1. GP Shanghai (Standard)
Týden po PT se konala trojice GP ve formátu standard. Nejkomornější atmosféru z nich mělo GP v Shanghai (a také se dohrálo nejdříve), kam se vydalo 711 hráčů, mezi kterými byla většina asijských pro hráčů.
Od PT se toho v metagame příliš nezměnilo, dva nejhranější archetypy byly energy decky a Ramunap Red. Oba dva archetypy dohromady tvořily přes dvě třetiny herního pole ve druhém dni, kam postoupilo 197 hráčů.
Asi vás nepřkvapí, když rovnou prozradím, že energy decky a Ramunap Red zabraly celkem sedm míst v top8 - 4× Ramunap Red, 2× RUG Energy a jednou Dark Temur.
Co se týče jednotlivých jmen v top8, tak jsme v ní měli šanci zahlédnout Yuuyu Watanabeho, Kelvina Chew, nebo Wing Chun Yama, který znovu dosáhl skvělého výsledku s Ramunap Redem.
Za zmínku také stojí, že v základní části uhrál 15:0 s Ramunap Redem Takuma Morofuji. Stal se ale další z mnoha obětí tzv. "15:0 kletby", když vypadl ve čtvrtfinále (za celou historii GP nikdo neuhrál perfektní skóre 18:0 a velmi často se stane, že hráč, který měl 15:0 v základní části, prohraje ve čtvrtfinále).
Ve finále se utkali Song Huachao (RUG Energy) a Hironao Tanaka (Ramunap Red). Z výhry se radoval Song Huachao, coby jediný domácí zástupce v top8. Hironao Tanaka měl přitom verzi speciálně zaměřenou proti RUG Energy s playsetem Ferocidonů v mainu a dokonce s dvojicí Invigorated Rampage v mainu.
Nebylo by to asijské GP, aby se na předních příčkách neobjevila nějaká chuťovka. Posledním deckem v top8 byly totiž Grixis Thoptéry, což byl artfaktový deck, který využíval dvě mechaniky z Kaladeshe - energy a improvise. V decku byly mimochodem v playsetech chuťovky jako Inventor's Goggles a Decoction Module (zajímavá karta v kombinaci s Whirler Virtuosem).
Na devátém až šestnáctém místě jsme mohli vidět celkem rozmanitý mix decků: 2× Ramunap Red, RUG Energy, Sultai Red, UB Midrange, 2× Jeskai Approach a Dark Temur.
V coverage bylo zmíněno i několik originálních brew, z nichž mne nejvíce zaujaly Esper Vehicly, se kterými vyhrál jeden z pátečních triálů Nobuhiro Yamada, a UB Gift s Marionette Mastery a Metalwork Colossy, se kterým postoupil do druhého dne Toshiya Kanegawa.
Závěrem zbývá dodat, že GP se dokonce účastnil i jeden český nadšenec, kterým byl David Vojta, jenž ale bohužel skončil dvoji pouť main eventem už v prvním dni.
Decklisty Standard
RUG Energy
Song Huachao
GP Shanghai
1 Chandra, Torch of Defiance
2 Negate |
1 Supreme Will |
1 Abrade |
1 Aethersphere Harvester |
2 Appetite for the Unnatural |
1 Chandra's Defeat |
1 Lifecrafter's Bestiary |
1 Magma Spray |
1 River's Rebuke |
1 Spell Pierce |
1 Torrential Gearhulk |
1 Vizier of Many Faces
Chandra, Torch of Defiance
Counter target noncreature spell.
Decklisty Standard
Ramunap Red
Hironao Tanaka
GP Shanghai
4 Abrade
2 Aethersphere Harvester |
2 Chandra's Defeat |
2 Chandra, Torch of Defiance |
2 Dual Shot |
3 Pia Nalaar
Shock deals 2 damage to any target.
Decklisty Standard
Grixis Thopters
Okada Naoya
GP Shanghai
Chandra, Torch of Defiance
Skysovereign, Consul Flagship
Field of Ruin
{T}: Add {C}.
{2}, {T}, Sacrifice Field of Ruin: Destroy target nonbasic land an opponent controls. Each player searches their library for a basic land card, puts it onto the battlefield, then shuffles their library.
Decklisty Standard
UB Midrange
Ryo Moriya
GP Shanghai
1 Hostage Taker
1 Doomfall |
1 Vraska's Contempt |
1 Demon of Dark Schemes |
1 Dispossess |
4 Duress |
3 Essence Extraction |
1 Lost Legacy |
2 Negate
Counter target noncreature spell.
Field of Ruin
{T}: Add {C}.
{2}, {T}, Sacrifice Field of Ruin: Destroy target nonbasic land an opponent controls. Each player searches their library for a basic land card, puts it onto the battlefield, then shuffles their library.
Essence Scatter
Counter target creature spell.
Decklisty Standard
Marionette Gift
Toshiya Kanegawa
GP Shanghai
2 Hostage Taker
3 Fatal Push |
1 Aethersphere Harvester |
3 Contraband Kingpin |
1 Vraska's Contempt |
2 The Scarab God |
1 Skysovereign, Consul Flagship |
2 Duress
Target opponent reveals their hand. You choose a noncreature, nonland card from it. That player discards that card.
Decklisty Standard
Esper Vehicles
Nobuhiro Yamada
GPT Shanghai
1 Aethersphere Harvester
1 Angel of Sanctions |
1 Authority of the Consuls |
1 Essence Scatter |
1 Fragmentize |
2 Fumigate |
1 Hour of Glory |
2 Legion's Landing |
1 Negate |
1 Solemnity |
1 Sunscourge Champion |
2 Tocatli Honor Guard
Jace, Cunning Castaway
2. GP Varšava (Standard)
Druhé dvojkové GP bylo ve Varšavě z účastí 1 244 hráčů, mezi kterými byla samozřejmě i početná česká výprava, jenž čítala čtyřiašedesát jmen.
Bezkonkurečně nejúspěšnějším archetypem turnaje byly Energy decky, které obsadily deset míst v top16 a hlavně i první čtyři místa.
Druhým nejúspěšnějším archetypem byl překvapivě God-Pharaoh's Gift, který měl tři zástupce v top16.
Po jednom byly mezi nejlepšími šestnácti Mardu Vehicly, Ramunap Red a překvapivě i UG Pummeler (s černou splashí v sidu), se kterým se do top8 dostal Hannes Kerem, který zkopíroval verzi Patricka Dickmanna z PT, ve které udělal pouze jednu změnu v sidu, když tam přidal Confiscation Coup, který byl dle jeho slov suverénně nejlepší kartou v sidu.
Ve finále proti sobě stanuli Valerio Luminati s RUG Energy a Jean-Emanuel Depraz se čtyřbarevnou variantou decku. Podvrdila se teorie, že černé karty (Scarab God, Vraska) jsou v mirroru rozhodující a Jean-Emanuel Depraz mohl slavit svou první výhru na GP okruhu.
Decklisty Standard
4C Energy
Jean-Emanuel Depraz
GP Varšava
Chandra, Torch of Defiance
Decklisty Standard
UGb Pummeler
Hannes Kerem
GP Varšava
Z pohledu výsledků českých hráčů bylo GP spíše zklamáním. Po prvním dni bylo deset hráčů ve hře o top8 a dvojice Jaroslav Bouček a Daniel Tocháček měla dokonce skóre 8:1.
Oba ale utrpěli dvě prohry hned zkraje druhého dne a postupem času bylo jasné, že do top8 už může postoupit pouze Jan Brožek s Vehicly. Jeho prohra v předposledním kole ale znamenala, že z naší početné výpravy se do top8 nikdo nedostal.
V posledním kole vyhráli své zápasy Jaroslav Bouček a Jan Brožek, což jim zajistilo alespoň umístění v top32. Jaroslav skončil pětadvacátý a Jan o tři místa za ním.
Pětačtyřicáté místo patřil Martinu Jůzovi a do top64 se i přes prohru v posledním kole dostal ještě Pavel Tvrzník na osmapadesátém místě.
Deset výher potřebných pro zisk pro pointů měli ještě Tomáš Jirkal, Adam Štencl, Ondřej Hadamek, Josef Živec, Tomáš Krejsa a Petr Jeřábek.
Závěrem tu mám bonusový decklist, který je shodou okolností opět postavený kolem Marionette Mastera. Tentokrát se ale nejedná o deck s Giftem, nýbrž o tokenovou strategii založenou na Anointed Procession a Treasure Map.
Decklisty Standard
WB Tokens
Lars Rosengren
GP Varšava
1 Fumigate
1 Ruthless Knave |
2 Lost Legacy |
1 Fragmentize |
1 Authority of the Consuls |
3 Vraska's Contempt |
1 Never // Return |
1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury |
4 Duress
Target opponent reveals their hand. You choose a noncreature, nonland card from it. That player discards that card.
Evolving Wilds
{T}, Sacrifice Evolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.
3. GP Atlanta (Standard)
Největší GP bylo v Atlantě, kam přišlo 1 395 hráčů, mezi kterými byl minimálně (u většiny hráčů je automaticky uvedena americká národnost) jeden náš hráč, jenž o sobě dal ale pořádně vědět.
Byl to Petr Sochůrek, který hrál 4C Energy (Dark Temur) se speciálním techem na mirror v podobě dvou Hour of Devastation v sidu. Tenhle tech se mu rozhodně vyplatil, jelikož byl po prvním dni jedním z neporažených hráčů. A formu mu vydržela i v neděli, což kulminovalo postupem do top8. Byla to už jeho šestá GP top8.
Měl v ní hodně velkou konkurenci, byli tam například Ben Stark, Corey Baumeister, který postoupil na dvojkovém GP počtvrté za sebou do top8, nebo Trey Van Cleave, jenž se dostal do top8 na GP téměř po patnácti letech.
Petr nakonec ve čtvtfinále nestačil na Vehicly Lawrence Vesse, ale i tak se jedná o parádní výsledek.
