreen Rampa se Selvalou, čistokrevný Monoblue Control s Baralem, dvě 4C Aggra se Saskií a agresivní verze Zurga.
Výsledky přestavují docela pěknou balanci mezi kontroly, midrangem, rampou a aggro decky, takže doufám, že si to "frantíci" nezkazí zase nějakými agresivními bany v příštích měsících...
Decklisty z top8 si můžete prohlédnout zde.
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