TOP8 decklisty z PTQ Seattle - Praha 24.6.2012
TOP8 decklisty z PTQ Seattle - Praha 24.6.2012
Minulý víkend se v pražské herně Černý rytíř konalo PTQ Seattle a my vám z něj přinášíme decklisty z TOP8. Pokud nevíte, co hrát na sobotním WCQ, které se uskuteční taktéž v pražském Černém rytíři, tak snad vás nějaký balíček zaujme.
Naya | 1. místo Michael Schneider |
Main Deck | Sideboard |
4 Avacyn’s Pilgrim 4 Birds of Paradise 4 Blade Splicer 4 Borderland Ranger 3 Geist-Honored Monk 4 huntmaster of the fells 4 Restoration Angel 3 Strangleroot Geist 3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 4 Cavern of Souls 4 Copperline Gorge 3 Forest 4 Gavony Township 2 Mountain 2 Plains 4 Razorverge Thicket 4 bonefire of the damned | 2 hero of banehold 2 Wolfir Silverheart 3 Zealous Conscripts 1 oblivoin ring 1 Ancient Grudge 2 Celestial Purge 2 Combust 2 Crushing Vines |
UW Delver | 2. místo Ondřej Stráský |
Main Deck | Sideboard |
4 Delver of Secrets 4 Snapcaster Mage 4 Geist of Saint Traft 3 Restoration Angel 4 Seachrome Coast 4 Glacial Fortress 2 Moorland Haunt 9 Island 4 Ponder 4 Vapor Snag 4 Gitaxian Probe 4 Thought Scour 3 Gut Shot 2 Mutagenic Growth 3 Runechanter’s Pike | 3 Celestial Purge 3 phantasmal image 2 timely reinforcements 1 Mental Misstep 1 Gut Shot 2 Mana Leak 1 Dissipate 1 Spectral Flight 1 Sword of War and Peace |
Mono Green | 3. místo Igor Panigada |
Main Deck | Sideboard |
23 Forest 4 Birds of Paradise 4 Llanowar Elves 4 Strangleroot Geist 4 dungrove elder 3 Wolfir Avenger 2 Wolfir Silverheart 1 Viridian Corrupter 2 Phyrexian Metamorph 1 Ulvenwald Tracker 1 Thrun, the Last Troll 4 Green Sun’s Zenith 4 Revenge of the Hunted 2 Sword of War and Peace 1 Predator Ooze | 2 Torpor Orb 2 garruk the relentless 2 Dismember 1 Acidic Slime 2 Beast Within 2 Prey Upon 2 Crushing Vines 1 Sword of Body and Mind 1 Thrun, the Last Troll |
Wolf Run Ramp | 4. místo Michal Sklarski |
Main Deck | Sideboard |
4 Birds of Paradise 3 bonefire of the damned 1 Borderland Ranger 4 Copperline Gorge 10 Forest 4 Green Sun’s Zenith 4 huntmaster of the fells 3 Kessig Wolf Run 4 Llanowar Elves 2 Mountain 2 Pillar of Flame 4 Rootbound Crag 4 Strangleroot Geist 3 Sword of War and Peace 3 Wolfir Avenger 3 Wolfir Silverheart 2 Dismember | 2 Crushing Vines 3 Zealous Conscripts 1 Sword of Feast and Famine 1 stingerfling spider 2 Pillar of Flame 2 Manabarbs 1 Increasing Savagery 1 Daybreak Ranger 1 Arc Trail 1 Ancient Grudge |
UW Delver | 5. místo Dominik Prošek |
Main Deck | Sideboard |
4 Seachrome Coast 4 Glacial Fortress 2 Moorland Haunt 1 Plains 8 Island 4 Ponder 1 Mutagenic Growth 4 Vapor Snag 4 Snapcaster Mage 4 Delver of Secrets 3 Restoration Angel 3 Gut Shot 4 Gitaxian Probe 3 Runechanter’s Pike 4 Thought Scour 3 Mana leak 4 Geist of Saint Traft | 2 Mental Misstep 2 phantasmal image 1 Gut Shot 1 Dissipate 2 timely reinforcements 3 Celestial Purge 1 Sword of War and Peace 1 Mutagenic Growth 1 Spectral Flight 1 Mana Leak |
Birthing Pod | 6. místo Lukáš Blohon |
Main Deck | Sideboard |
4 Cavern of Souls 4 Razorverge Thicket 4 Copperline Gorge 5 Forest 1 Plains 1 Mountain 2 Rootbound Crag 3 Gavony Township 4 Avacyn’s Pilgrim 4 Birds of Paradise 1 Llanowar Elves 4 Strangleroot Geist 2 Blade Splicer 4 Borderland Ranger 1 Fiend Hunter 4 Birthing Pod 2 huntsmaster of the fells 4 Restoration Angel 1 Wolfir Silverheart 1 Zealous Conscripts 4 bonefire of the damned | 1 Geist-Honored Monk 2 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 1 Fiend Hunter 1 Blade Splicer 1 hero of banehold 2 Phyrexian Metamorph 1 Zealous Conscripts 1 Hero of Oxid Ridge 1 Manic Vandal 1 Crushing Vines 2 huntmaster of fells 1 Wurmcoil Engine |
Humans | 7. místo Ondřej Malý |
Main Deck | Sideboard |
12 Plains 3 Vault of the Archangel 4 Isolated Chapel 5 Swamp 1 Dismember 2 Go for the Throat 2 Oblivion Ring 3 hero of banehold 4 Lingering Souls 4 Midnight Haunting 4 Gather the Townsfolk 4 intengible virtue 4 Honor of the Pure 4 doom traveler 4 Champion of the Parish | 1 angelic destiny 2 Surgical Extraction 2 timely reinforcements 1 Divine Offering 1 Revoke Existence 2 Doom Blade 2 Stony Silence 2 Celestial Purge 2 Day of Judgment |
UB Control | 8. místo Daniel Prošek |
Main Deck | Sideboard |
4 Gravecrawler 3 Fume Spitter 4 phantasmal image 4 Treacherous Pit-Dweller 2 Snapcaster Mage 4 Geralf’s Messenger 3 phyregian obliterator 4 Vapor Snag 3 Unsummon 2 Go for the Throat 2 Tragic Slip 4 drowned catacombs 4 Darkslick Shores 3 Evolving Wilds 11 Swamp 1 Island | 2 Curse of Death’s Hold 1 Go for the Throat 1 Phyrexian Obliterator 2 Sever the Bloodline 1 Swamp 2 Hex Parasite 2 Ratchet Bomb 2 Negate 2 Bloodline Keeper |
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Reprinty - vše, co jste chtěli vědět, ale báli jste se zeptat
Tak kolik reprintů dostane ta Sheoldred? ;-)
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Super článek! Coby náušnice slouží nepochybně Leviathan a Phyrexian Dreadnought :)) Oblíbená ilustrace: Shambling Strider.
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Tak zas komu sa bude chcieť vyhadzovať ničenie na 1-manovy artefakt, ktorý "nič nerobí" :)
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