Czech and Slovak Nationals 2010 - Magic the Gathering
Slovak Standings (each post in the forum represents one standing)
Here, you can see a very nice video compiling the best moments of the Czech and Slovak Nationals.
Hello and welcome to Czech/Slovak Nationals. I'll be your host for the English portion, Sean FitzGerald, Irish guy living in Prague. Player meeting is currently underway and we have 200 players seated, 140 for Czech and 60 for Slovak. While they prepare lets have a look at some of the players to look out for.
Saturday 10:30
Matej "Big Z" Zatlkaj (R/G/w Monument) VS. Richard Glasner (Mythic Conscription)
Saturday 11:50
Metagame Breakdown - Slovak Nationals
Metagame Breakdown - Czech Nationals
Archetype | Percentage | % |
Jund | 41 | 29,3 |
Mono Red | 15 | 10,7 |
Mythic Conscriptions | 14 | 10,0 |
Grixis | 9 | 6,4 |
Mono Green Tlačák | 9 | 6,4 |
Naya | 8 | 5,7 |
UW Control | 5 | 3,6 |
UWR Planeswalkers | 4 | 2,8 |
Open the Vaults | 4 | 2,8 |
Saturday 12:10Round 2 - Slovak Nationals
Michal Havlik (Naya) VS. Ivan Floch (Turboland)
Ivan wins the dice roll and leads with Khalni Garden. Michal mulligans, is happy with his six and leads with Noble Hierarch. Ivan casts Rampant growth and passes. Michal casts another Hierarch and a Stoneforge Mystic searching for the Collar. Ivan drops Oracle of Mul Daya and flips a forest into play and the exposes Avenger atop the library. All Michal can do is equip and swing his Mystic into a 0/1 chump, drop a Bird and pass. Using Oracle and a fetchland, Ivan ramps up to 7 and drops the avenger, making a lot more 0/1's than Michal has. Michal drops a Bloodbraid and flips a Stoneforge Mystic who searches for the Hammer, Elf goes in and just gets chumped by a 0/1. Ivan drops another avenger followed by a fetchland making his army a LOT more impressive, impressive enough in fact for Michal to scoop before Ivan makes them ridiculous with another fetchland.
1-0 Ivan Floch
Again, lots of friendly chat between the games, again, I have no clue what they're saying.
Game 2 starts off with another mulligan for Michal while Ivan is happy with his 7. Ivan does the usual ramp thing and hits Jace 2.0 on turn 3, Michal unfortunately doesn't have the answer, or the land and uses Path to Exile on his Birds of Paradise in response to it being bounced. This lets him cast Knight of the Reliquary on the next turn. Jace bounces the Knight and makes things a lot worse for Michal when he drops Pelakka Wurm while Michal is still on 3 lands. Michal just drops a Collar and passes with white up telegraphing the Path. Ivan fateseals Michal sending an Arid Mesa to the bottom and sends in the Wurm, Michal has the Path and Ivan has no follow up. Next turn Michal drops an Oblivion Ring on Jace and it looks like he can get back into this game when he follows that up with a Knight of the Reliquary. Ivan smiles however and takes the Knight after dropping Roil Elemental. Turns out Knight is pretty good when its controller is running something based around lots of lands! Michal taps his deck praying for an answer …or land but all it provides is a Bird, which Ivan gladly takes before casting Mind Spring for 10. Michal looks at the top card of his library but it's another Bloodbraid Elf to go with the two trapped in his hand along with Ajani Vengeant and two more Knights of the Reliquary.
Ivan Floch defeats Michal Havlik 2-0
Saturday 13:45Round 3 - Czech Nationals
David Do-Anh (Next Level Bant) VS. Nikola Vavra (Jund)
Round 3 we have the talented youngster from Prague, David Do-Anh who finished second this year in GP Madrid with Ad Nauseum. His opponent is another local, Nikola Vavra who's known to be no slouch himself.
David wins the roll and leads with Birds followed by Stirring Wildwood, while Nikola just plays a Raging Ravine followed by Verdant Catacombs into Leech. This lets Dave drop Elspeth who spits out a soldier who is turn spat out by the Leech the very next attack step. Nikola has no flow up however and just drops a Lavaclaw Reaches and passes. David drops a Lotus Cobra and Fetchland but the Cobra eats a lightning bolt in response to the search. David still has enough mana however for Jace to join the party and let David Brainstorm. Nikola drops Bloodbraid who flips Lightning Bolt which downs Jace and the team crash towards Elspeth. The soldier jumps in front of the Leech and Elspeth is down to 3. Do-Anh is relaxed though as he just makes another soldier, drops a Baneslayer and passes. Nikola is visibly upset at his draw and all he can muster is a Leech and a Blightning putting Elspeth down to one. After Baneslayer cracks in for 5 Nikola decides to take to the offensive route and activates his Raging Ravine and sends in the team towards Elspeth, though leaving an Elf back. That Elf chumps the Stirring Wildwood next turn. On his turn Nikola has nothing and just sends the Leeches at Davids face bringing him to 28, he has the Terminate for the Angel on the swingback but when David shows him another along with Jace and Elspeth in his hand Nikola knows it all over and starts shuffling up.
1-0 David Do-Anh
While shuffling Nikola bemoans his bad draws while David consoles him with "Don't worry, however you drew I was totally gna wreck ya anyways…….noob!" …..well that's what I'm translating it as anyway since I'm sick of having no clue what people are talking about!
Game 2 starts with both players keeping their 7. Nikola's turn 2 Leech is chumped by David's Lotus Cobra the next turn which David Replaces with a Knight of the Reliquary. Nikola drops an Elf which flips Leech and keeps up the pressure bringing david to 8. David just drops a Noble Hierarch and passes. Nikola takes a moment to consider his best option with Maelstrom Pulse and Putrid Leech in hand and a Lavaclaw Reaches on the table. Nikola goes for the Pulse on the Knight hoping to tap it down but David has the Negate to disappoint. When the team goes in Knight blocks a Leech and Noble chumps the BB Elf. Knight taps for Misty Rainforest and becomes 5/5 in the process of fixing Daves mana. Nikola drops a land and a Leech a little upset that his offence has been very much slowed down. Gideon Jura next turn doesn't help matters at all. However, another Maelstrom Pulse off the top is enough to make David pick up his cards.
Nikola Vavra makes it 1-1
Dave gives himself a mini Saito slap, few soft slaps to get himself pumped! ….but not too pumped! Rest of the shuffling is done in pure silence as both players focus on the decider.
David opts to play and keeps his 7. Nikola however, takes a trip to Paris and has to settle on starting with 6.
David Do-Anh defeats Nikola Vavra 2-1
Saturday 15:15
Draft 1 - Slovak Nationals
So for the draft portion I sat down with Matej "Big Z" Zatlkaj. He's on 1-2 but still feeling ok. Martin Juza was covered on the Czech language part of the coverage and if I can't get a translation I'll try get him for the next draft.
So at Matej's table were a few unknowns and Richard Hornansky (Gp winner and former national team member) and Emil Polak (former national team member).
For the draft I will put the cards that Matej pointed out as considerations in the pack followed by his pick in bold. The comments after the picks in brackets are what Matej told me after the draft.