Ve finále jsme mohli vidět souboj dvou zajímavých decků. První inovací byl Esper Approach Alexe Lloyda. V mainu měl playset Pushů, které zlepšovaly problematický matchup s Ramunap Redem. Hlavní plus byla ale možnost po sidu hrát Scarab Gody, co dává decku úplně jiný rozměr.
Druhým finalistou byl Ben Stark, který hrál zajímavou verzi Ramunap Redu. Už jsme si zvykli, že hráči přestávali hrát Ahn-Crop Crashera, kterého nahrazovali Rampaging Ferocidonem, což zlepšovalo matchup s energy decky. Ben Stark šel ale ještě dál a vyřadil i Earthshaker Khenry a Hazoret, kterou hrál pouze jako one-of. Do decku přidal karty jako Treasure Map a Sand Strangler, což výrazně zlepšilo jeho šance proti energy deckům.
Ve finále ale doplatil na to, že tyto změny naopak jeho deck zhoršily proti kontrolům. Alex Lloyd tak získal svou první výhru na GP.
V coverage byly zveřejněny všechny decky z top32, která vypadala následovně:
- 9× Ramunap Red
- 4× Dark Temur
- 4× RUG Energy
- 3× Mardu Vehicles
- 3× Sultai Red
- 2× BUG Energy
- 2× UW Approach
- 1× Esper Approach
- 1× Grixis Midrange
- 1× UW Gift
- 1× Marionette Gift
- 1× UB Control
Mimo top8 byl nejzajímavější deck Grixis Midrange, se kterým skončil velmi těsně na pomocné devátý Sergio Ferry. Deck je jakýsi mix UB Midrange a RUG Energy.
Decklisty Standard
Esper Approach
Alex Lloyd
GP Atlanta
Approach of the Second Sun
Scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom of your library.)
Draw a card.
Decklisty Standard
Ramunap Red
Ben Stark
GP Atlanta
2 Hazoret the Fervent
1 Chandra, Torch of Defiance |
1 Glorybringer |
1 Abrade |
2 Magma Spray |
1 Rampaging Ferocidon |
1 Soul-Scar Mage |
2 Chandra's Defeat |
2 Release the Gremlins |
2 Cut // Ribbons
Chandra, Torch of Defiance
Shock deals 2 damage to any target.
Decklisty Standard
Grixis Midrange
Sergio Ferry
GP Atlanta
1 Abrade
1 Vizier of Many Faces |
1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury |
2 Chandra's Defeat |
2 Negate |
4 Duress |
1 River's Rebuke |
1 Never // Return |
1 Supreme Will |
1 Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh
Chandra, Torch of Defiance
4. MOCS Quarterly Playoff (Standard)
Na onlinu se uskutečnil poslední kvalifikační turnaj na mistrovství, které se bude konat na jaře 2018 v sídle WoTC.
O dvě místa si to mezi sebou rozdalo 273 hráčů, kteří se střetli v osmi kolech, pok terých následovala top8. V té dominovalo RUG Energy v rukou dvou zkušených matadorů, když Reid Duke ve finále porazil Marcia Carvalha.
Zajímavý deck skončil na třetím místě, Monoblack Aggro s playsety Heart of Kiran, Bone Pickera a Ammit Eternal. Osobně mi deck přijde docela fajn a doufám, že nám do něj časem přibude lepší removal, než je Walk the Plank, což je podle mne poslední věc, která decku brání v tom, aby pronikl mezi stálice formátu.
Další decky v top8 byly dvě 4C Energie s Nicol Bolasem v mainu, další RUG Energy, BUG Energy a Ramunap Red.
Skóre 7:1 mělo ještě dalších patnáct hráčů, ze kterých hned dvanáct hrálo jednu z variant Energy decků, nebo Ramunap Redu:
- 4× BUG Energy
- 3× RUG Energy
- 2× Dark Temur
- 2× Ramunap Red
- 1× Desert Red
- 1× UW Approach
- 1× Jeskai Approach
- 1× UB Midrange
Decklisty Standard
Bolas Energy
MOCS Quarterly Playoff
Chandra, Torch of Defiance
Essence Scatter
Counter target creature spell.
5. Online Modern PTQ & Weekly Challenge
Standardové MOCS Playoff nebylo jediným premier turnajem na MTGO a dokonce nebylo ani největším turnajem týdne.
Překonalo ho totiž modernové PTQ, které dokonce pokořilo hranici tříset hřáčů s třistaosmi účastníky. I přes vysoký počet účastníků se hrálo pouze osm kol, což znamenalo, že k postupu do top8 bylo potřeba dosáhnout na čisté skóre 8:0.
Turnaj ovládl "Mtgmulligan" s agresivní verzí Dredge s Burning Inquiry, ale hlavním hrdinou turnaje byl zcela jiný deck. Šlo o 5C Humany, kteří obsadili čtyři místa v top8 (z toho jednou ve verzi s Collected Company).
Myslím si, že tajemství úspěchu decku je zejména v tom, že ačkoli jde v podstatě o lineární potvorové aggro, tak je v něm zároveň spoustu exceletní disrupce. Některé decky nejsou schopny porazit kombinaci Thalia + Meddling Mage.
V top8 dále byl k vidění Jund s Rabblemastery, Esper Midrange využívajcí graveyard synergií (Thought Scour, Lingering souls, Snapcaster, Tasigur) a Jeskai Tempo.
Dalších devatenáct hráčů mělo skóre 7:1. Mohli jsme mezi nimi vidět zejména klasické tier decky, mezi kterými vyčnívala zejména dvojice brew s BW barvách. První byl midrange s velmkým množství planeswalkerů a druhý deck byl založený na Monastery Mentorovi a Smuggler's Copter.
Ze zbylých decků mne zaujal například Abzan, který měl v mainu hned tři kusy Engineered Explosives, a zajímavá verze UR Moonu s Kiki-Jikim, ve které byly některé méně obvyklé karty, jako třeba Torrential Gearhulk, nebo Search for Azcanta.
Celkové složení decků na devátém až sedmadvacátém místě bylo následující:
- 2× RG Scapeshift
- 2× Affinity
- 2× Grixis Death's Shadow
- 2× Kiki Moon
- 2× Abzan Midrange
- Lantern Whir
- 5C Death's Shadow
- Jeskai Tempo
- Infect
- Gifts Storm
- Living End
- Dredge
- BW Walkers
- BW Mentor
Decklisty Modern
Online PTQ
Gnaw to the Bone
You gain 2 life for each creature card in your graveyard. Flashback {2}{G} (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Burning Inquiry
Each player draws three cards, then discards three cards at random.
Vengeful Pharaoh
Deathtouch (Any amount of damage this deals to a creature is enough to destroy it.) Whenever combat damage is dealt to you or a planeswalker you control, if Vengeful Pharaoh is in your graveyard, destroy target attacking creature, then put Vengeful Pharaoh on top of your library.
Flying When Narcomoeba is put into your graveyard from your library, you may put it onto the battlefield.
Dakmor Salvage
Dakmor Salvage enters the battlefield tapped. {T}: Add {B} to your mana pool. Dredge 2 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly two cards from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.)
Golgari Thug
When Golgari Thug is put into a graveyard from play, put target creature card in your graveyard on top of your library. Dredge 4 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly 4 cards from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.)
Life from the Loam
Return up to three target land cards from your graveyard to your hand. Dredge 3 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly three cards from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.)
Stinkweed Imp
Flying Whenever Stinkweed Imp deals combat damage to a creature, destroy that creature. Dredge 5 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly five cards from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.)
Copperline Gorge
Copperline Gorge enters the battlefield tapped unless you control two or fewer other lands. {T}: Add {R} or {G} to your mana pool.
City of Brass
Whenever City of Brass becomes tapped, it deals 1 damage to you. {T}: Add one mana of a color of your choice to your mana pool.
Conflagrate deals X damage divided as you choose among any number of target creatures and/or players. Flashback-{R}{R}, Discard X cards. (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Gemstone Mine
When Gemstone Mine comes into play, put three mining counters on it. {T}, Remove a mining counter from Gemstone Mine: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. If there are no mining counters on Gemstone Mine, bury it.
Bloodghast can't block. Bloodghast has haste as long as an opponent has 10 or less life. Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you may return Bloodghast from your graveyard to the battlefield.
Cathartic Reunion
As an additional cost to cast this spell, discard two cards.
Draw three cards.
Decklisty Modern
5C Humans
Online PTQ
Cavern of Souls
As Cavern of Souls enters the battlefield, choose a creature type. {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell of the chosen type, and that spell can't be countered.
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
First strike Noncreature spells cost {1} more to cast.
Champion of the Parish
Whenever another Human enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on Champion of the Parish.
Mantis Rider
Flying, vigilance, haste
Xathrid Necromancer
Whenever Xathrid Necromancer or another Human creature you control dies, put a 2/2 black Zombie creature token onto the battlefield tapped.
Aether Vial
At the beginning of your upkeep, you may put a charge counter on ?ther Vial. {T}: You may put a creature card with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on ?ther Vial from your hand onto the battlefield.
Meddling Mage
As Meddling Mage comes into play, name a nonland card. The named card can't be played.
Ancient Ziggurat
{T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Spend this mana only to cast creature spells.
Noble Hierarch
Exalted (Whenever a creature you control attacks alone, that creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.) {T}: Add {G}, {W}, or {U} to your mana pool.
Hallowed Fountain
({T}: Add {W} or {U}.)
As Hallowed Fountain enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Decklisty Modern
Rabble Jund
Online PTQ
Kolaghan's Command
Choose two — • Return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand. • Target player discards a card. • Destroy target artifact. • Kolaghan's Command deals 2 damage to target creature or player.
Liliana of the Veil
+1: Each player discards a card. -2: Target player sacrifices a creature. -6: Separate all permanents target player controls into two piles. That player sacrifices all permanents in the pile of his or her choice.
Scavenging Ooze
{G}: Exile target card from a graveyard. If it was a creature card, put a +1/+1 counter on Scavenging Ooze and you gain 1 life.
Goblin Rabblemaster
Other Goblin creatures you control attack each turn if able. At the beginning of combat on your turn, put a 1/1 red Goblin creature token with haste onto the battlefield. Whenever Goblin Rabblemaster attacks, it gets +1/+0 until end of turn for each other attacking Goblin.