Pack 1
Flame Sash, Artisan of Kozilek, Narcolepsy, Ondu Giant, Beastbreaker of Bala Ged, Momentus Fall - Flame Slash
Boar Umbra, Nest Invader, Flame Sash, Lust for War, Ulamogs Crusher - Flame Slash
Venerable Teacher, Eldrazi Temple, Zulaport Enforcer - Zulaport Enforcer
Gigantomance, Last Kiss - Gigantomancer
Induce Despair, Frostwind Invoker - Induce Despair
Mnemonic Wall, Battle Rampart - Mnemonic Wall
Zulaport Enforcer, Angelheart Vial - Angelheart Vial
Cadaver Imp, Spawning Breath - Spawning Breath
Prophetic Prism, Lust for War - Prophetic Prism (Not 100% but at that point he felt it was right)
Reality Spasm
Growth Spasm
Brood Birthing
Golin Tunneler
Stalwart Shield Bearers
Pack 2
Lust for war, Nirkana Revenant - Windmill Nirkana and Matej signals to me that he's planning UBr
Nirkana Revenant - Windmill take 2
Nirkana Cutthroat, Induce Despair - Nirkana Cutthroat
Lust for War, Null Champion, Overgrown Battlement - Lust for War (Retrospect should have picked Null Champion)
Domestication, Regress, Frostwind Invoker - Regress (Retrospect this should be Domestication)
Prophetic Prism
Virulent Swipe
Essence Feed
Snake Umbra, Caravan Escort - Escort
Zulaport Enforcer
Pennon Blade
Dread Drone - Matej points out at this stage he's at 16 playables.
Pack 3
Prophetic Prism, Venerated Teacher, Merfolk Skyscout, Snake Umbra -Prophetic Prism (Should have been skyscout/teacher)
Narcolepsy, Boar Umbra, Overgrown Battlement - Narcolepsy
Ulamogs Crusher, Growth Spasm, Warmongers Chariot - Growth Spasm
Champions Drake, Induce Despair - Induce Despair
Traitorous Instinct, Skywatcher Adept - Skywatcher Adept
Domestication, Training Grounds, Champions Drake, Prophetic Prism, Cadaver Imp - Cadaver Imp (Matej points out he should have taken the domestication)
Tajuru Preserver
Venerated Teacher
Dreamstone Hedron
Ogre Sentry
Champions Drake
Not of this World
Perish the Thought
2 Flame Slash
1 Spawning Breath
1 Lust For War
1 Skywatcher Adept
1 Narcolepsy
1 Venerated Teacher
1 Regress
1 Mnemonic Wall
2 Zulaport Enforcer
2 Induce Despair
2 Nirkana Revenant
1 Nirkana Cutthroat
1 Cadaver Imp
1 Dread Drone
1 Angelheart Vial
1 Dreamstone Hedron
3 Prophetic Prism
4 Island
4 Mountain
9 Swamp
After I got the decklist from Matej he told me about the deck. He was happy with his first two picks but didn't go for the teacher in pack 3 as he doesn't like Red/Blue levellers. So his plan from there was to build a defensive Grixis control deck but he focused too much on his Red rather than Blue. He feels he didn't notice the Red drying up until it was too late and if he had noticed earlier he would have a very solid Blue/Black deck splashing Red. With a Blue base he would have easier access to Domestication and Merfolk Skyscouts.
What he ended up with is in between the Grixis Control and the leveller deck. He feels it's easily a 2-1 deck and could be 3-0 if none of the other decks at the table are that amazing. Big Z lost the first round, mulliganing to 5 in game 3.Got the Bye in round 2.Round 3 was a walkover with Big Z winning 2-0 in easy fashion.
Saturday 15:45
Quick Questions - What is the best deck in Standard right now?
Czech Players:
Petr Nahodil: Well played UG Turboland
Martin Juza: Jund again
Jan Kotria: Grixis
Petr Brozek: Burn, Jund
Michal Hebky: Jund?
Jan Brodzak: JundSlovak Players:
Ivan Floch: Fun-Land (I think he means Turbo Land)
Matej "Big Z" Zatlkaj: There's none
Robert "Bob the Builder" Jurkovic: Jund, played by every ***** (Slovak word meaning coward but ruder!)
Filip Polasek: R/G Tokens (imho)Got a question you want asked? Post it in the comments below!
Saturday 16:05Our Head Judges :-)
On the left: Head Judging Slovak Nationals, Cyrille Peuvion of France.On the right: Head Judging Czech Nationals, Lubos Lauer of the Czech Republic.
(That's me on the white laptop in the background!)
Saturday 17:20
Round 5 - Slovak Nationals
Janos Csomos (Blue/Black/White) VS. Mikulas Hrubisko (Green/Black)
For this round we have two players who I am unfortunately not familiar with but who I've been assured are both very strong players in the Slovak community. These are 2 out of 4 of the players sitting at 4-0
Janos wins the roll and leads with Skywatcher Adept Followed by Halimar Wavewatch on turn 2. Mikulas plays a turn 2 Ogre Cleaver and passes it back. Turn 3 the Adept brings Mikulas to 18 and the Wavewatch goes to level one, Janos does miss his landrop however but finds it on turn 4 to level up the Adept after Mikulas drops a Gloomhunter. The Gloomhunter gets a Boar Umbra and crashes in but Guard Duty the next turn ends that plan. Janos continues to level his guys and drop lands while Mikulas expands his board with a Nest Invader and Awakening Zone. Janos trades his Adept for the Boar Umbra but the Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief the next turn makes him sigh in pain. That is, until he drops Linvala, Keeper of Silence onto the board and shuts the black bomb down. That doesn't stop Mikulas piling on the pressure with a full team swing though and Janos loses his Wavewatch. All he can muster to build his defence is a Totem-Guide Hartebeest finding a Narcolepsy and making sure Drana is completely useless ….for the time being.
Mikulas tries an Induce Despair on Linvala but Janos has the Lay Bare to make sure Mikulas can't get his machine gunning Black Mythic online. With the board looking a little safer Janos starts to attack with Linvala using an Essence Feed to keep himself healthy while also producing some chumps. Mikulas Growth Spasms a few more ground chumps and drops an Escaped Null but still can't do anything about the Linvala coming over the top bringing him to 9. Ogre cleaver onto the lifelinking Null followed by Ulamogs Crusher turns the tide very quickly to his favour, Janos bangs the top of his deck but all it produces is an Escaped Null of his own. The alien gets blocked by the Null and Linvala while the attacking Null gets a Puncturing Light through his chest. It looks like Janos can get back in if he rips a creature! ….he does rip a guy but unfortunately it's Ulamog's Crusher and the Annihilator trigger the turn before had brought him down to 7 lands. Bad times.
1-0 to Mikulas Hrubisko
Janos opens with Adept into Wavewatcher again and this time doesn't miss the land drop turn 3, using the mana to level his Adept. Mikulas drops nest Invader on turn 2 followed by Gloomhunter on turn 3. Janos swings with the Adept then drops another levelling it up immediately. Mikulas has the Boar Umbra for the Gloomhunter again and the race begins. The race slows down very quickly next turn when Janos uses Totem-Guide Hartebeest to put a Narcolepsy on the Gloomhunter. Mikulas drops a Mul Daya Channelers and Janos replies with Linvala, Keeper of Silence. Before the air versus ground war can break out the game is paused briefly to call a judge and then appeal to the head judge on the interaction between Linvala and the mana ability on the Mul Daya, as you astute readers probably already know, Linvala does prevent the Mul Daya tapping for mana. When all that is cleared up Janos flashes the Narcolepsy before putting level up counters on his guys and as he motions to swing with his airforce Mikulas is already shuffling.
Janos Csomos makes it 1-1
Game 3 stars with Mikulas on the play and Nest Invader is the first creature on the table. Janos replies with a Hada Spy Patrol but it's no match for the Invader suited up with a Boar Umbra. Janos plays a see beyond before playing his third land but his face stays stoic not showing whether he needed it or not. Mikura drops his second Nest Invader and the spawns get sacrifice to ramp him up to Zof Shade. When he sends the team in the following turn, the Invader with the Umbra gets hit by Regress while the Shade gets blocked and then Smited ….or smitten …..he dies though! Mikuras replaces him with an Escaped Null and passes back. Over the next two turns both players just expand their boards with Janos playing Linvala into Hartebeest getting Narcolepsy (obv) while all Mikulas can do is draw and play lands. When Janos drops Deathless Angel though things start to look grim. It seems these two players got every good rare and mythic at the table!
Eventually while taking hits from 2 angels Mikulas draws a Cadaver Imp and replays his Escaped Null. Janos decides to keep his Linvala back but hits with the Deathless Angel. He follows that up with an Ikiral Outrider and a level counter on his Spy Patrol leaving WW up to protect …whatever he may have to protect. Mikulas is still having trouble drawing something to get him back into the game and just plays a Zof Shade and passes. Crusher seems a good draw but Janos still has the Narcolepsy he went for earlier and Angel hits again putting the life totals at Janos 8, Mikulas 10. Mikulas draws a Gigantomancer but Linvala makes paying 8 mana for a 1/1 kind of embarrassing! Gloomhunter the next turn offers a chump option but when his deck coughs up two more lands he has no choice but to extend the hand.
Janos Csomos defeats Mikulas Hrubisko 2-1
Saturday 18:00
Round 6 - Czech Nationals
Lukas Jaklovsky (Green/Black) VS. Jan Brodzak (Blue/Green/Red)
Lukas is level 4 and Top 16'd PT San Juan while Brodzak is one of the Brno crew who was a member of last years winning Czech worlds team as well as having a GP top 8 under his belt.
Jan wins the die roll and Mulligans to 6 while Lukas sticks at 7. Jan starts off with a Skywatcher Adept and levels him up on turns 3, 4 and 5 but also dropping an Overgrown Battlement on 5. Lukas in the meantime uses his own turn 2 Overgrown Battlement to ramp into turn 3 Vengevine and smash some face. Jan keeps hitting with the flier while levelling it up and expanding his board with Sea Gate Oracle, Overgrown battlement and when he ramps up to Ulamogs Crusher Lukas scoops them up. Having found no more pressure or answers.
1-0 to Jan Brodzak
Game 2 starts off with Lukas playing turn 2 Overgrown Battlement, turn 3 Prophetic Prism and Ruined Servitor. Jan in the meantime uses a Sea Gate Oracle to Find an Ondu Giant which in turn finds him a Mountain. The Giant gets a Drake Umbra and starts applying the beats. Lukas replies with Gelatinous Genesis for 4 4/4 Ooozes. I know Tom at Monday Night Magic likes his Oozes so I'm sure he'd be very impressed with them winning the game at this level. One swing from the team followed by Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief and Jan is scooping them up.
Lukas Jaklovsky brings it up to 1-1
While shuffling Lukas comments on how fast Jan shuffles and plays. If the coverage of this match seems a little shorter it's because those two games were under ten minutes and I couldn't actually see everything that was happening it went by so fast.
Game 3 sees turn 3 growth spasm from Jan ensuring he has every colour mana he needs and also the ramping part gets him turn 4 Frostwind Invoker. Luas on the other hand has 4 Forests on turn 4 but an Ondu Giant sorts that and searches up the Mountain he needs. Next turn after taking the hit off Invoker he rips the swamp and drops Dread Drone. Jan drops his own f-Ondu Giant and puts a Drake Umbra on the 0/1 token and bashes in for 8, the Drone trades withthe Giant and Lukas takes 6. He drops a few more chumpers but when Jan flashes the Might of the Masses he found off his Sea Gate Oracle the match is over.
Jan Brodzak defeats Lukas Jaklovsky 2-1
Saturday 18:15
Quick Questions - What is your favourite archetype in RoE draft?
Czech Players:
Petr Nahodil: Green with lots of Kozilek's Predators
Martin Juza: Anything other than Blue and White
Jan Kotria: Ancestral green but anything mainly green will do
Petr Brozek: Grixis
Michal Hebky: URB
Jan Brodzak: U/WSlovak Players:
Ivan Floch: G/B
Matej "Big Z" Zatlkaj: Green splashing Red and Black or Grixis
Robert "Bob the Builder" Jurkovic: Grixis Control
Filip Polasek: UW levelers if possible, otherwise UR control.--
Saturday 19:50Draft 2 - Slovak Nationals
For the second draft I decided to cover a Slovak player again as all the other coverage guys wanted to do Czech players. The person I chose was Filip Polasek, a very talented player who was on the successful Slovakian Worlds Team in 07 and has 23 lifetime pro points and numerous solid finishes including top 24 at GP Prague last year going 7-2 day one and started 5-0 day 2 getting unlucky in the last round playing for top 8. He also mentioned that he's ranked 40th in the world at 2hg. When asked earlier what his favourite draft archetype was in the quick questions he answered with Blue White levellers or Blue Red Control. Below are his picks and cards of note in the packs so we can see how he chose to try go about drafting one of the archetypes.
Pack 1Narcolepsy over Ondu Giant
Staggershock over Heat Ray and Zulaport Enforcer
Forked Bolt over Spawning Breath
Merfolk Skyscout over Reality Spasm
Spawning Breath over Froswtind Invoker and Lay bare
Sea Gate Oracle over Explosive Revelation
Essence Feed over Skeletal Worm
Mnemonic Wall over Essence Feed
Batlle Rattle Shaman over Hedron Matrix
Frostwind Invoker
Soulscourge Elemental
Mnemonic Wall over Frostwind Invoker
Reality Spasm
Frostwind Invoker
Pack 2
Emrakul the Aeons Torn over Bala Ged Scorpion and Zulaport Enforcer
See Beyond over Eel Umbra, Dreamstone Hedron and Soulscrouge Elemental
Recurring Insight over Grotag Siege Runner
Mnemonic Wall over Lavafume Invoker
Skywatceher Adept over Unified Will and Vent Sentinel
Lay Bare
Essence Feed over Battle Rampart and Grotag Siege runner
Skywatcher Adept over Deprive (In hindsight Filip pointed out that he really wasn't sure about this)
Ogre Sentry
Eel Umbra
Goblin Tunneller over Distortion Strike
Inquisition of Kozilek
Unified Will
Demonic Will
Pack 3
Guul Draz Assassin over Skywatcher Adept
Flame Slash over Deprive and Ogre Sentry
Narcolepsy over Virulent Firebeast and Vent Sentinel
Kiln Fiend over Halimar Wavewatch
Deprive over Mnemonic Wall and Soulscourge Elemental
Guard Gomazoa over Sea Gate Oracle
Explosive Revelation
Ogre Sentry over Goblin Tunneller
Lagac Lizard
Raif Bombardment
Lavafume Invoker
Merfolk Observer
The Adept over the Deprive (pack 2 pick 8) came down to creature count, and also Filip being confident he was the only blue drafter at the table thus being able to pick up a Deprive later, which he did. The Guul Draz Assassin was purely a hate pick as Assassin wrecks this archetype even with as much removal as he has. The Emrakul he even considered playing in this archetype, as he knew he would have card advantage with his walls etc but need a late game closer in case his opponent drew his bombs before Filips card advantage won him the game. In the end though he had enough creatures that he didn't have to risk running the alien.