Tarmogoyf's power is equal to the number of card types among cards in all graveyards and its toughness is equal to that number plus 1.
Surgical Extraction
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Choose target card in a graveyard other than a basic land card. Search its owner's graveyard, hand, and library for any number of cards with the same name as that card and exile them. Then that player shuffles his or her library.
Maelstrom Pulse
Destroy target nonland permanent and all other permanents with the same name as that permanent.
Dark Confidant
At the beginning of your upkeep, reveal the top card of your library and put that card into your hand. You lose life equal to its converted mana cost.
Abrupt Decay
Abrupt Decay can't be countered by spells or abilities. Destroy target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 3 or less.
Inquisition of Kozilek
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it with converted mana cost 3 or less. That player discards that card.
Blackcleave Cliffs
Blackcleave Cliffs enters the battlefield tapped unless you control two or fewer other lands. {T}: Add {B} or {R} to your mana pool.
Destroy target creature. It can't be regenerated.
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt does 3 damage to one target.
Raging Ravine
Raging Ravine enters the battlefield tapped. {T}: Add {R} or {G} to your mana pool. {2}{R}{G}: Until end of turn, Raging Ravine becomes a 3/3 red and green Elemental creature with "Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on it." It's still a land.
Blood Crypt
({T}: Add {B} or {R}.)
As Blood Crypt enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Stomping Ground
({T}: Add {R} or {G}.)
As Stomping Ground enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Decklisty Modern
Esper Midrange
Online PTQ
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) {2}{G/U}{G/U}: Put the top two cards of your library into your graveyard, then return a nonland card of an opponent's choice from your graveyard to your hand.
Snapcaster Mage
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Thought Scour
Target player puts the top two cards of his or her library into his or her graveyard. Draw a card.
Logic Knot
Delve (You may exile any number of cards from your graveyard as you cast this spell. It costs {1} less to cast for each card exiled this way.) Counter target spell unless its controller pays {X}.
Spell Snare
Counter target spell with converted mana cost 2.
Vendilion Clique
Flash Flying When Vendilion Clique enters the battlefield, look at target player's hand. You may choose a nonland card from it. If you do, that player reveals the chosen card, puts it on the bottom of his or her library, then draws a card.
Esper Charm
Choose one — Destroy target enchantment; or draw two cards; or target player discards two cards.
Lingering Souls
Put two 1/1 white Spirit creature tokens with flying onto the battlefield. Flashback {1}{B} (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Path to Exile
Exile target creature. Its controller may search his or her library for a basic land card, put that card onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle his or her library.
Celestial Colonnade
Celestial Colonnade enters the battlefield tapped. {T}: Add {W} or {U} to your mana pool. {3}{W}{U}: Until end of turn, Celestial Colonnade becomes a 4/4 white and blue Elemental creature with flying and vigilance. It's still a land.
Godless Shrine
({T}: Add {W} or {B}.)
As Godless Shrine enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Hallowed Fountain
({T}: Add {W} or {U}.)
As Hallowed Fountain enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom of your library.)
Draw a card.
Decklisty Modern
Kiki Moon
Online PTQ
1 Engineered Explosives
1 Negate |
1 Anger of the Gods |
1 Batterskull |
1 Izzet Staticaster |
1 Jace, Architect of Thought |
1 Keranos, God of Storms |
1 Pia and Kiran Nalaar |
1 Pyroclasm |
2 Relic of Progenitus |
2 Roast |
1 Vandalblast |
1 Vendilion Clique
Desolate Lighthouse
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {1}{U}{R}, {T}: Draw a card, then discard a card.
Snapcaster Mage
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Sulfur Falls
Sulfur Falls enters the battlefield tapped unless you control an Island or a Mountain. {T}: Add {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Logic Knot
Delve (You may exile any number of cards from your graveyard as you cast this spell. It costs {1} less to cast for each card exiled this way.) Counter target spell unless its controller pays {X}.
Flash Flying When Pestermite enters the battlefield, you may tap or untap target permanent.
Engineered Explosives
Sunburst (This enters the battlefield with a charge counter on it for each color of mana spent to cast it.) {2}, Sacrifice Engineered Explosives: Destroy each nonland permanent with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Engineered Explosives.
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
Haste {T}: Put a token that's a copy of target nonlegendary creature you control onto the battlefield. That token has haste. Sacrifice it at the beginning of the next end step.
Deceiver Exarch
Flash (You may cast this spell any time you could cast an instant.) When Deceiver Exarch enters the battlefield, choose one — Untap target permanent you control; or tap target permanent an opponent controls.
Electrolyze deals 2 damage divided as you choose among any number of target creatures and/or players. Draw a card.
Vendilion Clique
Flash Flying When Vendilion Clique enters the battlefield, look at target player's hand. You may choose a nonland card from it. If you do, that player reveals the chosen card, puts it on the bottom of his or her library, then draws a card.
Counter target spell. If you do, return that spell card to its owner's hand. Draw a card.
Mana Leak
Counter target spell unless its caster pays an additional {3}.
Blood Moon
All non-basic lands are now basic mountains.
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt does 3 damage to one target.
Spreading Seas
Enchant land When Spreading Seas enters the battlefield, draw a card. Enchanted land is an Island.
Counter target noncreature spell.
Scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom of your library.)
Draw a card.
Decklisty Modern
Abzan Midrange
Online PTQ
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) {2}{G/U}{G/U}: Put the top two cards of your library into your graveyard, then return a nonland card of an opponent's choice from your graveyard to your hand.
Liliana of the Veil
+1: Each player discards a card. -2: Target player sacrifices a creature. -6: Separate all permanents target player controls into two piles. That player sacrifices all permanents in the pile of his or her choice.
Siege Rhino
Trample When Siege Rhino enters the battlefield, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life.
Scavenging Ooze
{G}: Exile target card from a graveyard. If it was a creature card, put a +1/+1 counter on Scavenging Ooze and you gain 1 life.
Engineered Explosives
Sunburst (This enters the battlefield with a charge counter on it for each color of mana spent to cast it.) {2}, Sacrifice Engineered Explosives: Destroy each nonland permanent with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Engineered Explosives.
Tarmogoyf's power is equal to the number of card types among cards in all graveyards and its toughness is equal to that number plus 1.
Inquisition of Kozilek
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it with converted mana cost 3 or less. That player discards that card.
Lingering Souls
Put two 1/1 white Spirit creature tokens with flying onto the battlefield. Flashback {1}{B} (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
Treetop Village
Treetop Village comes into play tapped. {T}: Add one green mana to your mana pool. {1}{G}: Treetop Village becomes a 3/3 green creature with trample until end of turn. This creature still counts as a land.
Path to Exile
Exile target creature. Its controller may search his or her library for a basic land card, put that card onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle his or her library.
Godless Shrine
({T}: Add {W} or {B}.)
As Godless Shrine enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Decklisty Modern
BW Walkers
Online PTQ
3 Fulminator Mage
1 Collective Brutality |
1 Wrath of God |
1 Anguished Unmaking |
1 Disenchant |
1 Engineered Explosives |
4 Leyline of the Void |
3 Stony Silence
Stony Silence
Activated abilities of artifacts can't be activated.
Liliana of the Veil
+1: Each player discards a card. -2: Target player sacrifices a creature. -6: Separate all permanents target player controls into two piles. That player sacrifices all permanents in the pile of his or her choice.
Night's Whisper
You draw two cards and you lose 2 life.
Baneslayer Angel
Flying, first strike, lifelink, protection from Demons and from Dragons
Gideon Jura
+2: During target opponent's next turn, creatures that player controls attack Gideon Jura if able. -2: Destroy target tapped creature. 0: Until end of turn, Gideon Jura becomes a 6/6 Human Soldier creature that's still a planeswalker. Prevent all damage that would be dealt to him this turn.
Inquisition of Kozilek
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it with converted mana cost 3 or less. That player discards that card.
Fulminator Mage
Sacrifice Fulminator Mage: Destroy target nonbasic land.
Relic of Progenitus
{T}: Target player removes a card in his or her graveyard from the game. {1}, Remove Relic of Progenitus from the game: Remove all graveyards from the game. Draw a card.
Lingering Souls
Put two 1/1 white Spirit creature tokens with flying onto the battlefield. Flashback {1}{B} (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
Wrath of God
All creatures in play are destroyed and cannot regenerate.
Path to Exile
Exile target creature. Its controller may search his or her library for a basic land card, put that card onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle his or her library.
Godless Shrine
({T}: Add {W} or {B}.)
As Godless Shrine enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Decklisty Modern
BW Mentor
Online PTQ
1 Fatal Push
1 Inquisition of Kozilek |
1 Path to Exile |
1 Thoughtseize |
3 Burrenton Forge-Tender |
2 Damnation |
1 Disenchant |
2 Pithing Needle |
3 Tormod's Crypt
Monastery Mentor
Prowess (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.) Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a 1/1 white Monk creature token with prowess onto the battlefield.
Dark Confidant
At the beginning of your upkeep, reveal the top card of your library and put that card into your hand. You lose life equal to its converted mana cost.
Inquisition of Kozilek
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it with converted mana cost 3 or less. That player discards that card.
Tidehollow Sculler
When Tidehollow Sculler comes into play, target opponent reveals his or her hand and you choose a nonland card from it. Remove that card from the game. When Tidehollow Sculler leaves play, return the removed card to its owner's hand.
Lingering Souls
Put two 1/1 white Spirit creature tokens with flying onto the battlefield. Flashback {1}{B} (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Zealous Persecution
Until end of turn, creatures you control get +1/+1 and creatures your opponents control get -1/-1.
Caves of Koilos
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add {W} or {B} to your mana pool. Caves of Koilos deals 1 damage to you.
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
Tormod's Crypt
{T}, Sacrifice Tormod's Crypt: Remove target player's graveyard from the game.
Path to Exile
Exile target creature. Its controller may search his or her library for a basic land card, put that card onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle his or her library.