When asked about how he felt about his chances with this he felt it was easily a 2-1 maybe a 3-0 but that he feels it's almost impossible to draft a guaranteed 3-0 deck as the format is so skill intensive and can have some big match up swings.
Filip ended up going 2-1 (Eventually making top 8) with the following list:
1 Kiln Fiend
2 Skywatcher Adept
1 Guard Gomazoa
1 Lavafume Invoker
1 Sea Gate Oracle
1 Soulsurge Elemental
1 Battle-Rattle Shaman
1 Merfolk Skyscout
2 Mnemonic Wall
2 Frostwind Rider
1 See Beyond
1 Recurring Insight
1 Lay Bare
1 Deprive
1 Spawning Breath
1 Staggershock
1 Forked Bolt
1 Flame Slash
2 Narcolepsy
9 Island
8 Mountain
Saturday 20:10
Quick Questions - What do you want to open as first pick in draft?
Czech Players:
Petr Nahodil: Drana
Martin Juza: Black Lotus, but no such luck today!
Jan Kotria: Eldrazi Conscription
Petr Brozek: Drana
Michal Hebky: Don't know...
Jan Brodzak: Drana
Slovak Players:
Ivan Floch: Drana
Matej "Big Z" Zatlkaj: Drana or Eldrazi Conscription
Robert "Bob the Builder" Jurkovic: Drana
Filip Polasek: Gideon Jura OBV! (When asked would Drana not be better Filip said maybe yes but he'd prefer to have a Gideon after the draft!)Well they may not like the same archetypes but at least they can agree on what the best cards are! If you have any questions you want us to ask them just comment below.
Saturday 20:50 - End of Day One
Just before we closed up I had a quick chat with Filip Polasek, he lost his first round of the draft although he got ridiculously unlucky to do so. Game 1 he got a gameloss with complete control and the win on the board for accidentally drawing an extra card. Game 2 he won the way his deck should, game 3 he got mana flooded. His reaction was that it was all him and he's no angry at anyone or anything as everything was under his control. He feels it's up to him to make top 8 and he's confedent he still can. He's confident in his draft deck and also feels his Standard deck is a good call in the metagame and he has a good build of it. Tune in tomorrow to see how he finishes up.Well that's it for day one. Check the standings in an hour or so to find out who's still in contention and who's out. Don't forget to tune in tomorrow.....and tell your friends!
11:45 Draft Deck
So first thing I hear about Sunday morning is the "sick" deck Lukas Blohan has drafted.
2 Deathless Angel? 3 Domestication?!
Sunday 12:30
Round 10 - Slovak Nationals
Filip Polasek (Next Level Bant) VS. Marek Vardzik (Dredgevine)
Unfortunately I join this match after game 1. Filip is up a game, though assures me this is a bad match up. Both of these players stand at 6-3 so the chance to make top 8 is on the line.
For the second game Marek chooses to play and keeps his 7. Filip goes down to 6, takes a while thinking about it, and decides to go again but keeps the 5 without much thought.
Marek leads on Drowned Catacomb tapped into Misty Rainforest for an Island and plays Rotting Rats discarding his own Vengevine while Filip ditches a Jace. Filip gets out Wall of Omens but next turn Marek plays Renegade Doppleganger into Hedron Crab which returns the Vengevine making a fake blue one as well and crashes in for 9. Wall blocks the rats and next turn Oblivion Ring takes care of the Vengevine. A few landfall triggers later from the crab and still nothing relevant in Mareks graveyard. His frustration is obvious (what I can only guess were cursewords in Slovak) while Filips stable board position after going to 5 has him quite chirpy. A second Wall of Omens and Sea Gate Oracle clog the ground a bit for fillip while Marek tries to amass an offence with a second Doppleganger and a Bloodghast. When Sea Gate number 2 comes down though for Filip, there's just too many big butts to get through! Finally an Enclave Cryptologist gives Marek some options and one loot later he finally has Extractor Demon in the graveyard. Filip plays a Sphinx of Lost Truths to try prepare for the onslaught next turn. And onslaught it is, Demon comes into play, two Dopllegangers change form and crash in along with 2 Bloodghast. After declaring blocks Filip plays a Celestial purge and an Oracle trades with a Bloodghast but still loses a large chunk of life going to 7. A few mills after combat and Marek has the full fourest of Bloodghasts in the yard. Filip scans the board on his turn and realises he is in a lot of trouble, when Marek flashes the land to bring back the Vampires, now with haste, Filip scoops them up.
Marek Vardzik makes it 1-1
The decider is began with Hierarch vs Enclave Cryptologist on the first turns. When Marek goes to level the looter, Filip has the Path. Filip very slowly peels his top card and when he sees what it is WINDMILL SLAMS PLAINS! ……which gives him a turn 3 Vengevine! Marek takes 5, drops a Merfolk Looter and a Doppleganger and passes it back. Vengevine takes another 5 chunks of life and Jace bounces the Merfolk Looter. When the Looter comes back Doppleganger puts a Vengevine in the yard and when Rotting Rats follows it up we have some Vine on Vine action. Jace takes 4, Filip confident the Exalted v
ersion will win the race and drops an unkicked Sphinx of Lost Truths pitching 2 Sea Gate Oracles and a Celestial Purge along with the Celestial Purge he had to pitch to the Rats. Filip checks the time, seven minutes left on the round. MArek does some looting, takes a while to think but nothing relevant hits the yar and he just drops another Doppleganger and passes. Filip drops his hand of two Hierarch onto the table and swings with the Sphinx dealing six and dropping Marek to 6 and passes, a lot faster than it took me to type this sentence too, even without that last bit! Marek uses Sedraxis Alchemist on the Sphinx desperately trying to but a turn hoping that Filip doesn't notice his own Colonnade but alas he does and the activation prompts the very disappointed handshake from Marek.
Filip Polasek defeats Marek Vardzik 2-0
Sunday 13:43 Round 11 - Slovak NationalsPetr Bero (U/W/r Planeswalker Control) vs Michal Havlik (Naya)
Petr wins the dice roll and Michal has to mulligan to 6, the mulligan hurts a little more when he misses his turn 2 land drop and turn 3 his Raging Ravine gets seas spread all over its face! Luckily he got a Hierarch out before and uses that to power out another at least giving him access to two out of three of his colours. Day of Judgement ends that plan and an Ajani Vengeant has Michal in a tough spot still not able to play anything on his turn 5 stuck with 1 Island, 1 Forest and 1 Mountain. When Petr drops Jace and starts Fatesealing Michal he knows times are bad. When his hand gets to 8 cards however he teases Petr with a "Ha! You fell for my plan!" - and ditches a Vengvine. Petr just laughs and Puts Ajani up to 7 and Fateseals again. When Petr draws the Raging Ravine he just smiles at the little bit of extra teasing from Petr before scooping them up.
Petr Bero takes the lead 1-0
For game 2 both keep their starting 7 and Michal leads with Ravine again but this time has the turn 2 land and drops a Scute Mob. Petr has Spreading Seas one turn earlier this game and hits the Ravine. Following that up with a Wall of Omens to Stem the bleeding from the Mob. Turn 4 sees Peter getting a Jace and Michal getting an Elspeth, she boosts up the Mob and he soars over the Wall of Omens and nudges Jace for lethal. Petr untags, drops a second wall and then Cunning Sparkmage to take care of Scute Mob just before it was bout to grow …intensely laaaarge!
Michal drops a Ranger of Ios going to get Birds of Paradise and a second(!) Scutemob. Petr shouts at Michal for being a nub and can't believe that "Terrible sh**!" Peter uses his own Elspeth to Legend Michal's away and Michal uses the opportunity to Bloodbraid, flipping a Quasali Pridemage. Which is quite relevant when your defence is 0/4 walls! Petr drops another Elspeth and starts pumping out chumpers. Michal responds with a Path on the Sparkmage and a second Bloodbraid flipping a Basilisk Collar. The Pridemage takes out the Spreading Seas and the Ravine joins forces with a Ranger and two Elves to hit Petr to 7. He's not too worried though as he just Day of Judgements the board and makes another soldier. Michal has another Bloodbraid however and Flips a Hierarch forcing a Soldier to chump.
Michal drops Scute Mob Oblivion Rings Elspeth but Petr trumps by dropping 2 Oblivion Rings, one on the Scute Mob and another on Michals Ring, and makes a Soldier. Michal has no follow up and just forces a Soldier to chump again. When Petr drops Baneslayer Angel Michal starts to look uncomfortable, he has the Basilisk Collar, does he still have Sparkmages in his deck? Who knows? Not me! …Michal probe does though! …..anyways, what he does draw however is Knight of the Reliquary which is quite chunky coming down as an 8/8 but Petr has another Oblivion Ring and hits with the Angel for good measure bringing the lifetotals to 22-19 in his favour.
Michal plays a Ranger of Eos and gets two more Noble Hierarch, equips his Birds with Collar and hits Elspeth for 3 taking her down to 4. Petr, unfazed, pumps his Angel and hits for 8. An O Ring off the top for Michal ends those shenanigans and brings the lifetotals back up to 17-28 in Petrs favour. With 12 minutes left on the clock it's hard to see this game ending in time. Especially after Petr casts Day of Judgement, quite happy to sit back on Elspeth. That plan doesn't last long however when Michal play Ajani Vengeant and Lighting Helixes Elspeth to death. Both players draw go for a while with Petr using his Soldier to gently pick at Michals life total but when he eventually draws Baneslayer Angel the Dynamics of the game change very fast and we could actually see a result. When Celestial Colonnade joins the attach force and Michal can't muster any more than a Bird and Heirarch, neither of which defend very well wearing a collar Michal realises it's time to get creative. He animates his freshly played Raging Ravine and hits for 5 to gain some life, and a turn. When he draws Oblivion Ring for the Angel it shows sometimes one turn is all you need. Now it's back to Petr to topdeck, which he doesn't, with his lifetotal at 37 though he does have some time, even when Michal reaches enough mana to double activate Ravine and gain 7 life.
Petr does rip another Angel and both players starting doing the maths mental with all this lifegain. Petr passes with the lifetotals at 25-10 in his favour. Michal draws a Quasili Pridemage, activates his Ravine twice and attacks for ten. Petr decides to put the Angel, his Colonnade and a Soldier token in the way. Michal sacs his Pridemage and points at the big pile of Oblivion Rings at the edge of the table. After sorting through them Michal finds the one he wants, the one with his own O Ring under it. He takes out the Angel and Ravine eats the Soldier and Colonnade. Things look grim for Petr but when he rips Spreading Seas he can't hide his relief. When that Spreading Seas feeds him Gideon Jura the relief turns into some serious excitement plus a few whistles from the crowd. For the 127th time this game Michals back is against the wall. Michal rips Vengevine but Gideon is a toughie and takes the hit, Petr asks his deck for business …and it produces, giving him Journey to nowhere on the Vengevine. Michal needs to rip again and does so with Elspeth, pumping his bird equipped with collar and swinging with 4. When Petr goes and rips AGAIN, producing his 4th Oblivion Ring, Michal just can't take it anymore and extends the hand for this epic match!
Petr Bero Defeats Michal Havlik 2-0
Sunday 14:15 Last round panic
Well Slovak nats actually had no panic at all going into the last round as there were 8 people on 24 or above and the next person down was at 21, meaning unless someone wanted to get tricky they just ID and were all locked in. Which they did.Czech nationals is a little different however with 28 being the lock only the top 4 are able to ID in the last round. 12 people sit on 24 points so they will all be playing it out and even still 2 people will be going home disappointed due to their tie breakers. The most interesting match in the last round is Lukas Blohon vs Jakub Toth. Very successful level 4 mage known all around the world for his skill and deckbuilding prowess against up and coming local youngster, only 16 but does have one Pro Tour appearance under his belt. The first game went to Toth and Mythic Conscription with a fast Sovereigns ending it in two hits. The second game was a bit more of a drawn out affair with Lukas and his Grixis deck holding a lot more control of the ground before Jace coupled with Siege Gang Commander and a full grip was too much for Jakub to handle. The third game went much like the second with a sea of Earthquakes and spot removal eventually clearing the way for Jace and Siege-Gang to take over the game and win it for Blohon.
Lukas Blohon defeats Jakub Toth 2-1
Though he lost Jakub showed incredible composure and skill throughout the match, definitely somebody to look out for!
Sunday 15:05 The Top 8 is called
Remember how yesterday morning I said Ondrej Hatala was a player to look out for? ...well when he started at 0-4 I thought I looked a little silly. While talking to him outside before round 5 he told me "Top 16 you only need 8 rounds of 12, I can easily still win 8 rounds out of 12!" he did! And he finished in 11th place getting himself 2 Pro Points along the way. 1 place behind Matej "Big Z" Zatlkaj in 10th. Unlucky 9th went to Filip Jalaksa and the rest of the Slovak top 8 (By pairing) is:
Zdenko Nouzovsky - UW Control | Robert Jurkovič 3:2 | Robert Jurkovič | |
Robert Jurkovic - UW Control | |||
Richard Glasner - Mythic Conscription | Richard Glasner 3:2 | ||
Janos Csomos - UW Control | Ivan Floch 3:0 | ||
Patrik Surab - Mythic Conscription | Patrik Surab 3:2 | ||
Peter Bero - UWR Planeswalkers | |||
Filip Polasek - Next Level Bant | Ivan Floch 3:0 | Ivan Floch 3:2 | |
Ivan Floch - UG Ramp |
The Czech top 8 is one of the strongest I've seen in a while with only one name in there not having a Pro Tour or GP top 8 (listed by pairing):
Jan Kotrla - UG Ramp | Lucas Blohon 3:1 | Lucas Blohon 3:1 | |
Lucas Blohon - Grixis | |||
Adom Koska - Jund | David Do Anh 3:2 | ||
David Do Anh - Mythic Conscription | Petr Nahodil 3:1 | ||
Petr Nahodil - Fritka | Petr Nahodil 3:2 | Petr Nahodil 3:1 | |
Jan Brodzak - UG Ramp | |||
Petr Kludka - Fritka | Svatopluk Sejkora 3:2 | ||
Svatopluk Sejkora - Mythic Conscription |
Sunday 16:30Quarter Final - Slovak Nationals
Zdenko Nouzovsky (U/W Control) vs Robert "Bob the Builder" Jurkovic (U/W Control)
Zdenko finished 2nd at last years Slovak nationals and is hoping to improve on that finish today. "Bob" has had his fair share of national team slots too and is no stranger to the big stage.