Isolated Chapel
Isolated Chapel enters the battlefield tapped unless you control a Plains or a Swamp. {T}: Add {W} or {B}.
Godless Shrine
({T}: Add {W} or {B}.)
As Godless Shrine enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Vysokou účast měl i druhý modernový event na MTGO, kterým byla pochopitelně klasická challenge. Tentokráte měla sedm kol a asi nebude velkým překvapením, když prozradím, že se v nich dařilo úplně jiným deckům, než na PTQ.
V top8 jsme mohli vidět dva RW Burny, dvoje Eldrazi and Taxes, dva Gb Trony, Lantern Control s Whir of Invention, ale všem vypálil rybník "Finalnub" s Grishoalbrandem. V top4 a ve finále porazil dvě fritky. Nulová interakce ze strany soupeře a mohutný lifegain v sidu, to zní jako nightmare matchup pro Burn...
Mimo top8 mne nejvíce zaujal UB Tezzerator s Thopter/Sword kombem a také neobvyklý GB Infect, který skončil na devatenáctém místě se skóre 5:2.
Decklisty Modern
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Nourishing Shoal
You may remove a green card with converted mana cost X in your hand from the game rather than pay Nourishing Shoal's mana cost. You gain X life.
Goryo's Vengeance
Return target legendary creature card from your graveyard to play. That creature gains haste. Remove it from the game at end of turn. Splice onto Arcane {2}{B} (As you play an Arcane spell, you may reveal this card from your hand and pay its splice cost. If you do, add this card's effects to that spell.)
Through the Breach
Put a creature card from your hand into play. That creature has haste. Sacrifice that creature at end of turn. Splice onto Arcane {2}{R}{R} (As you play an Arcane spell, you may reveal this card from your hand and pay its splice cost. If you do, add this card's effects to that spell.)
Borborygmos Enraged
Trample Whenever Borborygmos Enraged deals combat damage to a player, reveal the top three cards of your library. Put all land cards revealed this way into your hand and the rest into your graveyard. Discard a land card: Borborygmos Enraged deals 3 damage to target creature or player.
Shattering Spree
Replicate {R} (When you play this spell, copy it for each time you paid its replicate cost. You may choose new targets for the copies.) Destroy target artifact.
Night's Whisper
You draw two cards and you lose 2 life.
Desperate Ritual
Add {R}{R}{R} to your mana pool. Splice onto Arcane {1}{R} (As you cast an Arcane spell, you may reveal this card from your hand and pay its splice cost. If you do, add this card's effects to that spell.)
Simian Spirit Guide
Remove Simian Spirit Guide in your hand from the game: Add {R} to your mana pool.
Flying, lifelink Pay 7 life: Draw seven cards.
Worldspine Wurm
Trample When Worldspine Wurm dies, put three 5/5 green Wurm creature tokens with trample onto the battlefield. When Worldspine Wurm is put into a graveyard from anywhere, shuffle it into its owner's library.
Blackcleave Cliffs
Blackcleave Cliffs enters the battlefield tapped unless you control two or fewer other lands. {T}: Add {B} or {R} to your mana pool.
Add two mana in any combination of colors to your mana pool. Draw a card.
Blood Crypt
({T}: Add {B} or {R}.)
As Blood Crypt enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Temple of Malice
Temple of Malice enters the battlefield tapped.
When Temple of Malice enters the battlefield, scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom of your library.)
{T}: Add {B} or {R}.
Cathartic Reunion
As an additional cost to cast this spell, discard two cards.
Draw three cards.
Decklisty Modern
UB Tezzerator
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Thopter Foundry
{1}, Sacrifice a nontoken artifact: Put a 1/1 blue Thopter artifact creature token with flying onto the battlefield. You gain 1 life.
Sword of the Meek
Equipped creature gets +1/+2. Equip {2} Whenever a 1/1 creature comes into play under your control, you may return Sword of the Meek from your graveyard to play, then attach it to that creature.
Liliana of the Veil
+1: Each player discards a card. -2: Target player sacrifices a creature. -6: Separate all permanents target player controls into two piles. That player sacrifices all permanents in the pile of his or her choice.
Witchbane Orb
When Witchbane Orb enters the battlefield, destroy all Curses attached to you. You have hexproof. (You can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control, including Aura spells.)
Talisman of Dominance
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add {U} or {B} to your mana pool. Talisman of Dominance deals 1 damage to you.
Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas
+1: Look at the top five cards of your library. You may reveal an artifact card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order. -1: Target artifact becomes a 5/5 artifact creature. -4: Target player loses X life and you gain X life, where X is twice the number of artifacts you control.
Darksteel Citadel
Indestructible (Effects that say "destroy" don't destroy this land.) {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool.
Inquisition of Kozilek
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it with converted mana cost 3 or less. That player discards that card.
Darkslick Shores
Darkslick Shores enters the battlefield tapped unless you control two or fewer other lands. {T}: Add {U} or {B} to your mana pool.
Relic of Progenitus
{T}: Target player removes a card in his or her graveyard from the game. {1}, Remove Relic of Progenitus from the game: Remove all graveyards from the game. Draw a card.
Tezzeret the Seeker
+1: Untap up to two target artifacts. -X: Search your library for an artifact card with converted mana cost X or less and put it into play. Then shuffle your library. -5: Artifacts you control become 5/5 artifact creatures until end of turn.
Ensnaring Bridge
Each creature with power greater than the number of cards in your hand cannot attack.
Academy Ruins
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {1}{U}, {T}: Put target artifact card in your graveyard on top of your library.
Temple of Deceit
Temple of Deceit enters the battlefield tapped.
When Temple of Deceit enters the battlefield, scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom of your library.)
{T}: Add {U} or {B}.
Decklisty Modern
GB Infect
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Become Immense
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) Target creature gets +6/+6 until end of turn.
Inkmoth Nexus
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {1}: Inkmoth Nexus becomes a 1/1 Blinkmoth artifact creature with flying and infect until end of turn. It's still a land. (It deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and to players in the form of poison counters.)
Phyrexian Crusader
First strike, protection from red and from white Infect (This creature deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and to players in the form of poison counters.)
Mutagenic Growth
({G/P} can be paid with either {G} or 2 life.) Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn.
Glistener Elf
Infect (This creature deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and to players in the form of poison counters.)
Noble Hierarch
Exalted (Whenever a creature you control attacks alone, that creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.) {T}: Add {G}, {W}, or {U} to your mana pool.
Inquisition of Kozilek
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it with converted mana cost 3 or less. That player discards that card.
Plague Stinger
Flying Infect (This creature deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and to players in the form of poison counters.)
Might of Old Krosa
Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn. If you played this spell during your main phase, that creature gets +4/+4 until end of turn instead.
{T}: Add {G} to your mana pool. {T}: Target 1/1 creature gets +1/+2 until end of turn.
Enchanted creature gains +2/+0 and trample. When Rancor is put into a graveyard from play, return Rancor to owner's hand.
Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn. Landfall — If you had a land enter the battlefield under your control this turn, that creature gets +4/+4 until end of turn instead.
Vines of Vastwood
Kicker {G} (You may pay an additional {G} as you cast this spell.) Target creature can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control this turn. If Vines of Vastwood was kicked, that creature gets +4/+4 until end of turn.
6. Ostatní Weekly Challenge (Legacy, Vintage, Duel Commander, Pauper)
Legacy challenge měla na předních příčkách velmi rozmanité decky - v celé top16 bylo třináct různých decků a v top8 jich bylo sedm (dva zástupce tam měl 4C Control).
Vítězství ukořistil "Mzfroste" s UWR Stonebladem, když ve finále porazil klasickou verzi 4C Controlu.
Na dalších příčkách jsme mohli vidět oldschool záležitost v podobě UB Reanimatoru (se zajímavým sideboard techem v podobě playsetu Pack Rat), Aggro Loam, čtyřbarevný Maverick s velkým packagem pro Green Sun's Zenith (modrá byla v decku jenom kvůli Leovoldovi), Dredge s Lion's Eye Diamond, dvakrát Death and Taxes, dva další 4C Controly, UB Landstill, Grixis Delvera, stále populární Tin Fins s Necrotic Ooze kombem (a Mentory v sidu), UWR Control s Rest in Peace/Helm of Obedience kombem, Země a UW Miracly.
Decklisty Legacy
UWR Stoneblade
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Force of Will
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
True-Name Nemesis
As True-Name Nemesis enters the battlefield, choose a player. True-Name Nemesis has protection from the chosen player. (This creature can't be blocked, targeted, dealt damage, or enchanted by anything controlled by that player.)
Snapcaster Mage
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Engineered Explosives
Sunburst (This enters the battlefield with a charge counter on it for each color of mana spent to cast it.) {2}, Sacrifice Engineered Explosives: Destroy each nonland permanent with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Engineered Explosives.
Umezawa's Jitte
Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage, put two charge counters on Umezawa's Jitte. Remove a charge counter from Umezawa's Jitte: Choose one — Equipped creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn; or target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn; or you gain 2 life. Equip {2}
Sword of Fire and Ice
Equipped creature gets +2/+2 and has protection from red and from blue. Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, Sword of Fire and Ice deals 2 damage to target creature or player and you draw a card.
Vendilion Clique
Flash Flying When Vendilion Clique enters the battlefield, look at target player's hand. You may choose a nonland card from it. If you do, that player reveals the chosen card, puts it on the bottom of his or her library, then draws a card.
Living weapon (When this Equipment enters the battlefield, put a 0/0 black Germ creature token onto the battlefield, then attach this to it.) Equipped creature gets +4/+4 and has vigilance and lifelink. {3}: Return Batterskull to its owner's hand. Equip {5}
Supreme Verdict
Supreme Verdict can't be countered. Destroy all creatures.
Volcanic Island
Counts as both islands and mountains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Counters target spell as it is being cast.
Counts as both islands and plains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {W} to your mana pool.
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt does 3 damage to one target.
Swords to Plowshares
Target creature is removed from game entirely; return to owner's deck only when game is over. Creature's controller gains life points equal to creature's power.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
+2: Look at the top card of target player's library. You may put that card on the bottom of that player's library. 0: Draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of your library in any order. -1: Return target creature to its owner's hand. -12: Exile all cards from target player's library, then that player shuffles his or her hand into his or her library.
Stoneforge Mystic
When Stoneforge Mystic enters the battlefield, you may search your library for an Equipment card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library. {1}{W}, {T}: You may put an Equipment card from your hand onto the battlefield.
Decklisty Legacy
UB Reanimator
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Force of Will
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
Hapless Researcher
Sacrifice Hapless Researcher: Draw a card, then discard a card from your hand.
Grave Titan
Deathtouch Whenever Grave Titan enters the battlefield or attacks, put two 2/2 black Zombie creature tokens onto the battlefield.
You may return an island you control to its owner's hand instead of paying Daze's mana cost. Counter target spell unless its controller pays {1}.
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
Vigilance Other creatures you control get +2/+2. Creatures your opponents control get -2/-2.
Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur
Flash At the beginning of your end step, draw seven cards. Each opponent's maximum hand size is reduced by seven.
Careful Study
Draw two cards, then discard two cards from your hand.
Sphinx of the Steel Wind
Flying, first strike, vigilance, lifelink, protection from red and from green
Search your library for a card and put that card into your graveyard. Then shuffle your library.
Flying, lifelink Pay 7 life: Draw seven cards.
Lotus Petal
Sacrifice Lotus Petal: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Play this ability as a mana source.
Put target creature card from any graveyard into play under your control. Lose life equal to that creature's total casting cost.
Pithing Needle
As Pithing Needle comes into play, name a card. Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be played unless they're mana abilities.
Underground Sea
Counts as both swamp and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {U} to your mana pool.
Animate Dead
Any creature in either player's graveyard comes into play on your side with -1 to its original power. If this enchantment is removed, or at end of game, target creature is returned to its owner's graveyard. Target creature may be killed as normal.
Each player chooses a creature card in his or her graveyard and puts that creature into play.
Decklisty Legacy
4C Maverick
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
First strike Noncreature spells cost {1} more to cast.
Dryad Arbor
(Dryad Arbor isn't a spell, it's affected by summoning sickness, and it has "{T}: Add {G} to your mana pool.") Dryad Arbor is green.
Gaddock Teeg
Noncreature spells with converted mana cost 4 or greater can't be played. Noncreature spells with {X} in their mana costs can't be played.
Scavenging Ooze
{G}: Exile target card from a graveyard. If it was a creature card, put a +1/+1 counter on Scavenging Ooze and you gain 1 life.
Green Sun's Zenith
Search your library for a green creature card with converted mana cost X or less, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library. Shuffle Green Sun's Zenith into its owner's library.
Knight of the Reliquary
Knight of the Reliquary gets +1/+1 for each land card in your graveyard. {T}, Sacrifice a Forest or Plains: Search your library for a land card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library.
Umezawa's Jitte
Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage, put two charge counters on Umezawa's Jitte. Remove a charge counter from Umezawa's Jitte: Choose one — Equipped creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn; or target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn; or you gain 2 life. Equip {2}
Qasali Pridemage
Exalted (Whenever a creature you control attacks alone, that creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.) {1}, Sacrifice Qasali Pridemage: Destroy target artifact or enchantment.
Sword of Fire and Ice
Equipped creature gets +2/+2 and has protection from red and from blue. Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, Sword of Fire and Ice deals 2 damage to target creature or player and you draw a card.
Noble Hierarch
Exalted (Whenever a creature you control attacks alone, that creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.) {T}: Add {G}, {W}, or {U} to your mana pool.
{T}: Add {W} to your mana pool. {T}: Return target legendary creature to its owner's hand.
Sylvan Library
You may draw two extra cards during your draw phase. If you do so, put two of the cards drawn this turn back on top of your library (in any order) or pay 4 life per card not replaced. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life.
Abrupt Decay
Abrupt Decay can't be countered by spells or abilities. Destroy target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 3 or less.
Deathrite Shaman
{T}: Exile target land card from a graveyard. Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. {B}, {T}: Exile target instant or sorcery card from a graveyard. Each opponent loses 2 life. {G}, {T}: Exile target creature card from a graveyard. You gain 2 life.
Zealous Persecution
Until end of turn, creatures you control get +1/+1 and creatures your opponents control get -1/-1.
Scryb Ranger
Flash (You may play this spell any time you could play an instant.) Flying, protection from blue Return a Forest you control to its owner's hand: Untap target creature. Play this ability only once each turn.
Counts as both swamp and forest and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {G} to your mana pool.
Tropical Island
Counts as both forest and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {G} or {U} to your mana pool.
Counts as both plains and forest and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {W} or {G} to your mana pool.
Birds of Paradise
Flying {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt.
Swords to Plowshares
Target creature is removed from game entirely; return to owner's deck only when game is over. Creature's controller gains life points equal to creature's power.
Counts as both plains and swamp and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {W} or {B} to your mana pool.
Mother of Runes
{T}: Target creature you control gains protection from a color of your choice until end of turn.
Gaea's Cradle
{T}: Add {G} to your mana pool for each creature you control.
Stoneforge Mystic
When Stoneforge Mystic enters the battlefield, you may search your library for an Equipment card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library. {1}{W}, {T}: You may put an Equipment card from your hand onto the battlefield.
Decklisty Legacy
LED Dredge
MTGO Weekly Challenge
1 Ancient Grudge
1 Ashen Rider |
2 Dread Return |
2 Faerie Macabre |
4 Firestorm |
1 Iona, Shield of Emeria |
1 Memory's Journey |
3 Wear // Tear |
Lion's Eye Diamond
Sacrifice Lion's Eye Diamond, Discard your hand: Add three mana of any one color to your mana pool. Play this ability as a mana source.
Flying When Narcomoeba is put into your graveyard from your library, you may put it onto the battlefield.
Bridge from Below
Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below is in your graveyard, put a 2/2 black Zombie creature token onto the battlefield. When a creature is put into an opponent's graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below is in your graveyard, exile Bridge from Below.
Street Wraith
Swampwalk Cycling—Pay 2 life. (Pay 2 life, Discard this card: Draw a card.)
Cephalid Coliseum
{T}: Add {U} to your mana pool. Cephalid Coliseum deals 1 damage to you. Threshold - {U}, {T}, Sacrifice Cephalid Coliseum: Target player draws three cards, then discards three cards from his or her hand. (Play this ability only if seven or more cards are in your graveyard.)
Cabal Therapy
Name a nonland card. Target player reveals his or her hand and discards all cards with that name. Flashback-Sacrifice a creature. (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Golgari Thug
When Golgari Thug is put into a graveyard from play, put target creature card in your graveyard on top of your library. Dredge 4 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly 4 cards from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.)
Golgari Grave-Troll
Golgari Grave-Troll comes into play with a +1/+1 counter on it for each creature card in your graveyard. {1}, Remove a +1/+1 counter from Golgari Grave-Troll: Regenerate Golgari Grave-Troll. Dredge 6
Stinkweed Imp
Flying Whenever Stinkweed Imp deals combat damage to a creature, destroy that creature. Dredge 5 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly five cards from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.)
City of Brass
Whenever City of Brass becomes tapped, it deals 1 damage to you. {T}: Add one mana of a color of your choice to your mana pool.
Draw four cards, then choose X cards in your hand and discard the rest from it.
Haste At end of turn, sacrifice Ichorid. At the beginning of your upkeep, if Ichorid is in your graveyard, you may remove a black creature card in your graveyard other than Ichorid from the game. If you do, return Ichorid to play.
Putrid Imp
Discard a card from your hand: Putrid Imp gains flying until end of turn. Threshold - Putrid Imp gets +1/+1 and can't block. (You have threshold as long as seven or more cards are in your graveyard.)
Gemstone Mine
When Gemstone Mine comes into play, put three mining counters on it. {T}, Remove a mining counter from Gemstone Mine: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. If there are no mining counters on Gemstone Mine, bury it.
Decklisty Legacy
UB Landstill
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Force of Will
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
Toxic Deluge
As an additional cost to cast Toxic Deluge, pay X life. All creatures get -X/-X until end of turn.
Snapcaster Mage
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Flying Delve (You may exile any number of cards from your graveyard as you cast this spell. It costs {1} less to cast for each card exiled this way.)
When a player plays a spell, sacrifice Standstill. If you do, then each of that player's opponents draws three cards.
Innocent Blood
Each player sacrifices a creature.
Mishra's Factory
{T}: Add one colorless mana to your mana pool. {1}: Mishra's Factory becomes an Assembly Worker, a 2/2 artifact creature, until end of turn. Assembly Worker still counts as a land but cannot be tapped for mana the turn it comes into play. {T}: Target Assembly Worker gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
Diabolic Edict
Target player sacrifices a creature.
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
Counters target spell as it is being cast.
Underground Sea
Counts as both swamp and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {U} to your mana pool.
Creeping Tar Pit
Creeping Tar Pit enters the battlefield tapped. {T}: Add {U} or {B} to your mana pool. {1}{U}{B}: Until end of turn, Creeping Tar Pit becomes a 3/2 blue and black Elemental creature and is unblockable. It's still a land.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
+2: Look at the top card of target player's library. You may put that card on the bottom of that player's library. 0: Draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of your library in any order. -1: Return target creature to its owner's hand. -12: Exile all cards from target player's library, then that player shuffles his or her hand into his or her library.
Decklisty Legacy
RIP Control
MTGO Weekly Challenge
1 Ethersworn Canonist
1 Energy Field |
1 Engineered Explosives |
2 Flusterstorm |
1 Humility |
1 Kozilek's Return |
2 Meddling Mage |
1 Porphyry Nodes |
2 Pyroblast |
1 Red Elemental Blast |
1 Seal of Cleansing |
1 Supreme Verdict
Force of Will
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
Helm of Obedience
{X}, {T}: Put the top card of target opponent's library into his or her graveyard. Continue doing this until you have put X cards or a creature card into that graveyard, whichever occurs first. If the last card put into the graveyard is a creature card, bury Helm of Obedience and put that creature into play under your control as though it were just cast. X cannot be equal to 0.