Game 1 starts with Bob winning the roll and keeping his 7, Zdenko mulligans to 6 and is happy. This game opens up as most U/W control mirrors do, slowly and a little boring with both players playing dray go. Jdeko uses a Knight of the White Orchid to catch up after missing some drops and drops an Angel. Bob takes care of it after one attack with Gideon Jura but that hits the yard next turn due to the planeswalkers equivalent of the legend rule. Peter then manages to get Planeswalker advantage resolving both Jace and Elspeth but Bob has unanswered O Rings for both and then drops his back-up Gideon Jura. Zdenko hits Bob with Colonnade who responds by hitting back with Gideon. This provokes the O Ring from Zdenko the nest turn followed by a Baneslayer and another Jace which Fateseals Bob. Bob then plays Mindspring for 10 tapping out not realising Zdenko has 2(!) Colonnades in his mana base which, along with Baneslayer hit for the exact 13 lifepoints he has left.
Zdenko Nouzovsky takes the lead 1-0
Game 2 and Zdenko starts off with a mulligan to 6 again. Turn 5 Zdenko turns an Colonnade into an Island and Bob uses the chance to try a baby Jace, Zdenko has the Negate but so does Bob. Zdenko untaps and drops Angel which Bob responds to with Gideon Jura. Back to Zdenko and he O Rings the Gideon and attacks baby Jace. Path to Exile gets rid of the angel and next turn baby Jace sacrifices himself for the greater good giving Bob a card and making room for daddy Jace. Daddy Jace gets Legend ruled and Bob tries Elspeth which gets negated but Bob has Elspeth number two and she sticks.
Bob drops some Walls of Omen and some Spreading Seas cycling through his deck and answers Zdenkos Baneslayer with a Day of Judgement before pumping out another Soldier. Zdenko tries to legend rule Elspeth and when that fails Baneslayer flies in and cracks her over the head lowering her to 3, next turn the Angel finishes the job, upsetting Bob. This gives Zdenko the chance to resolve daddy Jace and the lovely Elspeth, Bob sitting with just one card and not having done anything the previous turn is not looking too good.
One more draw and the Angel cracks in making in 2-0 to Zdenko Nouzovsky
Game 3 was another case of draw go with Bob cycling a wall on turn 2. Zdenko drops a Knight of the White Orchid which Bob answer with another Wall. When Zdenko wanted to negate that plan with Elspeth, Bob wanted to Negate Elspeth, which Zdenko Negated. It was a very negative turn. Bob legend rules Elspeth and when Zdenko replaces her with daddy Jace, Bob legend rules that as well. Zdenko then stick a Baneslayer which gives Bob the opportunity to resolve his own daddy Jace which bounces the Angel. Zdenko just replays her and passes. This time Bob opts to Brainstorm finding and casting Oblivion Ring on the Angel. Zdenko however instantly drops a replacement. Bob brainstorms again and finds another O RIng, this time Zdenko replies with Gideon Jura. Bob drops Elspeth, makes a soldier and passes. Zdenko cycles a Spreadable Sea and tries Daddy Jace which gets negated. Next turn he just wraths the board and uses Gideon to kill Elspeth. Bob just legend rules Gideon and passes. When Zdenko casts O Ring on Jace next turn the game really slow down. ….until Bob mainsprings for 11. Big Z lets me know at this point that even though these two sound calm they are swearing at each other in Slovak …..a lot!
Over the next few turns Oblivion Rings land all over the place and by the time they settle the only non Ring permanent on board is Bob's baby Jace, when Zdenko tries for his own Mind Springand Bob shows the Negate he was saving for it, Zdenko knows he's too far behind and scoops em up.
Robert Jurkovic wins to make it 2-1in Zdenko's favour
Game 4 starts with a little more action on Bob's side curving out with Spreading Sea, into baby Jace into Elspeth. Both planeswalkers get answered by Oblivion Rings and they board seems stable until Bob drops Elspeth number 2. Bob produces two Soldiers before Zdenko legend rules Elspeth. Zdenko takes a few more hits off the Soldiers before trying for Gideon. Bob tries for Negate but Zdenko has the Deprive bouncing the Colonnade with a Spreading Seas on it. When Bob went for Baneslayer, Zdenko went for Day of Judgement, Negate followed by Negate let it resolve and when Bob Martial Couped for 8 guys following it up with a Gideon Jura of his own Zdenko couldn't find an answer in time and they were off to the decider.
Robert Jurkovic ties it at 2-2
The decider is started again with a Spreading Seas from either side before Bob resolves daddy Jace followed by Baneslayer. Zdenko O Rings the Jace and drops a Kinight of the White Orchid followed next turn by an Elspeth which also gets O Ringed. Zdenko however has the backup Elspeth and makes a little guy. Bob makes a much larger guy in the shape of Baneslayer Angel and passes. Zdenko makes how own Angel and another little Soldier. On Bobs next turn there's a little dispute over whether he has Brainstormed or not this turn, when I'm asked i answer honestly "I have no fricking idea, everything looks the same to me!"
It's deceided that he hasn't already so he goes for it and drops a second Baneslayer and goes to Path Zdenko's Angel but Zdenko has the Negate. Zdenko drops a Gideon Jura and offs one of Bob's Angels but that comfort level is hot lived when Bob Mindsprings for 5. Zdenko responds with his own Mindspring immediately after, for 7. Bob uses Angel to kill Gideon Jura and then drops on of his own followed by an Elspeth making it look like the game is going back in his favour. ….Until Zdenko O Rings Bob's Gideon and drops one of his own. But Bob kills that with an Angel and drops another, bringing Gideon back over to Bob's side. Bob tries a Martial Coup for 8 guys and when Zdenko tries the Day of Judgement Bob has the Negate. Zdenko, down to 3 cards can do nothing more than drop a Knight of the White Orchid and pass with 2 lands in hand, deep in pain as Bob casts Mindspring for 8. Elspeth pumps one of the Soldiers and hits Zdenko for 10 bringing him to 10. He draws one more card, activates his 2 Colonnades and swings for 8, extending the hand in surrender before damage resolves.
Robert Jurkovic defeats Zdenko Nouzovsky 3-2
SundaySemi Final Czech Nationals
Lukas Blohon (Grixis Control) vs David Do Anh (Next Level Bant)
Unfortunately I did not get to actually watch this match myself but I will still provide a quick recount based on the Czech coverage.
Game 1 Dave mulligans and has every mana accelerator killed by Bolts or Terminates, eventually, running low on pressure he succumbs to a Siege Gang.
Game 2 it is Lukas who mulligans and Dave uses a Cobra to accelerate to a fast Elspeth followed by Baneslayer Angel. Dave keeps applying pressure playing fattie after fattie and Lukas just can't find the answers in time.
Game 3 Lukas mulligans again but is very happy with his 6 as it's packed with removal. After burning out all of Dave's mana guys he drops a Specter followed by Jace using the Unsummon ability to clear the way and Dave drawing off the top, which leads to death against Grixis.
With Lukas 2-1 up the decider sees David mulligan to 5 and see his first 3 creatures instantly killed, when Lukas follows all that up with a Blightning emptying Davids hand the writing is on the wall and Siege Gang Commander takes it home.