Engineered Explosives
Sunburst (This enters the battlefield with a charge counter on it for each color of mana spent to cast it.) {2}, Sacrifice Engineered Explosives: Destroy each nonland permanent with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Engineered Explosives.
{T}: Add {W} to your mana pool. {T}: Return target legendary creature to its owner's hand.
Detention Sphere
When Detention Sphere enters the battlefield, you may exile target nonland permanent not named Detention Sphere and all other permanents with the same name as that permanent. When Detention Sphere leaves the battlefield, return the exiled cards to the battlefield under their owner's control.
Rest in Peace
When Rest in Peace enters the battlefield, exile all cards from all graveyards. If a card or token would be put into a graveyard from anywhere, exile it instead.
Supreme Verdict
Supreme Verdict can't be countered. Destroy all creatures.
Ethersworn Canonist
Each player who has played a nonartifact spell this turn can't play additional nonartifact spells.
Enlightened Tutor
Search your library for an artifact or enchantment card and reveal that card. Shuffle your library, then put the card on top of it.
Ensnaring Bridge
Each creature with power greater than the number of cards in your hand cannot attack.
Blood Moon
All non-basic lands are now basic mountains.
Volcanic Island
Counts as both islands and mountains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Counters target spell as it is being cast.
Counts as both islands and plains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {W} to your mana pool.
Swords to Plowshares
Target creature is removed from game entirely; return to owner's deck only when game is over. Creature's controller gains life points equal to creature's power.
Energy Field
Prevent all damage dealt to you from sources you do not control. When a card is put into your graveyard, sacrifice Energy Field.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
+2: Look at the top card of target player's library. You may put that card on the bottom of that player's library. 0: Draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of your library in any order. -1: Return target creature to its owner's hand. -12: Exile all cards from target player's library, then that player shuffles his or her hand into his or her library.
Na vintage challengi jsme byli ve finále svědky mirroru Oathů. Z výhry se radoval "yamakiller", který hrál verzi s Auriok Salvagery.
Novinkou turnaje byl Grixis kontrol s Young Pyromancerem a Night's Whispery, se kterým se dva hráči dostali do top8 a další ještě do top16.
Zbylá místa v top16 patřila čtveřici Ravager Shopů, Gifts Stormu, Grixis Thiefům, 4C Controlu s Grixis základem, Dredgi, UW Landstillu a UR Delverovi.
Decklisty Vintage
Salvagers Oath
MTGO Weekly Challenge
2 Ancient Grudge
1 Gisela, Blade of Goldnight |
1 Hurkyl's Recall |
1 Karakas |
1 Magus of the Moat |
1 Mindbreak Trap |
1 Nihil Spellbomb |
1 Pithing Needle |
1 Stormbreath Dragon |
1 Sudden Shock |
4 Tormod's Crypt
Force of Will
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
Library of Alexandria
Tap to add 1 colorless mana to your mana pool or draw a card from your library; you may use the card-drawing ability only if you have exactly seven cards in your hand.
Dack Fayden
+1: Target player draws two cards, then discards two cards. -2: Gain control of target artifact. -6: You get an emblem with "Whenever you cast a spell that targets one or more permanents, gain control of those permanents."
Dig Through Time
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) Look at the top seven cards of your library. Put two of them into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
You may return two islands you control to their owner's hand instead of paying Gush's mana cost. Draw two cards.
Auriok Salvagers
{1}{W}: Return target artifact card with converted mana cost 1 or less from your graveyard to your hand.
Engineered Explosives
Sunburst (This enters the battlefield with a charge counter on it for each color of mana spent to cast it.) {2}, Sacrifice Engineered Explosives: Destroy each nonland permanent with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Engineered Explosives.
Pyrite Spellbomb
{R}, Sacrifice Pyrite Spellbomb: Pyrite Spellbomb deals 2 damage to target creature or player. {1}, Sacrifice Pyrite Spellbomb: Draw a card.
Mental Misstep
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Counter target spell with converted mana cost 1.
Slice and Dice
Slice and Dice deals 4 damage to each creature. Cycling {2}{R} ({2}{R},Discard this card from your hand: Draw a card.) When you cycle Slice and Dice, you may have it deal 1 damage to each creature.
Oath of Druids
At the beginning of each player's upkeep, if that player controls fewer creatures than an opponent, the player may reveal cards from the top of his of her library until he or she reveals a creature card. The player puts that card into play and all other cards revealed this way into his or her graveyard.
Gitaxian Probe
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Look at target player's hand. Draw a card.
Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {1}. Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each spell cast before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.)
Flying, lifelink Pay 7 life: Draw seven cards.
Sylvan Library
You may draw two extra cards during your draw phase. If you do so, put two of the cards drawn this turn back on top of your library (in any order) or pay 4 life per card not replaced. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life.
Ancient Grudge
Destroy target artifact. Flashback {G} (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Tormod's Crypt
{T}, Sacrifice Tormod's Crypt: Remove target player's graveyard from the game.
Volcanic Island
Counts as both islands and mountains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Mox Emerald
Add 1 green mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Mox Sapphire
Add 1 blue mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Underground Sea
Counts as both swamp and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {U} to your mana pool.
Time Walk
Take an extra turn after this one.
Tropical Island
Counts as both forest and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {G} or {U} to your mana pool.
Mox Jet
Add 1 black mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Counts as both islands and plains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {W} to your mana pool.
Mox Ruby
Add 1 red mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Mox Pearl
Add 1 white mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Ancestral Recall
Draw 3 cards or force opponent to draw 3 cards.
Black Lotus
Adds 3 mana of any single color of your choice to your mana pool, then is discarded. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Demonic Tutor
You may search your library for one card and take it into your hand. Reshuffle your library afterwards.
Yawgmoth's Will
Until end of turn, you may play cards in your graveyard as though they were in your hand. Cards put into your graveyard this turn are removed from the game instead.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
+2: Look at the top card of target player's library. You may put that card on the bottom of that player's library. 0: Draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of your library in any order. -1: Return target creature to its owner's hand. -12: Exile all cards from target player's library, then that player shuffles his or her hand into his or her library.
Sorcerous Spyglass
As Sorcerous Spyglass enters the battlefield, look at an opponent's hand, then choose any card name.
Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be activated unless they're mana abilities.
Decklisty Vintage
Grixis Pyromancer
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Force of Will
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
Library of Alexandria
Tap to add 1 colorless mana to your mana pool or draw a card from your library; you may use the card-drawing ability only if you have exactly seven cards in your hand.
Dack Fayden
+1: Target player draws two cards, then discards two cards. -2: Gain control of target artifact. -6: You get an emblem with "Whenever you cast a spell that targets one or more permanents, gain control of those permanents."
Merchant Scroll
Search your library for a blue instant or interrupt. Reveal that card to all players and put it into your hand. Reshuffle your library afterwards.
Snow-Covered Island
{T}: Add {U} to your mana pool.
Counter target spell if it is blue or destroy target permanent if it is blue.
Snapcaster Mage
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Night's Whisper
You draw two cards and you lose 2 life.
Dig Through Time
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) Look at the top seven cards of your library. Put two of them into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
Treasure Cruise
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) Draw three cards.
Destroy target artifact.
Young Pyromancer
Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, put a 1/1 red Elemental creature token onto the battlefield.
You may return two islands you control to their owner's hand instead of paying Gush's mana cost. Draw two cards.
Mental Misstep
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Counter target spell with converted mana cost 1.
Gitaxian Probe
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Look at target player's hand. Draw a card.
Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {1}. Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each spell cast before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.)
Volcanic Island
Counts as both islands and mountains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Mox Emerald
Add 1 green mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Mox Sapphire
Add 1 blue mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Underground Sea
Counts as both swamp and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {U} to your mana pool.
Time Walk
Take an extra turn after this one.
Mox Jet
Add 1 black mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Mox Ruby
Add 1 red mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Mox Pearl
Add 1 white mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Ancestral Recall
Draw 3 cards or force opponent to draw 3 cards.
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt does 3 damage to one target.
Black Lotus
Adds 3 mana of any single color of your choice to your mana pool, then is discarded. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Demonic Tutor
You may search your library for one card and take it into your hand. Reshuffle your library afterwards.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
+2: Look at the top card of target player's library. You may put that card on the bottom of that player's library. 0: Draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of your library in any order. -1: Return target creature to its owner's hand. -12: Exile all cards from target player's library, then that player shuffles his or her hand into his or her library.
Decklisty Vintage
4C Control
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Force of Will
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
Library of Alexandria
Tap to add 1 colorless mana to your mana pool or draw a card from your library; you may use the card-drawing ability only if you have exactly seven cards in your hand.
Dack Fayden
+1: Target player draws two cards, then discards two cards. -2: Gain control of target artifact. -6: You get an emblem with "Whenever you cast a spell that targets one or more permanents, gain control of those permanents."
Merchant Scroll
Search your library for a blue instant or interrupt. Reveal that card to all players and put it into your hand. Reshuffle your library afterwards.
Counter target spell if it is blue or destroy target permanent if it is blue.
Snapcaster Mage
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Dig Through Time
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) Look at the top seven cards of your library. Put two of them into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
Treasure Cruise
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) Draw three cards.
You may return two islands you control to their owner's hand instead of paying Gush's mana cost. Draw two cards.
Mental Misstep
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Counter target spell with converted mana cost 1.
Yixlid Jailer
Gitaxian Probe
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Look at target player's hand. Draw a card.
Abrupt Decay
Abrupt Decay can't be countered by spells or abilities. Destroy target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 3 or less.
Deathrite Shaman
{T}: Exile target land card from a graveyard. Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. {B}, {T}: Exile target instant or sorcery card from a graveyard. Each opponent loses 2 life. {G}, {T}: Exile target creature card from a graveyard. You gain 2 life.
Ancient Grudge
Destroy target artifact. Flashback {G} (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Volcanic Island
Counts as both islands and mountains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Mox Emerald
Add 1 green mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Mox Sapphire
Add 1 blue mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Underground Sea
Counts as both swamp and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {U} to your mana pool.
Time Walk
Take an extra turn after this one.
Tropical Island
Counts as both forest and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {G} or {U} to your mana pool.
Mox Jet
Add 1 black mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Mox Ruby
Add 1 red mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Ancestral Recall
Draw 3 cards or force opponent to draw 3 cards.
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt does 3 damage to one target.
Black Lotus
Adds 3 mana of any single color of your choice to your mana pool, then is discarded. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Demonic Tutor
You may search your library for one card and take it into your hand. Reshuffle your library afterwards.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
+2: Look at the top card of target player's library. You may put that card on the bottom of that player's library. 0: Draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of your library in any order. -1: Return target creature to its owner's hand. -12: Exile all cards from target player's library, then that player shuffles his or her hand into his or her library.
Decklisty Vintage
UW Landstill
MTGO Weekly Challenge
2 Stony Silence
1 Swords to Plowshares |
2 Containment Priest |
2 Disenchant |
2 Energy Flux |
2 Grafdigger's Cage |
1 Hurkyl's Recall |
1 Plains |
2 Rest in Peace
Force of Will
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
Library of Alexandria
Tap to add 1 colorless mana to your mana pool or draw a card from your library; you may use the card-drawing ability only if you have exactly seven cards in your hand.
Stony Silence
Activated abilities of artifacts can't be activated.
Snapcaster Mage
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Dig Through Time
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) Look at the top seven cards of your library. Put two of them into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
Treasure Cruise
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) Draw three cards.
Mana Drain
Counters target spell. At the beginning of your next main phase, add {X} to your mana pool, where X is the casting cost of target spell.
Non-flying creatures cannot attack.
Mental Misstep
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Counter target spell with converted mana cost 1.
When a player plays a spell, sacrifice Standstill. If you do, then each of that player's opponents draws three cards.
Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {1}. Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each spell cast before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.)
Mishra's Factory
{T}: Add one colorless mana to your mana pool. {1}: Mishra's Factory becomes an Assembly Worker, a 2/2 artifact creature, until end of turn. Assembly Worker still counts as a land but cannot be tapped for mana the turn it comes into play. {T}: Target Assembly Worker gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
Rest in Peace
When Rest in Peace enters the battlefield, exile all cards from all graveyards. If a card or token would be put into a graveyard from anywhere, exile it instead.
Crucible of Worlds
You may play land cards from your graveyard.
Mox Sapphire
Add 1 blue mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Time Walk
Take an extra turn after this one.
Counts as both islands and plains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {W} to your mana pool.
Whichever player has more lands in play must discard enough lands of his or her choice to equalize the number of lands both players have in play. Cards in hand and creatures in play must be equalized the same way. Creatures lost in this manner may not be regenerated.
Mox Pearl
Add 1 white mana to your mana pool. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Ancestral Recall
Draw 3 cards or force opponent to draw 3 cards.
Swords to Plowshares
Target creature is removed from game entirely; return to owner's deck only when game is over. Creature's controller gains life points equal to creature's power.
Black Lotus
Adds 3 mana of any single color of your choice to your mana pool, then is discarded. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt.
Faerie Conclave
Faerie Conclave comes into play tapped. {T}: Add one blue mana to your mana pool. {1}{U}: Faerie Conclave becomes a 2/1 blue creature with flying until end of turn. This creature still counts as a land.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
+2: Look at the top card of target player's library. You may put that card on the bottom of that player's library. 0: Draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of your library in any order. -1: Return target creature to its owner's hand. -12: Exile all cards from target player's library, then that player shuffles his or her hand into his or her library.
Mindbreak Trap
If an opponent cast three or more spells this turn, you may pay {0} rather than pay Mindbreak Trap's mana cost. Exile any number of target spells.
Counter target noncreature spell.
Commander se nesl v duchu stále větší dominance 4C Tempa s Tymnou a Kraumem. Nejenom že tentokráte plně obsadilo finále, ale dohromady bylo sedmkrát v top15 (pouze patnáct hráčů mělo pozitivní skóre).
Konkuroval mu pouze tapout kontrol s Narset a klasika v podobě Breyi. Tyhle dva decky v top15 obsadily dalších pět míst.
Dále už byla mezi nejlepšími pouze čtyřbarva s Tymnou a Thrasiosem, Turbolandy/Extra kola s Leovoldem a Naya Midrange (s Kiki-Jiki kombem) s Marathem.
Decklisty Commander
Naya Midrange
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Cavern of Souls
As Cavern of Souls enters the battlefield, choose a creature type. {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell of the chosen type, and that spell can't be countered.
Nightshade Peddler
Soulbond (You may pair this creature with another unpaired creature when either enters the battlefield. They remain paired for as long as you control both of them.) As long as Nightshade Peddler is paired with another creature, both creatures have deathtouch.
Marath, Will of the Wild
Marath, Will of the Wild enters the battlefield with a number of +1/+1 counters on it equal to the amount of mana spent to cast it. {X}, Remove X +1/+1 counters from Marath: Choose one — Put X +1/+1 counters on target creature; or Marath deals X damage to target creature or player; or put an X/X green Elemental creature token onto the battlefield. X can't be 0.
Council's Judgment
Will of the council — Starting with you, each player votes for a nonland permanent you don't control. Exile each permanent with the most votes or tied for most votes.
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
First strike Noncreature spells cost {1} more to cast.
Utopia Sprawl
Enchant Forest As Utopia Sprawl comes into play, choose a color. Whenever enchanted Forest is tapped for mana, its controller adds one mana of the chosen color to his or her mana pool.
Voice of Resurgence
Whenever an opponent casts a spell during your turn or when Voice of Resurgence dies, put a green and white Elemental creature token onto the battlefield with "This creature's power and toughness are each equal to the number of creatures you control."
Bloom Tender
{T}: For each color among permanents you control, add one mana of that color to your mana pool.
Outpost Siege
As Outpost Siege enters the battlefield, choose Khans or Dragons. • Khans — At the beginning of your upkeep, exile the top card of your library. Until end of turn, you may play that card. • Dragons — Whenever a creature you control leaves the battlefield, Outpost Siege deals 1 damage to target creature or player.
Dryad Arbor
(Dryad Arbor isn't a spell, it's affected by summoning sickness, and it has "{T}: Add {G} to your mana pool.") Dryad Arbor is green.
Magus of the Moon
Nonbasic lands are Mountains.
Counter target spell if it is blue or destroy target permanent if it is blue.
Fyndhorn Elves
{T}: Add {G} to your mana pool. Play this ability as an interrupt.
As Nevermore enters the battlefield, name a nonland card. The named card can't be cast.
Gavony Township
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {2}{G}{W}, {T}: Put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control.
Kessig Wolf Run
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {X}{R}{G}, {T}: Target creature gets +X/+0 and gains trample until end of turn.
Aura Shards
Whenever a creature comes into play under your control, you may destroy target artifact or enchantment.
Scavenging Ooze
{G}: Exile target card from a graveyard. If it was a creature card, put a +1/+1 counter on Scavenging Ooze and you gain 1 life.
Reclamation Sage
When Reclamation Sage enters the battlefield, you may destroy target artifact or enchantment.
Green Sun's Zenith
Search your library for a green creature card with converted mana cost X or less, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library. Shuffle Green Sun's Zenith into its owner's library.
Sword of Feast and Famine
Equipped creature gets +2/+2 and has protection from black and from green. Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, that player discards a card and you untap all lands you control. Equip {2}
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
Haste {T}: Put a token that's a copy of target nonlegendary creature you control onto the battlefield. That token has haste. Sacrifice it at the beginning of the next end step.
Flying When Reveillark leaves play, return up to two target creature cards with power 2 or less from your graveyard to play. Evoke {5}{W} (You may play this spell for its evoke cost. If you do, it's sacrificed when it comes into play.)
Birthing Pod
({G/P} can be paid with either {G} or 2 life.) {1}{G/P}, {T}, Sacrifice a creature: Search your library for a creature card with converted mana cost equal to 1 plus the sacrificed creature's converted mana cost, put that card onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery.
Eladamri's Call
Search your library for a creature card, reveal that card, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library.
Chain Lightning
Chain Lightning deals 3 damage to target creature or player. Then that player or that creature's controller may pay {R}{R}. If the player does, he or she may copy this spell and may choose a new target for that copy.
Flametongue Kavu
When Flametongue Kavu comes into play, it deals 4 damage to target creature.
Umezawa's Jitte
Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage, put two charge counters on Umezawa's Jitte. Remove a charge counter from Umezawa's Jitte: Choose one — Equipped creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn; or target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn; or you gain 2 life. Equip {2}
Qasali Pridemage
Exalted (Whenever a creature you control attacks alone, that creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.) {1}, Sacrifice Qasali Pridemage: Destroy target artifact or enchantment.
Sword of Fire and Ice
Equipped creature gets +2/+2 and has protection from red and from blue. Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, Sword of Fire and Ice deals 2 damage to target creature or player and you draw a card.
Avacyn's Pilgrim
{T}: Add {W} to your mana pool.
Imperial Recruiter
When Imperial Recruiter enters the battlefield, search your library for a creature card with power 2 or less, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library.
Elvish Mystic
{T}: Add {G} to your mana pool.
Chord of Calling
Convoke (Each creature you tap while playing this spell reduces its cost by {1} or by one mana of that creature's color.) Search your library for a creature card with converted mana cost X or less and put it into play. Then shuffle your library.
Sylvan Library
You may draw two extra cards during your draw phase. If you do so, put two of the cards drawn this turn back on top of your library (in any order) or pay 4 life per card not replaced. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life.
Copperline Gorge
Copperline Gorge enters the battlefield tapped unless you control two or fewer other lands. {T}: Add {R} or {G} to your mana pool.
City of Brass
Whenever City of Brass becomes tapped, it deals 1 damage to you. {T}: Add one mana of a color of your choice to your mana pool.
Destroy all nonbasic lands.
Tap an untapped creature you control: Untap target basic land.
Islands do not untap during their controllers' untap phases.
Battlefield Forge
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add {R} or {W} to your mana pool. Battlefield Forge deals 1 damage to you.