Lukas Blohon defeats David Do Anh 3-1
The Final - Czech NationalsPetr Nahodil (Red Deck Wins) Vs Lukas Blohon (Grixis Control)
Game 1
So for Peter this could be the third Czech title for one of the most relaxed players in the country, standing in his way, the most successful Czech player this season, Lukas Blohoň. Petr wins the dice roll and mulligans to 6 but seems happy with them, Lukas keeps his 7. Petr opens on Dragon lord and takes Lukas to 14 leveling the bad boy up along the way before it gets terminated. Lukas plays Specter which gets hit by Burst Lightning. Lukas plays Blightning on his frouth turn and in response Petr sends six at the dome with 2 Bolts. Lukas drops a Siege Gang and passed back. Petr plays Earthquake for two and clears the table. Lukas tries a Brainstorm off the Jace but when Petr sends a Hellspark Elemental as his face Lukas scoops em up.
Game 2
Petr starts on Goblin Guide which reveals a Flashfreeze and goes in for two. Petr has no follow up play and tells Lukas he's probably good. Another round of attacks and Hellspark joins the team but also reveals a Flashfreeze, from Lukas' hand! yeah it wat the same one. Next turn Hellspark comes back and Lukas has no answer and is yet to play a guy. Next turn Lucas goes with Blightning but it doesn't stop the Guide coming in again. Lukas tries to start a defending force with Specter but a flurry of burn puts an end to that idea.
Game 3
Petr mulligans and Lukas opens on Inquisition and see's three land, 3 burn spells and a Hells Thunder. He takes a Bolt and passes. Peter plays nothing for firs two turns and Lukas gets a Specter down on turn 3 which gets burned out and followed by Hells Thunder. Petr sends in a ball Lightning next turn and it looks bad for Lukas. But on the following attack from the Thunder from Hell he has the Doomblade to stop 4 and gets another Specter down. The Specter hits and Lukas follows up with Blightning emptying Petr's hand. When Petr can't draw anything relevant Lukas gets his first win.Game 4 For the fourth game both players mulligan. Petr opens on Hellspark on his third turn but doesn't drop a land. Lukas drops a Specter and Petr hits it with a Bolt, when Lukas Blightnings next turn Petr ditches two more Bolts and when the Spectre is unearthed next turn his hand is empty. Lukas follows up with a fresh Spectre and passes. Petr draws and thinks. Realizing he's not getting back in control of the game and his only chance is to draw enough burn to kill Lukas, he throws his freshly drawn Searing Blaze at Lukas' face. Lukas sends in the Specter and passes having no follow up. Peter has nine draw steps before he dies to Specter and starts knocking his deck hard before each draw. Turns out the “Pro Tour Tap” might actually work as he draws Ball Lightning, Lighting Bolt, Earthquake. Just enough to finish Lukas off and take the title!
Petr Nahodl wins 3-0 and takes the title!!
Sunday 18:25 Top 8 Decklists
Czech Top 8 decklists:
UG Ramp Jan Kotrla Main Deck Sideboard 4 Lotus Cobra
3 Avenger of Zendikar
3 Rampant Growth
4 Time Warp
4 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
4 Oracle of Mul Daya
3 Mind Spring
2 Ponder
4 Explore
5 Island
4 Halimar Depths
3 Tectonic Edge
6 Forest
1 Verdant Catacombs
2 Scalding Tarn
4 Misty Rainforest
4 Khalni Garden
3 Roil Elemental
3 Narcolepsy
3 Flashfreeze
2 Negate
2 Sphinx of Jwar Isle
2 Pelakka Wurm
Mythic Conscription Sejkora Svatopluk Main Deck Sideboard 3 Verdant Catacombs
4 Misty Rainforest
1 Arid Mesa
2 Sunpetal Grove
4 Celestial Colonnade
2 Island
2 Plains
4 Forest
1 Sejiri Steppe
1 Stirring Wildwood
4 Baneslayer Angel
4 Noble Hierarch
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Rhox War Monk
4 Lotus Cobra
4 Sovereigns of Lost Alara
4 Knight of the Reliquary
3 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
3 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
2 Eldrazi Conscription
3 Path to Exile
2 Linvala, Keeper of Silence
2 Gideon Jura
3 Dauntless Escort
3 Negate
1 Oblivion Ring
1 Sphinx of Jwar Isle
Fritka Petr Nahodil Main Deck Sideboard 4 Scalding Tarn
4 Hell´s Thunder
4 Ball Lightning
8 Mountain
4 Hellspark Elemental
4 Searing Blaze
4 Burst Lightning
4 Smoldering Spires
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Teetering Peeks
4 Goblin Guide
2 Kargan Dragonlord
4 Arid Mesa
4 Staggershock
2 Earthquake
2 Forked Bolt
3 Manabarbs
2 Quenchable Fire
4 Dragon´s Claw
4 Cunning Sparkmage
Mythic Conscription David Do Anh Main Deck Sideboard 4 Noble Hierarch
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Lotus Cobra
3 Dauntless Escort
3 Baneslayer Angel
4 Knight of the Reliquary
4 Sovereigns of Lost Alara
2 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
3 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
2 Gideon Jura
2 Eldrazi Conscription
4 Forest
2 Island
2 Plains
4 Misty Rainforest
2 Verdant Catacombs
2 Arid Mesa
4 Celestial Colonnade
1 Stirring Wildwood
2 Sunpetal Grove
2 Sejiri Steppe
3 Kor Firewalker
1 Admonition Angel
2 Sphinx of Jwar Isle
2 Linvala, Keeper of Silence
3 Bant Charm
4 Negate
Jund Adam Koska Main Deck Sideboard 4 Putrid Leech
4 Sprounting Thrinax
4 Bloodbraid Elf
1 Seige-gang Commander
1 Broodmate Dragon
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Terminate
4 Blightning
4 Maelstrom Pulse
2 Sharkan the Mad
3 Bituminous Blast
4 Savage Lands
4 Raging Ravine
4 Verdant Catacombs
2 Lavaclaw Reaches
3 Dragonskull Summit
3 Forest
3 Swamp
4 Mountain
4 Cunning Sparkmage
4 Goblin Ruinblaster
3 Doom Blade
3 Duress
1 Sarkhan the Mad
UG Rampa Jan Brodzak Main Deck Sideboard 4 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
4 Time Warp
4 Oracle of Mul Daya
4 Avenger of Zendikar
4 Lotus Cobra
4 Explore
3 Rampant Growth
3 Mind Spring
1 Ponder
1 Verdant Catacombs
1 Scalding Tarn
5 Island
6 Forest
4 Halimar Depths
4 Khalni Garden
4 Tectonic Edge
4 Misty Rainforest
2 Flashfreeze
2 Negate
2 All Is Dust
2 Roil Elemental
2 Pelakka Wurm
2 Sphinx of Jwar Isle
3 Narcolepsy
Fritka Petr Kludka Main Deck Sideboard 4 Goblin Guide
4 Kiln Fiend
4 Zektar Shrine Expedition
4 Earthquake
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Burst Lightning
4 Plated Geopede
4 Searing Blaze
4 Staggershock