Blood Moon
All non-basic lands are now basic mountains.
Xenagos, the Reveler
+1: Add X mana in any combination of {R} and/or {G} to your mana pool, where X is the number of creatures you control. 0: Put a 2/2 red and green Satyr creature token with haste onto the battlefield. -6: Exile the top seven cards of your library. You may put any number of creature and/or land cards from among them onto the battlefield.
Counts as both mountains and plains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {R} or {W} to your mana pool.
Counts as both forest and mountains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {G} or {R} to your mana pool.
Counts as both plains and forest and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {W} or {G} to your mana pool.
Wild Growth
When tapped, target land provides 1 green mana in addition to the mana it normally provides.
Birds of Paradise
Flying {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt.
Llanowar Elves
Tap to add green mana to your mana pool. This tap can be played as an interrupt.
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt does 3 damage to one target.
Swords to Plowshares
Target creature is removed from game entirely; return to owner's deck only when game is over. Creature's controller gains life points equal to creature's power.
Karmic Guide
Flying; protection from black; echo (During your next upkeep after this permanent comes into play under your control, pay its casting cost or sacrifice it.) When Karmic Guide comes into play, choose target creature card in your graveyard and put that creature into play.
Priest of Titania
{T}: Add {G} to your mana pool for each Elf in play. Play this ability as a mana source.
Arbor Elf
{T}: Untap target Forest.
Basilisk Collar
Equipped creature has deathtouch and lifelink. Equip {2}
Stirring Wildwood
Stirring Wildwood enters the battlefield tapped. {T}: Add {G} or {W} to your mana pool. {1}{G}{W}: Until end of turn, Stirring Wildwood becomes a 3/4 green and white Elemental creature with reach. It's still a land.
Stoneforge Mystic
When Stoneforge Mystic enters the battlefield, you may search your library for an Equipment card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library. {1}{W}, {T}: You may put an Equipment card from your hand onto the battlefield.
Lotus Cobra
Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you may add one mana of any color to your mana pool.
Oracle of Mul Daya
You may play an additional land on each of your turns. Play with the top card of your library revealed. You may play the top card of your library if it's a land card.
Clifftop Retreat
Clifftop Retreat enters the battlefield tapped unless you control a Mountain or a Plains. {T}: Add {R} or {W}.
Stomping Ground
({T}: Add {R} or {G}.)
As Stomping Ground enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Command Tower
{T}: Add one mana of any color in your commander's color identity.
V Pauperu se nezvykle nejvíce dařilo kombodeckům. Ve finále porazil UR Prowess (Kiln Fiend + Nivix Cyclops) pilotovaný "Toastmachinem" Tireless Tribe kombo "pproteuse". K tomu navíc skončilo další Tireless Tribe kombo i na třetím místě.
Na dalších místech jsme mohli spatřit tři Monogreen Aggra, dva RW Metalcrafty, 4C Tron s Teachingy, dva Thermo-Alchemist Burny, Monoblue Delvera, Monoblack Control s playsetem Thorn of the Black Rose, dva UB Controly a UB Delver s minikombem Striped Riverwinder a Exhume.
Decklisty Vše
UR Prowess
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Artful Dodge
Target creature is unblockable this turn. Flashback {U} (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Stormbound Geist
Flying Stormbound Geist can block only creatures with flying. Undying (When this creature dies, if it had no +1/+1 counters on it, return it to the battlefield under its owner's control with a +1/+1 counter on it.)
Nivix Cyclops
Defender Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, Nivix Cyclops gets +3/+0 until end of turn and can attack this turn as though it didn't have defender.
Temur Battle Rage
Target creature gains double strike until end of turn. (It deals both first-strike and regular combat damage.) Ferocious — That creature also gains trample until end of turn if you control a creature with power 4 or greater.
You may return two islands you control to their owner's hand instead of paying Gush's mana cost. Draw two cards.
Apostle's Blessing
({W/P} can be paid with with either {W} or 2 life.) Target artifact or creature you control gains protection from artifacts or from the color of your choice until end of turn.
Mutagenic Growth
({G/P} can be paid with either {G} or 2 life.) Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn.
Gitaxian Probe
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Look at target player's hand. Draw a card.
Kiln Fiend
Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, Kiln Fiend gets +3/+0 until end of turn.
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt does 3 damage to one target.
Augur of Bolas
When Augur of Bolas enters the battlefield, look at the top three cards of your library. You may reveal an instant or sorcery card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
Evolving Wilds
{T}, Sacrifice Evolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.
Swiftwater Cliffs
Swiftwater Cliffs enters the battlefield tapped.
When Swiftwater Cliffs enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.
{T}: Add {U} or {R}.
Decklisty Vše
Tireless Tribe Combo
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Stormbound Geist
Flying Stormbound Geist can block only creatures with flying. Undying (When this creature dies, if it had no +1/+1 counters on it, return it to the battlefield under its owner's control with a +1/+1 counter on it.)
Inside Out
Switch target creature's power and toughness until end of turn. Draw a card.
Replicate {U} (When you play this spell, copy it for each time you paid its replicate cost. You may choose new targets for the copies.) Tap target permanent.
Snow-Covered Plains
{T}: Add {W} to your mana pool.
You may return two islands you control to their owner's hand instead of paying Gush's mana cost. Draw two cards.
Tireless Tribe
Discard a card from your hand: Tireless Tribe gets +0/+4 until end of turn.
Gitaxian Probe
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Look at target player's hand. Draw a card.
Shadow Rift
Target creature gains shadow until end of turn. (This creature an block or be blocked only by creatures with shadow.) Draw a card.
Circular Logic
Counter target spell unless its controller pays {1} for each card in your graveyard. Madness {U} (You may play this card for its madness cost at the time you discard it from your hand.)
Augur of Bolas
When Augur of Bolas enters the battlefield, look at the top three cards of your library. You may reveal an instant or sorcery card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
Evolving Wilds
{T}, Sacrifice Evolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.
Decklisty Vše
Monoblack Control
MTGO Weekly Challenge
Chittering Rats
When Chittering Rats comes into play, target opponent puts a card from his or her hand on top of his or her library.
Gurmag Angler
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.)
Victim of Night
Destroy target non-Vampire, non-Werewolf, non-Zombie creature.
Raven's Crime
Target player discards a card. Retrace (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a land card in addition to paying its other costs.)
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card.
Tendrils of Corruption
Tendrils of Corruption deals X damage to target creature and you gain X life, where X is the number of Swamps you control.
Chainer's Edict
Target player sacrifices a creature. Flashback {5}{B}{B} (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Crypt Rats
{X}: Crypt Rats deals X damage to each creature and player. Spend only black mana in this way.
Bojuka Bog
Bojuka Bog enters the battlefield tapped. When Bojuka Bog enters the battlefield, exile all cards from target player's graveyard. {T}: Add {B} to your mana pool.
Target creature gets -2/-2 until end of turn.
Decklisty Vše
Striped Delver
MTGO Weekly Challenge
1 Dispel
2 Nihil Spellbomb |
1 Aura Flux |
1 Deep Analysis |
1 Deprive |
1 Fangren Marauder |
2 Shrivel |
3 Spontaneous Mutation |
2 Stormbound Geist |
1 Vampiric Link
Gurmag Angler
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.)
Snow-Covered Island
{T}: Add {U} to your mana pool.
Snow-Covered Swamp
{T}: Add {B} to your mana pool.
Thought Scour
Target player puts the top two cards of his or her library into his or her graveyard. Draw a card.
Mental Note
Put the top two cards of your library into your graveyard. Draw a card.
Sultai Scavenger
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) Flying
You may return two islands you control to their owner's hand instead of paying Gush's mana cost. Draw two cards.
Vapor Snag
Return target creature to its owner's hand. Its controller loses 1 life.
Vampiric Link
Enchant creature Whenever enchanted creature deals damage, you gain that much life.
Nihil Spellbomb
{T}, Sacrifice Nihil Spellbomb: Exile all cards from target player's graveyard. When Nihil Spellbomb is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may pay {B}. If you do, draw a card.
Counters target spell as it is being cast.
Each player chooses a creature card in his or her graveyard and puts that creature into play.
Augur of Bolas
When Augur of Bolas enters the battlefield, look at the top three cards of your library. You may reveal an instant or sorcery card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
Dismal Backwater
Dismal Backwater enters the battlefield tapped.
When Dismal Backwater enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.
{T}: Add {U} or {B}.
7. Bonus: Dutch Open Series (Standard + Legacy)
Závěrem se podíváme na několik zajímavých decklistů z Dutch Open Series, v rámci kterých se hrál standard, modern a legacy.
Nejzajímavější decky byly k vidění překvapivě na standardu, kde mezi jednasedmdesáti hráči triumfoval Glenn Muijen s RG Aggrem, když ve finále porazil klasický Dark Temur.
A aby toho nebylo málo, tak ještě zvláštnější deck skončil na třetím místě. Šlo o BR Midrange s chuťovkami jako The Scorpion God, Captain Lannery Storm, či Ammit Eternal.
Zajímavý vítězný deck měla i legačka, kde v konkurenci šestadevadesáti hráčů triumfoval Jelmer Zeilstra se zajímavou verzí Monored Stompy. Neobvyklé byly jednak hned tři kusy Sorcerous Spyyglass v mainu, ale pozornost na sebe strhával hlavně playset Burning Wishů, které zde byly čistě jako value karty. Osobně mi ale Stone Rain, Roast, nebo Banefire nepřipadají jako extra užitečné kusy, zvláště když bych za ně měl připlatit dvě many. Deck byl ale v top8 dokonce ve dvou kusech, takže na tom zřejmě něco bude...
Čistě pro úplnost dodám, že největší z main eventů téhle akce byl modern, kterého se zúčastnilo 173 hráčů a z vítězství se v něm radoval Andy Cooman s UR Breachem.
Decklisty Standard
RG Aggro
Glenn Muijen
Dutch Open Series
Chandra, Torch of Defiance
Decklisty Standard
BR Midrange
Stefan Beerens
Dutch Open Series
Chandra, Torch of Defiance