4 Scalding Tarn
4 Arid Mesa
3 Smoldering Spires
2 Evolving Wilds
11 Mountain
4 Dragon´s Claw
3 Blazing Torch
2 Unstable Footing
2 Forked Bolt
2 Flame Slash
Grixis Lukas Blohon Main Deck Sideboard 4 Crumbling Necropolis
4 Creeping Tar Pit
4 Dragonskull Summit
1 Evolving Wilds
1 Drowned Catacomb
4 Scalding Tarn
2 Swamp
3 Island
3 Mountain
4 Sedraxis Specter
4 Siege-Gang Commander
4 Spreading Seas
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Terminate
4 Blightning
3 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
1 Jace Beleren
2 Cruel Ultimatum
1 Prophetic Prism
1 Sorin Markov
3 Flashfreeze
3 Goblin Ruinblaster
2 Sphinx of Jwar Isle
1 Jace Beleren
1 Duress
1 Forked Bolt
1 Doom Blade
1 Inquisition of Kozilek
1 Countersquall
1 Consume the Meek
Slovak TOP 8 decklist:
UW Control Zdenko Nouzovský Main Deck Sideboard 4 Knight of the White Orchid
4 Fieldmist Borderpost
4 Spreading Seas
4 Baneslayer Angel
3 Day of Judgment
3 Wall of Omens
3 Path to Exile
3 Oblivion Ring
2 Mind Spring
2 Gideon Jura
3 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
1 Martial Coup
4 Celestial Colonnade
4 Glacial Fortress
2 Tectonic Edge
7 Plains
5 Island
2 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
2 Celestial Purge
3 Flashfreeze
3 Kor Firewalker
3 Negate
1 Oblivion Ring
1 Deprive
1 Martial Coup
1 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
UG Ramp Ivan Floch Main Deck Sideboard 3 Rampant Growth
1 Ponder
4 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
3 Mind Spring
4 Explore
4 Avenger of Zendikar
4 Time Warp
4 Oracle of Mul Daya
4 Lotus Cobra
1 Scalding Tarn
1 Verdant Catacombs
4 Halimar Depths
4 Khalni Garden
3 Tectonic Edge
4 Misty Rainforest
6 Forest
6 Island
3 Narcolepsy
2 Negate
3 Fog
2 Roil Elemental
4 Pelakka Wurm
1 All Is Dust
Mythic Conscription Patrik Šurab Main Deck Sideboard 3 Verdant Catacombs
4 Misty Rainforest
2 Sunpetal Grove
4 Celestial Colonnade
2 Island
1 Plains
5 Forest
2 Sejiri Steppe
2 Stirring Wildwood
3 Baneslayer Angel
4 Noble Hierarch
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Lotus Cobra
4 Sovereigns of Lost Alara
4 Knight of the Reliquary
3 Dauntless Escort
3 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
3 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
2 Eldrazi Conscription
2 Vines of Vastwood
3 Linvala, Keeper of Silence
4 Negate
2 Oblivion Ring
4 Kor Firewalker
2 Rhox War Monk
UW Control János Csómos Main Deck Sideboard 4 Path to Exile
4 Wall of Omens
2 Deprive
4 Spreading Seas
2 Oblivion Ring
2 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
3 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
3 Day of Judgment
2 Mind Spring
3 Martial Coup
2 Sphinx of Jwar Isle
4 Island
5 Plains
3 Tectonic Edge
2 Marsh Flats
2 Halimar Depths
2 Sejiri Refuge
4 Glacial Fortress
4 Celestial Colonnade
3 Everflowing Chalice
2 Celestial Purge
3 Kor Firewalker
2 Flashfreeze
2 Relic of Progenitus
2 Jace Beleren
2 Oblivion Ring
2 Negate
Mythic Conscription Richard Glasner Main Deck Sideboard 4 Forest
2 Plains
2 Island
1 Sejiri Steppe
1 Terramorphic Expanse
1 Stirring Wildwood
1 Seaside Citadel
2 Sunpetal Grove
4 Celestial Colonnade
4 Misty Rainforest
1 Arid Mesa
2 Verdant Catacombs
4 Noble Hierarch
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Lotus Cobra
3 Baneslayer Angel
4 Sovereigns of Lost Alara
4 Knight of Reliquary
3 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
3 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
1 Gideon Jura
3 Dauntless Escort
2 Eldrazi Conscription
2 Rhox War Monk
1 Gideon Jura
1 Baneslayer Angel
2 Oblivion Ring
2 Celestial Purge
3 Kor Firewalker
2 Negate
2 Deprive
UWR Planeswalkers Peter Bero Main Deck Sideboard 4 Plains
3 Island
2 Mountain
4 Celestial Colonnade
2 Path to Exile
2 Journey to Nowhere
4 Wall of Omens
3 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
4 Oblivion Ring
3 Jace Beleren
4 Spreading Seas
4 Day of Judgment
3 Scalding Tarn
3 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
2 Gideon Jura
2 Tectonic Edge
1 Sejiri Refuge
3 Ajani Vengeant
4 Glacial Fortress
3 Arid Mesa
4 Baneslayer Angel
2 Celestial Purge
2 Kor Firewalker
4 Negate
3 Cunning Sparkmage
Next Level Bant Filip Polášek Main Deck Sideboard 4 Celestial Colonnade
1 Stirring Wildwood
3 Seaside Citadel
3 Sunpetal Grove
4 Misty Rainforest
6 Forest
2 Island
1 Plains
4 Vengevine
2 Sphinx of the Lost Truth
2 Ranger of Eos
1 Scute Mob
2 Oblivion Ring
2 Path to Exile
1 Bant Charm
3 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
3 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
1 Gideon Jura
4 Noble Hierarch
3 Birds of Paradise
1 Borderland Ranger
4 Wall of Omens
3 Seagate Oracle
2 Negate
2 Deprive
2 Sphinx of Jwar Isle
1 Martial Coup
2 Linvala, Keeper of Silence
2 Celestial Purge
2 Oblivion Ring
2 Qasali Pridemage
UW Control Robert Jurkovič Main Deck Sideboard 3 Tectonic Edge
4 Glacial Fortress
4 Celestial Colonnade
2 Sejiri Refuge
5 Island
7 Plains
2 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
4 Baneslayer Angel
2 Gideon Jura
3 Day of Judgment
2 Mind Spring
1 Martial Coup
2 Negate
4 Wall of Omens
3 Path to Exile
3 Oblivion Ring
3 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
4 Spreading Seas
2 Everflowing Chalice
2 Jace Beleren
2 Sphinx of Jwar Isle
3 Flashfreeze
3 Celestial Purge
3 Kor Firewalker
2 Negate
Our Champions!
Czech champion: Petr Nahodil
Slovak Champion: Ivan Floch
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všechny komentářeStředeční výhledy 1/2025
Obecně souhlasím. Zde konkrétně bych řekl, že tyto Výhledy byly dány tím, kdy se vrátím z "vánoční pauzy", takže prostě vyšly, kdy...
všechny komentářePřehled formátů karetní hry Magic the Gathering - I.
Tak ale to je v poriadku. K EDH musíš pristupovať s iným mindsetom ako napr. k modernu. Pri moderne ťa zaujíma akurát porazenie súpera a je...
všechny komentářeReport z 4. ročníku Legacy turnaje Memoriál Davida Gilla
Díky moc za vydařený report a věřím, že příští rok mi to už na turnaj vyjde. Legacče zdar!-)
všechny komentářeStředeční výhledy 22/2024
Uff... Hodně drsné... :-) Dal sis s tím nehorázně moc práce, takže moc díky! Určitě si to všechno projdu a do dalších Výhledů určitě...
všechny komentáře